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Created August 16, 2023 07:18
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Basic code to add a tree as an excavation in D-Stability using the adjusted geolib version
from typing import List, Tuple
import logging
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import shutil
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString
from shapely.ops import unary_union, orient
from geolib.models.dstability import DStabilityModel
from import Point
# Setup the folder to the available calculations
# TODO should point to the sharepoint location
CALCULATIONS_FOLDER = "./data/berekeningen"
# this is a temp directory to save calculation files that are created
# we need to serialize the models before we can calculate them
PATH_TEMP = r"D:\Documents\_TEMP"
# this exe is needed to convert old stix files so geolib can read them
DSTABILITY_BIN_FOLDER = r"D:\Apps\D-GEO Suite\D-Stability 2023.01\bin"
# this allows us to make easy adjustments but the values are static
# this script does not use logging but we need to allow some logging
# because we expect problems like missing calculations, faulty
# calculations, trees outside of the calculation limits etc
logging.basicConfig(filename="./ontgrondingskuil.log", level=logging.INFO, filemode="w")
# this is a simple dataclass that is used to store the information
# of the stix file
class StixFile(BaseModel):
path: str # path to the file
dijkvak_id: str # dijkvak name like A119 based on the filename like A119_0100.stix
chainage: int # the chainage (meterering) e.g. 100 based on the filename like A119_0100.stix
def convert_stix(stix_file: str) -> str:
"""Convert the given stix file to the new stix format
stix_file (str): Path to the file
str: The new path (we add _converted to the original name)
p = Path(stix_file)
s = str(Path(p.parent.absolute() / f"{p.stem}_converted.stix"))
exe = str(Path(DSTABILITY_BIN_FOLDER) / "D-Stability Migration Console.exe")[exe, stix_file, s])
return s
def case_insensitive_glob(filepath: str, fileextension: str) -> List[Path]:
"""Find files with the given extension (e.g. .jpg or .stix) in the given path
filepath (str): The path to search for the files (recursive)
fileextension (str): The extension to look for (e.g. .jpg, .stix)
List[Path]: A list of filepaths that are found based on the filter
p = Path(filepath)
result = []
for filename in p.glob("**/*"):
if str(filename.suffix).lower() == fileextension.lower():
return result
def get_stix_files_from_path(path: str) -> List[StixFile]:
"""Find all stix files in the given path and extract extra information
based on the filename
path (str): Path to the files
List[StixFile]: A list of StixFile classes with extra information based on the filename
result = []
stix_files = case_insensitive_glob(path, ".stix")
for f in stix_files:
filename = Path(f).stem
args = filename.split("_")
dtcode = args[0]
chainage = int(args[1])
result.append(StixFile(path=str(f), dijkvak_id=dtcode, chainage=chainage))
except Exception as e:
# TODO log that this filename cannot be converted to a dijkvak and chainage
# TODO all files found here need to get a valid filename
# our team will have to do that
return result
def get_surface_from_polygon(polygon: Polygon) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]:
"""Get the surface from a polygon (the highest points from the left to right boundaries)
polygon (Polygon): A shapely polygon
ValueError: Will be thrown if we cannot find a surface
List[Tuple[float, float]]: The surface from left to right
boundary = orient(polygon, sign=-1)
points = [
(round(p[0], 3), round(p[1], 3))
for p in list(zip(*boundary.exterior.coords.xy))[:-1]
# get the leftmost point
left = min([p[0] for p in points])
right = max([p[0] for p in points])
topleft_point = sorted([p for p in points if p[0] == left], key=lambda x: x[1])[-1]
# get the index of this point
idx = points.index(topleft_point)
boundary = points[idx:] + points[:idx]
surface = []
for p in boundary:
if p[0] == right:
return surface
raise ValueError("Could not determine the surface of the given polygon")
def polygon_from_dstability_model(dm: DStabilityModel) -> Polygon:
"""Convert the dstability model soillayers to one encapsulating polygon,
Note that we will ONLY convert the first found geometry (scenario 0, stage 0)!
dm (DStabilityModel): The DStabilityModel
Polygon: A shapely polygon encapsulating all soillayers in the model
# note we will only use the first geometry in the calculation!
layers = [
Polygon([p.X, p.Z] for p in l.Points) for l in dm._get_geometry(0, 0).Layers
return unary_union(layers)
def get_z_at(polygon: Polygon, x: float) -> float:
"""Get the highest z coordinate of the given polygon at the given x location
polygon (Polygon): The shapely polygon
x (float): The location to find the z coordinate
ValueError: Raised if the x is not within the limits of the polygon
float: the highest z coordinate of the found intersections
xx, yy = polygon.exterior.xy
xmax = max(xx)
xmin = min(xx)
ymax = max(yy) + 1.0
ymin = min(yy) - 1.0
if x < xmin or x > xmax:
raise ValueError(
f"Trying to get a za value outside the x boundary [{xmin},{xmax}]"
ls = LineString([(x, ymax), (x, ymin)])
intersections = ls.intersection(polygon)
return (
round(max(intersections.xy[1]), 3) + 0.001
) # round and add a mm just to be sure
def get_surface_points_between(
polygon: Polygon, x_start: float, x_end: float
) -> List[Point]:
"""Get the points of the surface of a polygon between the given x coordinates
polygon (Polygon): The shapely polygon
x_start (float): Start x coordinate
x_end (float): End x coordinate
List[Point]: A list of surface points ordered from left to right
surface = get_surface_from_polygon(polygon)
return [p for p in surface if p[0] > x_start and p[0] < x_end]
def main():
# Read in stix files
stix_files = get_stix_files_from_path(CALCULATIONS_FOLDER)
# Iterate over all files
# TODO > this should actually iterate over all trees
# and per tree find the calculation based on the dijktraject code
# and chainage
for stix_file in stix_files:
# get the original filename
filename = Path(stix_file.path).stem
# and create the new one but in the temporary path
new_filename = str(Path(PATH_TEMP) / f"{filename}.stix")
# move to temp folder for editing and calculation
shutil.copyfile(stix_file.path, new_filename)
stix_file.path = new_filename
# read the file into the model
dm = DStabilityModel()
try: # old files may create errors, if this happens it probably is an old version
except ValueError: # old format, convert and try again
stix_file.path = convert_stix(stix_file.path)
try: # mmm.. nested try except, not really nice but hey, it works!
except Exception as e:
pass # todo, log, ok, that's not the reason.. log the error
else: # different error, log
# TODO calculate the current SF (safety factor)
# dm.execute()
# get the new SF
# sf_old = dm.get_result(0, 0).FactorOfSafety
# now the 'difficult part' we don't know the z value at the given x coordinates
# so we have to do some calculations
one_big_happy_polygon = polygon_from_dstability_model(dm)
x_tree = 10 # this should be determined from the database
x1 = x_tree - TREE_WIDTH / 2.0 # left x coordinate of the 'ontgrondingskuil'
x2 = x_tree + TREE_WIDTH / 2.0 # right x coordinate of the 'ontgrondingskuil'
# get the according z coordinates
z1 = get_z_at(one_big_happy_polygon, x1)
z2 = get_z_at(one_big_happy_polygon, x2)
# create a list of points that define the 'ontgrondingskuil'
# first add the leftmost points
excavation_points = [Point(x=x1, z=z1), Point(x=x1, z=z1 - TREE_DEPTH)]
# follow the surface from x1 to x2 and get the intermediate points
surface_points = get_surface_points_between(one_big_happy_polygon, x1, x2)
for p in surface_points:
excavation_points.append(Point(x=p[0], z=p[1] - TREE_DEPTH))
# add the rightmost points
excavation_points.append(Point(x=x2, z=z2 - TREE_DEPTH))
excavation_points.append(Point(x=x2, z=z2))
# finally.. we can add this excavation using the adjusted geolib version
dm.add_excavation(label="ontgrondingskuil", points=excavation_points)
# save this file
tree_filename = str(Path(PATH_TEMP) / f"{filename}.tree.stix")
# TODO calculate
# dm.execute()
# get the new SF
# sf_new = dm.get_result(0, 0).FactorOfSafety
# TODO report SF original and SF new
break # remove if you want to run everything although we should actually iterate over the trees :-)
# standard stuff
if __name__ == "__main__":
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