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Created April 26, 2019 15:10
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#pragma config(Sensor, in1, lightSensor1, sensorReflection)
#pragma config(Sensor, in2, lightSensor2, sensorReflection)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl1, ultrasonic, sensorSONAR_inch)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl3, encoder, sensorNone)
#pragma config(Sensor, dgtl8, bump, sensorNone)
#pragma config(Motor, port1, puncher, tmotorNone, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port2, leftDrive, tmotorNone, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port3, rightDrive, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port4, servo, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
* Principles of Engineering
* Shooting Project
* Concept:
* Drive until we are in the clear, scanning for boxes using the ultrasonic sensor
* We'll drive back and forth until we see a clear spot to shoot from
* Turn 90deg to face the scoring platform
* Drive forward to the scoring platform
* Based on how far we drove, we'll need to turn a specific amount, turn that amount
* Oh, and you'll want to invert one of the drive motors in Motor & Sensor Setup
* NOTE: I don't remember any of the variable names, so I'm guessing here. Play around with the values as well, as I obviously didn't have access to the robot
* Some intitutions to help you out:
* 500 ticks is about the length of one field tile end to end
void setChassis(int left, int right) {
motor[leftDrive] = left;
motor[rightDrive] = right;
void drive(int distance) {
// Reset the quad encoder
SensorValue[encoder] = 0;
int error;
// Drive loop
do {
setChassis(127 * sgn(distance), 127 * sgn(distance));
error = distance - SensorValue[encoder];
} while(abs(error) > 40);
// Stop motors
setChassis(0, 0);
void turn(int degrees) {
int target = (float)degrees * 2.7;
int error;
do {
setChassis(-40 * sgn(degrees), 40 * sgn(degrees));
error = target - SensorValue[encoder];
} while(abs(error) > 40);
int findShootingLocation(int direction) {
SensorValue[encoder] = 0;
while(SensorValue[encoder] < 2000 && SensorValue[ultrasonic] < ULTRASONIC_THRESHOLD) {
setChassis(40, 40);
// If we didn't find a clear spot, we need to reverse
if (SensorValue[encoder] > 2000) {
return -1;
setChassis(0, 0);
return SensorValue[encoder];
int faceTrashCan(int distance) {
// Get angle in radians (see explanation sheet), and then convert to degrees
int theta = (PI / 2) - atan( 2539 / (3385 - distance) ) * (180.0 / PI);
return theta;
task main() {
// Search for a spot to shoot, reversing our course if needed
int distanceTraveled = 0;
int direction = 30;
do {
distanceTraveled = findShootingLocation(direction);
direction *= -1;
} while(distanceTraveled < 0);
// Now that we've found it, let's drive up to our shooting location (90 may need to be -90)
// Now we need to figure out how far we need to turn to face the trash cans
// I'm guessing that this is some proportion of how far we drove
// If you think of a triangle, we're making a hypotenuse with our shot,
// and we need to figure out how far to turn to make that triangle make sense
// Fire the ping pong ball, and hope for the best
motor[puncher] = 127;
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