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Created January 13, 2022 17:22
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Save breiter/914327720c096383ff200431abe14563 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Install azure cil with macports
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script will install the CLI into a directory and create an executable
# at a specified file path that is the entry point into the CLI.
# The latest versions of all CLI command packages will be installed.
#pylint: disable=line-too-long
import os
import sys
import platform
import stat
import tarfile
import tempfile
import shutil
import subprocess
import hashlib
# Attempt to load python 3 module
from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
# Import python 2 version
from urllib2 import urlopen
# Rename raw_input to input to support Python 2
input = raw_input
except NameError:
# Python 3 doesn't have raw_input
AZ_DISPATCH_TEMPLATE = """#!/usr/bin/env bash
{install_dir}/bin/python -m azure.cli "$@"
DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'lib', 'azure-cli'))
DEFAULT_EXEC_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'bin'))
USER_BASH_RC = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.bashrc'))
USER_BASH_PROFILE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.bash_profile'))
COMPLETION_FILENAME = 'az.completion'
_python_argcomplete() {
local IFS='\v'
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
complete -o nospace -o default -o bashdefault -F _python_argcomplete "az"
class CLIInstallError(Exception):
def print_status(msg=''):
print('-- '+msg)
def prompt_input(msg):
return input('\n===> '+msg)
def prompt_input_with_default(msg, default):
if default:
return prompt_input("{} (leave blank to use '{}'): ".format(msg, default)) or default
return prompt_input('{}: '.format(msg))
def prompt_y_n(msg, default=None):
if default not in [None, 'y', 'n']:
raise ValueError("Valid values for default are 'y', 'n' or None")
y = 'Y' if default == 'y' else 'y'
n = 'N' if default == 'n' else 'n'
while True:
ans = prompt_input('{} ({}/{}): '.format(msg, y, n))
if ans.lower() == n.lower():
return False
if ans.lower() == y.lower():
return True
if default and not ans:
return default == y.lower()
def exec_command(command_list, cwd=None, env=None):
print_status('Executing: '+str(command_list))
subprocess.check_call(command_list, cwd=cwd, env=env)
def create_tmp_dir():
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
return tmp_dir
def create_dir(dir):
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
print_status("Creating directory '{}'.".format(dir))
def is_valid_sha256sum(a_file, expected_sum):
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
with open(a_file, 'rb') as f:
computed_hash = sha256.hexdigest()
return expected_sum == computed_hash
def create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir):
cmd = ['virtualenv', '--python', sys.executable, install_dir]
def install_cli(install_dir, tmp_dir):
path_to_pip = os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin', 'pip')
cmd = [path_to_pip, 'install', '--cache-dir', tmp_dir, 'azure-cli', '--upgrade']
def create_executable(exec_dir, install_dir):
exec_filepath = os.path.join(exec_dir, EXECUTABLE_NAME)
with open(exec_filepath, 'w') as exec_file:
cur_stat = os.stat(exec_filepath)
os.chmod(exec_filepath, cur_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
print_status("The executable is available at '{}'.".format(exec_filepath))
return exec_filepath
def get_install_dir():
install_dir = None
while not install_dir:
prompt_message = 'In what directory would you like to place the install?'
install_dir = prompt_input_with_default(prompt_message, DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR)
install_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(install_dir))
if ' ' in install_dir:
print_status("The install directory '{}' cannot contain spaces.".format(install_dir))
install_dir = None
if os.listdir(install_dir):
print_status("'{}' is not empty and may contain a previous installation.".format(install_dir))
ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Remove this directory?', 'n')
if ans_yes:
print_status("Deleted '{}'.".format(install_dir))
# User opted to not delete the directory so ask for install directory again
install_dir = None
print_status("We will install at '{}'.".format(install_dir))
return install_dir
def get_exec_dir():
exec_dir = None
while not exec_dir:
prompt_message = "In what directory would you like to place the '{}' executable?".format(EXECUTABLE_NAME)
exec_dir = prompt_input_with_default(prompt_message, DEFAULT_EXEC_DIR)
exec_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(exec_dir))
if ' ' in exec_dir:
print_status("The executable directory '{}' cannot contain spaces.".format(exec_dir))
exec_dir = None
print_status("The executable will be in '{}'.".format(exec_dir))
return exec_dir
def _backup_rc(rc_file):
shutil.copyfile(rc_file, rc_file+'.backup')
print_status("Backed up '{}' to '{}'".format(rc_file, rc_file+'.backup'))
except (OSError, IOError):
def _get_default_rc_file():
bashrc_exists = os.path.isfile(USER_BASH_RC)
bash_profile_exists = os.path.isfile(USER_BASH_PROFILE)
if not bashrc_exists and bash_profile_exists:
if bashrc_exists and bash_profile_exists and platform.system().lower() == 'darwin':
return USER_BASH_RC if bashrc_exists else None
def _default_rc_file_creation_step():
rcfile = USER_BASH_PROFILE if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin' else USER_BASH_RC
ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Could not automatically find a suitable file to use. Create {} now?'.format(rcfile), default='y')
if ans_yes:
open(rcfile, 'a').close()
return rcfile
return None
def _find_line_in_file(file_path, search_pattern):
with open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as search_file:
for line in search_file:
if search_pattern in line:
return True
except (OSError, IOError):
return False
def _modify_rc(rc_file_path, line_to_add):
if not _find_line_in_file(rc_file_path, line_to_add):
with open(rc_file_path, 'a', encoding="utf-8") as rc_file:
def create_tab_completion_file(filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as completion_file:
print_status("Created tab completion file at '{}'".format(filename))
def get_rc_file_path():
rc_file = None
default_rc_file = _get_default_rc_file()
if not default_rc_file:
rc_file = _default_rc_file_creation_step()
rc_file = rc_file or prompt_input_with_default('Enter a path to an rc file to update', default_rc_file)
if rc_file:
rc_file_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(rc_file))
if os.path.isfile(rc_file_path):
return rc_file_path
print_status("The file '{}' could not be found.".format(rc_file_path))
return None
def warn_other_azs_on_path(exec_dir, exec_filepath):
env_path = os.environ.get('PATH')
conflicting_paths = []
if env_path:
for p in env_path.split(':'):
p_to_az = os.path.join(p, EXECUTABLE_NAME)
if p != exec_dir and os.path.isfile(p_to_az):
if conflicting_paths:
print_status("** WARNING: Other '{}' executables are on your $PATH. **".format(EXECUTABLE_NAME))
print_status("Conflicting paths: {}".format(', '.join(conflicting_paths)))
print_status("You can run this installation of the CLI with '{}'.".format(exec_filepath))
def handle_path_and_tab_completion(completion_file_path, exec_filepath, exec_dir):
ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable shell/tab completion now?', 'y')
if ans_yes:
rc_file_path = get_rc_file_path()
if not rc_file_path:
raise CLIInstallError('No suitable profile file found.')
line_to_add = "export PATH=$PATH:{}".format(exec_dir)
_modify_rc(rc_file_path, line_to_add)
line_to_add = "source '{}'".format(completion_file_path)
_modify_rc(rc_file_path, line_to_add)
print_status('Tab completion set up complete.')
print_status("If tab completion is not activated, verify that '{}' is sourced by your shell.".format(rc_file_path))
warn_other_azs_on_path(exec_dir, exec_filepath)
print_status('** Run `exec -l $SHELL` to restart your shell. **')
print_status("If you change your mind, add 'source {}' to your rc file and restart your shell to enable tab completion.".format(completion_file_path))
print_status("You can run the CLI with '{}'.".format(exec_filepath))
def verify_python_version():
print_status('Verifying Python version.')
v = sys.version_info
if v < (2, 7):
raise CLIInstallError('The CLI does not support Python versions less than 2.7.')
if 'conda' in sys.version:
raise CLIInstallError("This script does not support the Python Anaconda environment. "
"Create an Anaconda virtual environment and install with 'pip'")
print_status('Python version {}.{}.{} okay.'.format(v.major, v.minor, v.micro))
def _native_dependencies_for_dist(verify_cmd_args, install_cmd_args, dep_list):
print_status("Executing: '{} {}'".format(' '.join(verify_cmd_args), ' '.join(dep_list)))
subprocess.check_output(verify_cmd_args + dep_list, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
print_status('Native dependencies okay.')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
err_msg = 'One or more of the following native dependencies are not currently installed and may be required.\n'
err_msg += '"{}"'.format(' '.join(install_cmd_args + dep_list))
ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Missing native dependencies. Attempt to continue anyway?', 'n')
if not ans_yes:
raise CLIInstallError('Please install the native dependencies and try again.')
def _get_linux_distro():
if platform.system() != 'Linux':
return None, None
with open('/etc/os-release') as lines:
tokens = [line.strip() for line in lines]
except Exception as e:
return None, None
release_info = {}
for token in tokens:
if '=' in token:
k, v = token.split('=', 1)
release_info[k.lower()] = v.strip('"')
return release_info.get('name', None), release_info.get('version_id', None)
def verify_native_dependencies():
distname, version = _get_linux_distro()
if not distname:
# There's no distribution name so can't determine native dependencies required / or they may not be needed like on OS X
print_status('Verifying native dependencies.')
is_python3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
distname = distname.lower().strip()
verify_cmd_args, install_cmd_args, dep_list = None, None, None
if any(x in distname for x in ['ubuntu', 'debian']):
verify_cmd_args = ['dpkg', '-s']
install_cmd_args = ['apt-get', 'update', '&&', 'apt-get', 'install', '-y']
python_dep = 'python3-dev' if is_python3 else 'python-dev'
if distname == 'ubuntu' and version in ['12.04', '14.04'] or distname == 'debian' and version.startswith('7'):
dep_list = ['libssl-dev', 'libffi-dev', python_dep]
elif distname == 'ubuntu' and version in ['15.10', '16.04', '18.04']or distname == 'debian' and version.startswith('8'):
dep_list = ['libssl-dev', 'libffi-dev', python_dep, 'build-essential']
elif any(x in distname for x in ['centos', 'rhel', 'red hat']):
verify_cmd_args = ['rpm', '-q']
install_cmd_args = ['yum', 'check-update', ';', 'yum', 'install', '-y']
# python3-devel not available on yum but python3Xu-devel versions available.
python_dep = 'python3{}u-devel'.format(sys.version_info[1]) if is_python3 else 'python-devel'
dep_list = ['gcc', 'libffi-devel', python_dep, 'openssl-devel']
elif any(x in distname for x in ['opensuse', 'suse', 'sles']):
verify_cmd_args = ['rpm', '-q']
install_cmd_args = ['zypper', 'refresh', '&&', 'zypper', '--non-interactive', 'install']
python_dep = 'python3-devel' if is_python3 else 'python-devel'
dep_list = ['gcc', 'libffi-devel', python_dep, 'libopenssl-devel']
if verify_cmd_args and install_cmd_args and dep_list:
_native_dependencies_for_dist(verify_cmd_args, install_cmd_args, dep_list)
print_status("Unable to verify native dependencies. dist={}, version={}. Continuing...".format(distname, version))
def verify_install_dir_exec_path_conflict(install_dir, exec_path):
if install_dir == exec_path:
raise CLIInstallError("The executable file '{}' would clash with the install directory of '{}'. Choose either a different install directory or directory to place the executable.".format(exec_path, install_dir))
def main():
tmp_dir = create_tmp_dir()
install_dir = get_install_dir()
exec_dir = get_exec_dir()
exec_path = os.path.join(exec_dir, EXECUTABLE_NAME)
verify_install_dir_exec_path_conflict(install_dir, exec_path)
create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir)
install_cli(install_dir, tmp_dir)
exec_filepath = create_executable(exec_dir, install_dir)
completion_file_path = os.path.join(install_dir, COMPLETION_FILENAME)
handle_path_and_tab_completion(completion_file_path, exec_filepath, exec_dir)
except Exception as e:
print_status("Unable to set up tab completion. ERROR: {}".format(str(e)))
print_status("Installation successful.")
print_status("Run the CLI with {} --help".format(exec_filepath))
if __name__ == '__main__':
except CLIInstallError as cie:
print('ERROR: '+str(cie), file=sys.stderr)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
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breiter commented Jan 13, 2022

The scripted installer for azure cli does not work on macOS 12 because it relies upon a version of virtualenv that is too old. If you don't want to use Homebrew this is a problem.

This script is a modification of Microsoft's script that just removes the virtual env download and relies on a local copy existing.

First install python3 and virtualenv py-virtualenv with macports and then run the script.

---	2022-01-13 19:21:20.000000000 +0200
+++	2022-01-13 19:19:04.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@
 {install_dir}/bin/python -m azure.cli "$@"
-VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE_SHA256 = '0f73ef551d889bf4b3241f1819aaf5f5c7e27259c1537255b1f63207552919b1'
 DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'lib', 'azure-cli'))
 DEFAULT_EXEC_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'bin'))
@@ -125,23 +121,8 @@
 def create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir):
-    download_location = os.path.join(tmp_dir, VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE)
-    print_status('Downloading virtualenv package from {}.'.format(VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL))
-    response = urlopen(VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL)
-    with open(download_location, 'wb') as f: f.write(
-    print_status("Downloaded virtualenv package to {}.".format(download_location))
-    if is_valid_sha256sum(download_location, VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE_SHA256):
-        print_status("Checksum of {} OK.".format(download_location))
-    else:
-        raise CLIInstallError("The checksum of the downloaded virtualenv package does not match.")
-    print_status("Extracting '{}' to '{}'.".format(download_location, tmp_dir))
-    package_tar =
-    package_tar.extractall(path=tmp_dir)
-    package_tar.close()
-    virtualenv_dir_name = 'virtualenv-'+VIRTUALENV_VERSION
-    working_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, virtualenv_dir_name)
-    cmd = [sys.executable, '', '--python', sys.executable, install_dir]
-    exec_command(cmd, cwd=working_dir)
+    cmd = ['virtualenv', '--python', sys.executable, install_dir]
+    exec_command(cmd)
 def install_cli(install_dir, tmp_dir):

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