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Last active May 30, 2016 23:43
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simple good vimrc for perl
"copy from
set nocompatible
set bs=2
set expandtab
set ts=4
set shiftwidth=4
set textwidth=78
set nowrap
set ruler
set autowrite
set hlsearch
set hidden
set autoindent
set fenc=utf8
set incsearch
set showmatch
set smarttab
filetype plugin on
syntax on
colorscheme evening " so we can actually read the darned comments
nohl " start without highlighting, fer crissakes
noremap ,pt :%!perltidy -q<cr> " only work in 'normal' mode
noremap ,qq :%s/(\n\s\+\(qq\?\)\[/(\1[<cr>
noremap ,c :!perl -Ilib -c %<cr>
noremap ,ca :!cvs annotate % <bar> less <cr>
noremap ,cl :!cvs diff % <bar> wc -l <cr>
noremap ,d :!perl -Ilib -d %<cr>
noremap ,h :nohl<cr>
noremap ,j :ls<cr>:e#
noremap ,pd :!perldoc %<cr>
noremap ,r :!perl -Ilib %<cr>
noremap ,s :!subs %<cr>
noremap ,t :!runtests -lpv -It/lib -It/tests "%"<cr>
noremap ,tc0 :%s/^\v\s*sub\s+\w+[^:]*:.*Tests?\s*(\(\s*(no_plan\|\d+)\s*\))?\s*\{.*$/& ;return;<cr>
noremap ,tc1 :%s/^\v(\s*sub\s+\w+[^:]*:.*Test.*\{.*) ;return;/\1/<cr>
noremap ,tm ?^sub.*:.*Test<cr>w"zyeOBEGIN { $ENV{TEST_METHOD} = '<c-r>z' }<esc>:nohl<cr>&
vnoremap ,pt :!perltidy -q<cr> " only work in 'visual' mode
vnoremap ,qq :s/(\n\s\+\(qq\?\)\[/(\1[<cr>
" automatically source the .vimrc file if I change it
" the bang (!) forces it to overwrite this command rather than stack it
au! BufWritePost .vimrc source %
noremap ,v :source ~/.vimrc<cr>
noremap ,V :e ~/.vimrc<cr>
" make sure the backspace key works
if &term=="xterm"
" this is a "control-v backspace"
set t_kb=^?
" make tab autocomplete :)
function! InsertTabWrapper()
let col = col('.') - 1
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k'
return "\<tab>"
return "\<c-p>"
inoremap <tab> <c-r>=InsertTabWrapper()<cr>
" the following ensures that I cannot commit a file until I've done a quick
" code review
noremap ,cd :call SourceReview()<cr> " cvs diff
noremap ,cc :call SourceCommit()<cr> " cvs commit
let g:last_tick = 0
function! SourceReview()
:!cvs diff % | less
let g:last_tick = b:changedtick
function! SourceCommit()
if g:last_tick == b:changedtick
:!EDITOR=/home/cpoe/bin/vim/bin/vim cvs commit %
let g:last_tick = b:changedtick
echohl WarningMsg
echo "You cannot commit source code until you review it"
echohl None
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