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Andrew Brehaut brehaut

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brehaut / Open all selected links
Created November 4, 2010 23:46
A bookmarklet to open all the links in the current selection in new windows/tabs.
brehaut / pivot-on.clj
Created February 3, 2011 02:58
a scruffy implementation of a function to pivot on a predicate
(defn pivot-on
"This is about the worst way you could ever write this"
[p coll]
(first (reduce (fn [[[l r] pivoted] v]
(if pivoted
[[l (conj r v)] true]
(if (p v)
[[l r] true]
[[(conj l v) r] false])))
[[[] []] false]
brehaut / fix-parens.clj
Created March 10, 2011 21:48
fix-parens; a function to correct bracket types
(use 'name.choi.joshua.fnparse)
(def tokenize (partial re-seq #"\\[\[\](){}]|\"(?:\\.|[^\"])*\"|[\[\](){}]|[^\[\](){}]+"))
(def initial-state (comp (partial array-map :remainder) tokenize))
(def brackets {"[" "]" "(" ")" "{" "}"})
(def opening (term (set (keys brackets))))
(->> (re-seq #"(?i)(\d+)\.|(yes|no)" "no1. asdf\n\nasdf foo yes2.\n\nfsdf\nno yes no")
(map rest)
(partition-by first)
(drop-while (comp nil? ffirst))
(partition 2)
(map (fn [s] (let [[i & r] (keep identity (flatten s))]
[(Integer/parseInt i)
(-> (last r) .toLowerCase first (= \y))])))
(into {}))
brehaut / iphone-window.js
Created June 20, 2011 04:41
Bookmarklet that opens the current page in an iphone sized window
(function () {
var w =, window.title, false);
w.onload = function () {
var b = w.document.body; = "scroll";
brehaut /
Created June 28, 2011 23:18
Script to generate a mock directory of media based on a listing
This script takes a listing of folders and filenames (as generated by `ls -R > listing`) on standard input
and the pathname for a set of media as the argument to argv.
python _source < test/listing.txt
The files listed in listing are then mocked from the media files using the filenames in the input, and
; archaic, an alternative to
(defn temp-gr
[start by end]
(fn [x]
(when (<= start x end)
(let [lower (* (quot x by) by)
upper (+ lower by)]
(keyword (str lower "-" upper))))))
brehaut / lsystem.js
Created November 9, 2011 01:17
l-system generator
function l_system (productions, depth, s) {
if (depth === 0) return s;
return $.map(s, function (v) {
return l_system(productions, depth - 1, productions(v) || [v]);
function run_turtle (turtle, operations, commands) {
$.each(commands, function (_, c) {
(operations[c] || $.noop)(turtle);
brehaut / apropos-ns.clj
Created November 29, 2011 01:24
apropos that returns a seq of symbols that include their namespace
;; hacked out of clojure.repl/apropos and prepending namespaces
(defn apropos-ns
"Given a regular expression or stringable thing, return a seq of
all definitions in all currently-loaded namespaces that match the
(let [matches? (if (instance? java.util.regex.Pattern str-or-pattern)
#(re-find str-or-pattern (str %))
#(.contains (str %) (str str-or-pattern)))]
ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
ifr.contentDocument.write("<script language='javascript'>window.Object2 = Object;</script>");
o = new ifr.contentWindow.Object2();
o instanceof Object; // => false