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Created November 16, 2023 01:37
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* Copyright The OpenTelemetry Authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.library.httpurlconnection;
import static io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.library.httpurlconnection.internal.HttpUrlConnectionSingletons.instrumenter;
import io.opentelemetry.api.GlobalOpenTelemetry;
import io.opentelemetry.context.Context;
import io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.library.httpurlconnection.internal.RequestPropertySetter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;
public class HttpUrlReplacements {
// WeakHashMap has weak references to the key, and when the key is garbage collected
// the entry is effectively removed from the map. This means that we never have to
// remove entries from the map.
private static final WeakHashMap<URLConnection, HttpURLConnectionInfo> activeURLConnections;
public static final int UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_CODE = -1;
static {
activeURLConnections = new WeakHashMap<>();
public static synchronized void replacementForConnect(URLConnection c) throws IOException {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
reportWithThrowable(c, e);
throw e;
// connect() does not read anything from connection so request not harvestable yet (to be
// reported if left idle).
public static synchronized Object replacementForContent(URLConnection c) throws IOException {
Object content;
try {
content = c.getContent();
} catch (IOException e) {
reportWithThrowable(c, e);
throw e;
return content;
public static synchronized Object replacementForContent(URLConnection c, Class<?>[] classes)
throws IOException {
Object content;
try {
content = c.getContent(classes);
} catch (IOException e) {
reportWithThrowable(c, e);
throw e;
return content;
public static synchronized String replacementForContentType(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getContentType);
public static synchronized String replacementForContentEncoding(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getContentEncoding);
public static synchronized int replacementForContentLength(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getContentLength);
// TODO: uncomment and correct return value when animal sniffer is disabled
public static synchronized long replacementForContentLengthLong(URLConnection c) {
// long contentLengthLong = c.getContentLengthLong();
// return contentLengthLong;
return 1L;
public static synchronized long replacementForExpiration(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getExpiration);
public static synchronized long replacementForDate(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getDate);
public static synchronized long replacementForLastModified(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getLastModified);
public static synchronized String replacementForHeaderField(URLConnection c, String name) {
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderField(name));
public static synchronized Map<String, List<String>> replacementForHeaderFields(URLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getHeaderFields);
public static synchronized int replacementForHeaderFieldInt(
URLConnection c, String name, int Default) {
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderFieldInt(name, Default));
// TODO: uncomment and correct return value when animal sniffer is disabled
public static synchronized long replacementForHeaderFieldLong(
URLConnection c, String name, long Default) {
// long headerFieldLong = c.getHeaderFieldLong(name, Default);
// return headerFieldLong;
return 1L;
public static synchronized long replacementForHeaderFieldDate(
URLConnection c, String name, long Default) {
// HttpURLConnection also overrides this and that is covered in
// replacementForHttpHeaderFieldDate method.
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderFieldDate(name, Default));
public static synchronized long replacementForHttpHeaderFieldDate(
HttpURLConnection c, String name, long Default) {
// URLConnection also overrides this and that is covered in replacementForHeaderFieldDate
// method.
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderFieldDate(name, Default));
public static synchronized String replacementForHeaderFieldKey(URLConnection c, int n) {
// HttpURLConnection also overrides this and that is covered in
// replacementForHttpHeaderFieldKey method.
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderFieldKey(n));
public static synchronized String replacementForHttpHeaderFieldKey(HttpURLConnection c, int n) {
// URLConnection also overrides this and that is covered in replacementForHeaderFieldKey
// method.
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderFieldKey(n));
public static synchronized String replacementForHeaderField(URLConnection c, int n) {
// HttpURLConnection also overrides this and that is covered in
// replacementForHttpHeaderField method.
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderField(n));
public static synchronized String replacementForHttpHeaderField(HttpURLConnection c, int n) {
// URLConnection also overrides this and that is covered in replacementForHeaderField
// method.
return replace(c, () -> c.getHeaderField(n));
public static synchronized int replacementForResponseCode(URLConnection c) throws IOException {
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) c;
return replaceThrowable(c, con::getResponseCode);
public static synchronized String replacementForResponseMessage(URLConnection c)
throws IOException {
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) c;
return replaceThrowable(c, httpURLConnection::getResponseMessage);
public static synchronized OutputStream replacementForOutputStream(URLConnection c)
throws IOException {
return replaceThrowable(c, c::getOutputStream, false);
public static synchronized InputStream replacementForInputStream(URLConnection c)
throws IOException {
InputStream inputStream;
try {
inputStream = c.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
reportWithThrowable(c, e);
throw e;
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) c;
return inputStream;
public static synchronized InputStream replacementForErrorStream(HttpURLConnection c) {
return replace(c, c::getErrorStream);
private static <T> T replace(URLConnection c, ResultProvider<T> resultProvider){
T result = resultProvider.get();
return result;
private static <T> T replaceThrowable(URLConnection c, ThrowableResultProvider<T> resultProvider) throws IOException {
return replaceThrowable(c, resultProvider, true);
private static <T> T replaceThrowable(URLConnection c, ThrowableResultProvider<T> resultProvider, boolean shouldMarkHarvestable) throws IOException {
T result;
try {
result = resultProvider.get();
} catch (IOException e) {
reportWithThrowable(c, e);
throw e;
return result;
interface ResultProvider<T> {
T get();
interface ThrowableResultProvider<T> {
T get() throws IOException;
private static synchronized void reportWithThrowable(URLConnection c, IOException e) {
endTracing(c, UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_CODE, e);
private static synchronized void reportWithResponseCode(HttpURLConnection c) {
try {
endTracing(c, c.getResponseCode(), null);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO: Log instrumentation error in getting response code
private static synchronized void endTracing(
URLConnection c, int responseCode, Throwable error) {
HttpURLConnectionInfo info = activeURLConnections.get(c);
if (info != null && !info.reported) {
Context context = info.context;
instrumenter().end(context, c, responseCode, error);
info.reported = true;
private static synchronized void startTracingAtFirstConnection(URLConnection c) {
Context parentContext = Context.current();
if (!instrumenter().shouldStart(parentContext, c)) {
if (activeURLConnections.get(c) == null) {
Context context = instrumenter().start(parentContext, c);
activeURLConnections.put(c, new HttpURLConnectionInfo(context));
try {
injectContextToRequest(c, context);
} catch (Exception e) {
// If connection was already made prior to setting this request property,
// (which should not happen as we've instrumented all methods that connect)
// above call would throw IllegalStateException.
// TODO: Log instrumentation error in trying to add request header for tracing
private static synchronized void injectContextToRequest(
URLConnection connection, Context context) {
.inject(context, connection, RequestPropertySetter.INSTANCE);
private static synchronized void updateLastSeenTime(URLConnection c) {
final HttpURLConnectionInfo info = activeURLConnections.get(c);
if (info != null && !info.reported) {
info.lastSeenTime = System.nanoTime();
private static synchronized void markHarvestable(URLConnection c) {
final HttpURLConnectionInfo info = activeURLConnections.get(c);
if (info != null && !info.reported) {
info.harvestable = true;
static synchronized void reportIdleConnectionsOlderThan(long timeIntervalInNanoSec) {
final long timeNow = System.nanoTime();
for (URLConnection c : activeURLConnections.keySet()) {
final HttpURLConnectionInfo info = activeURLConnections.get(c);
if (info != null
&& info.harvestable
&& !info.reported
&& (info.lastSeenTime + timeIntervalInNanoSec) < timeNow) {
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) c;
private static class HttpURLConnectionInfo {
private long lastSeenTime;
private boolean reported;
private boolean harvestable;
private Context context;
private HttpURLConnectionInfo(Context context) {
this.context = context;
// Using System.nanoTime() as it is independent of device clock and any changes to that.
lastSeenTime = System.nanoTime();
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