Save brenankeller/c5d5de505fa20d93702eeead1fbd0be1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# | |
# | |
# 1. Go to https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps (log in if necessary) | |
# 2. Select "Create App" | |
# 3. Configure your app: | |
# * Select "Dropbox API" | |
# * Choose whichever access level you prefer ("Full Dropbox" or "App Folder") | |
# * Enter the app name you wish to use for this script. It must be unique across all Dropbox apps. | |
# * Select the account to associate with this app. | |
# * Agree to the terms and conditions and click "Create app" | |
# 4. On the newly-created app's summary page, click the "Generate" | |
# button under "Generated access token" | |
# 5. Copy the generated token and paste it below (replace "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"). | |
# 6. (optional) Open the "wrench" (actions) menu in Pythonista and add | |
# this script, so you can run it from everywhere in Pythonista. | |
# Notes: | |
# All selected files are downloaded into the root folder of the Pythonista | |
# script library. If a file with the same name already exists, a numeric | |
# suffix is appended automatically. | |
import requests | |
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error | |
import os | |
import ui | |
import collections | |
def list_folder(folder_path='/'): | |
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % (TOKEN,)} | |
r = requests.get('https://api.dropbox.com/1/metadata/dropbox/%s?list=true' % (urllib.parse.quote(folder_path.encode('utf-8')),), headers=headers) | |
result = r.json() | |
return result.get('contents', None) | |
def download_file(path, dest_filename, progress=None): | |
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % (TOKEN,)} | |
url_path = urllib.parse.quote(path.encode('utf-8')) | |
url = 'https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files/dropbox/%s' % (url_path,) | |
r = requests.get(url, stream=True, headers=headers) | |
dest_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/Documents'), dest_filename) | |
i = 1 | |
while os.path.exists(dest_path): | |
base, ext = os.path.splitext(dest_filename) | |
dest_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/Documents'), base + '-' + str(i) + ext) | |
i += 1 | |
size = r.headers.get('Content-Length', 0) | |
bytes_written = 0 | |
canceled = False | |
with open(dest_path, 'wb') as f: | |
for chunk in r.iter_content(1024*10): | |
f.write(chunk) | |
bytes_written += len(chunk) | |
if int(size) > 0 and isinstance(progress, collections.Callable): | |
p = float(bytes_written) / float(size) | |
should_cancel = progress(p) | |
if should_cancel: | |
canceled = True | |
break | |
if canceled: | |
os.remove(dest_path) | |
class DropboxView (ui.View): | |
def __init__(self, path='/'): | |
tv = ui.TableView() | |
tv.frame = self.bounds | |
tv.flex = 'WH' | |
ds = ui.ListDataSource([]) | |
ds.action = self.item_selected | |
tv.data_source = ds | |
tv.delegate = ds | |
self.tableview = tv | |
self.add_subview(self.tableview) | |
self.name = 'Dropbox' | |
label = ui.Label(frame=self.bounds) | |
label.flex = 'WH' | |
label.background_color = (1, 1, 1, 0.95) | |
label.text = 'Loading...' | |
label.touch_enabled = True | |
label.alignment = ui.ALIGN_CENTER | |
self.path = path | |
self.add_subview(label) | |
self.status_label = label | |
self.canceled = False | |
def will_close(self): | |
self.canceled = True | |
def item_selected(self, sender): | |
item = sender.items[sender.selected_row] | |
if item.get('is_dir', False): | |
self.status_label.text = 'Loading Folder...' | |
self.status_label.hidden = False | |
self.path = item['path'] | |
self.load_folder() | |
elif item.get('up', False): | |
self.status_label.text = 'Loading Folder...' | |
self.status_label.hidden = False | |
self.path = os.path.split(self.path)[0] | |
self.load_folder() | |
else: | |
path = item.get('path') | |
self.download_file(path) | |
@ui.in_background | |
def download_file(self, path): | |
self.status_label.text = 'Downloading %s...' % (path,) | |
self.status_label.hidden = False | |
download_file(path, os.path.split(path)[1], self.download_progress) | |
self.status_label.hidden = True | |
def download_progress(self, p): | |
self.status_label.text = '%i %% Downloaded...' % (p*100,) | |
return self.canceled | |
@ui.in_background | |
def load_folder(self): | |
infos = list_folder(self.path) | |
items = [] | |
if self.path != '/': | |
items.append({'title': '..', 'image': 'ionicons-arrow-up-c-32', 'up': True}) | |
if not infos: | |
import console | |
console.alert('Error', 'Could not load folder. Please check if you entered the access token correctly.', 'OK', hide_cancel_button=True) | |
self.status_label.hidden = True | |
return | |
for info in infos: | |
path = info.get('path') | |
name = os.path.split(path)[1] | |
if name.startswith('.'): | |
continue | |
is_dir = info.get('is_dir', False) | |
item = {'title': name, 'image': 'ionicons-folder-32' if is_dir else 'ionicons-ios7-download-outline-32', 'accessory_type': 'disclosure_indicator' if is_dir else 'none', 'is_dir': is_dir, 'path': info['path']} | |
items.append(item) | |
def c(o1, o2): | |
u_cmp = -1 * cmp(o1.get('up', False), o2.get('up', False)) | |
if u_cmp != 0: | |
return u_cmp | |
d_cmp = -1 * cmp(o1.get('is_dir', False), o2.get('is_dir', False)) | |
if d_cmp == 0: | |
return cmp(o1.get('path', '').lower(), o2.get('path', '').lower()) | |
return d_cmp | |
self.tableview.data_source.items = items | |
self.status_label.hidden = True | |
self.name = self.path | |
root_view = DropboxView() | |
root_view.frame = (0, 0, 500, 500) | |
root_view.present('sheet') | |
root_view.load_folder() |
Thanks for solving the Pythonista3 external file transfer problem on my iPhone 7. DropBox turned out to be a great middle man for the job. I used iFiles 2 to migrate dropboxImport.py over to the iPhone 7. From there I had to import it to a Notes file. After that I was able to copy and paste it into a Pythonista3 script file. The script ran flawlessly. It works stellar after you get the DropBox App Token set up properly. Thanks again. Now that I can call dropboxImport.py within Pythonista3, all I need is DropBox to import Python scripts! Fantastic!
Thanks for this. I get the same "Could not load folder please check if you entered the access token correctly" error as facebawx.
I bought my .py scripts over Google Drive as text and renamed them. That worked fine.
What format does Pythonista 3 expect for text files? I moved an ANSI file from Notepad to Pythonista, but it takes about 20 sec to display in the the Pythonista editor (perhaps it's converting formats) and when I try a readline, it says "UnicodeDecodeError,
ascii codec can't decode byte 0xb7 in 15..." If I paste the first few lines of the text into a new file window, it works, but the file is too long (~1.5 MB) to paste the whole thing from a scratchpad.
Hi All,
I am new to the world of coding so this may be a dumb question.
I keep getting the attribute error: 'function' object has no attribute 'get'
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Hey man, Thanks for the script. Only issue I've been getting so far is an Error that says "Could not load folder please check if you entered the access token correctly." Was I supposed to change anything else other than adding the Token from the App?