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Last active April 14, 2022 15:24
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Send Outlook email to Joplin

Export to Joplin

The main code was lightly adapted from here. Consult these instructions, but use the code from this project.

Some notes:

  • Make sure that you have access to the Developer settings in Outlook

  • Open Visual Basic from the developer ribbon

  • Under Microsoft Outlook Objects, double click ThisOutlookSession

  • Copy the code in ThisOutlookSession.cls into ThisOutlookSession.

  • For this code to work, download and add to the project the JSON.bas file from here

  • Add a shortcut to the Outlook ribbon for this macro

If the code is working properly, you should be able to highlight a message, click the shortcut button, and send the message to the chosen folder.

Option Explicit
' Code from
' Modified to be suitable for Joplin as of 20220412
' Some minor enhancements were made along the way
Public Sub SendToJoplin()
Dim sToken As String, sURL As String
Dim sURLNotes, sURLResources, sEscapedBody, sJSONString, sFolderID, sFolderResponse As String
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem
sURL = ""
sURLNotes = sURL & "/notes?token=" & sToken
sURLResources = sURL & "/resources?token=" & sToken
For Each objItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
sEscapedBody = EscapeBody( _
"Date: " & objItem.ReceivedTime & "<br>" _
& "To: " & objItem.To & "<br>" _
& objItem.HTMLBody)
sFolderID = GetFolderIDFromJoplin(sToken, sURL)
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "POST", sURLNotes, False
.Send "{ ""title"": """ & objItem.ConversationTopic & """" _
& ", ""parent_id"": """ & sFolderID & """" _
& ", ""body_html"": """ & sEscapedBody & """" _
& " }"
Do Until .ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
sJSONString = .ResponseText
End With
'Debug.Print sJSONString 'Uncomment to see joplin response
End Sub
Private Function EscapeBody(sText As String)
EscapeBody = sText
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, "\", "\\") 'Backslash is replaced with \\
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, Chr(34), "\" & Chr(34)) 'Double quote is replaced with \"
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, vbCr, "\r") 'Carriage return is replaced with \r
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, vbLf, "\n") 'Newline is replaced with \n
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, Chr(8), "\b") 'Backspace is replaced with \b
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, Chr(12), "\f") 'Form feed is replaced with \f
EscapeBody = Replace(EscapeBody, vbTab, "\t") 'Tab is replaced with \t
End Function
Private Function GetFolderIDFromJoplin(sToken As String, sURL As String)
'Input token, url
'Output folder id
Dim sJSONString, sMessage, sIntroMessage, sFullMessage, sTitle, sDefault, sMyChoice As String
Dim vJSON As Variant
Dim sState As String
Dim aData(), aHeader()
Dim i, iFirstRow, iLastRow, iBlockSize, iFirstNameLoc, iName, iID, iNumFolders As Integer
Dim FolderDict As Variant
Set FolderDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
sURL = sURL & "/folders?token=" & sToken
'Get folders list
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", sURL, False
Do Until .ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
sJSONString = .ResponseText
End With
Debug.Print sJSONString
'Parse JSON response
json.Parse sJSONString, vJSON, sState
json.ToArray vJSON, aData(), aHeader()
' The json parsing code was not changed from the original
' Unfortunately, it doesn't work as intended and I don't have the wherewithal to understand and fix it
' Attempts to replace it failed, so accommodation was in order
' With the current code, the json string is parsed into a 2D array, aData
' Notes:
' - column 1 of the array is not useful to us
' - the first entry of column 0, aData(0,0), contains the object key to the structure ("items")
' - the rows we care about are in groups of three, as implemented in the iStep variable below
' - as of now, the entries of interest are
' aData(0, 1) id of first folder
' aData(0, 3) name of first folder
' aData(0, 4) id of second folder
' aData(0, 6) name of first folder
' aData(0, 3i-2) id of ith folder
' aData(0, 3i) name of ith folder
sIntroMessage = "Enter one of the following in the box below:"
sMessage = ""
iFirstRow = LBound(aData, 2) ' the 2 here refers to the row-wise index
iLastRow = UBound(aData, 2)
iBlockSize = 3
iNumFolders = (iLastRow - iFirstRow - 1) / iBlockSize
iFirstNameLoc = 3 ' row index of first name
For i = 1 To iNumFolders
iName = 3 * i ' row index of folder name
iID = 3 * i - 2 ' row index of folder ID
FolderDict.Add aData(0, iName), aData(0, iID)
sMessage = sMessage & vbTab & "- " & aData(0, iName) & vbLf
Next i
sFullMessage = sIntroMessage & vbLf & sMessage
sTitle = "Choose Joplin folder..."
sDefault = aData(0, iFirstNameLoc)
sMyChoice = InputBox(sFullMessage, sTitle, sDefault)
If FolderDict.Exists(sMyChoice) Then
GetFolderIDFromJoplin = FolderDict(sMyChoice)
MsgBox "Error: Your choice """ & sMyChoice & """ was not found among the folders. Export has failed."
GetFolderIDFromJoplin = ""
End If
End Function
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