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Last active January 11, 2022 15:52
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Скрипт для игры Зайчик (Tiny Bunny версии 3.0.1
init -1 style default:
properties gui.text_properties()
language gui.language
init -1 style input:
properties gui.text_properties("input", accent=True)
adjust_spacing False
init -1 style hyperlink_text:
properties gui.text_properties("hyperlink", accent=True)
hover_underline True
init -1 style gui_text:
properties gui.text_properties("interface")
init -1 style button:
properties gui.button_properties("button")
init -1 style button_text is gui_text:
properties gui.text_properties("button")
yalign 0.5
init -1 style label_text is gui_text:
properties gui.text_properties("label", accent=True)
init -1 style prompt_text is gui_text:
properties gui.text_properties("prompt")
init -1 style bar:
ysize gui.bar_size
left_bar Frame("gui/bar/left.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
right_bar Frame("gui/bar/right.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
init -1 style vbar:
xsize gui.bar_size
top_bar Frame("gui/bar/top.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
bottom_bar Frame("gui/bar/bottom.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
init -1 style scrollbar:
ysize gui.scrollbar_size
base_bar Frame("gui/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
thumb Frame("gui/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
init -1 style vscrollbar:
xsize gui.scrollbar_size
base_bar Frame("gui/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
thumb Frame("gui/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
init -1 style slider:
ysize gui.slider_size
base_bar Frame("gui/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.slider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile)
thumb "gui/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png"
init -1 style vslider:
xsize gui.slider_size
base_bar Frame("gui/slider/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vslider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile)
thumb "gui/slider/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png"
init -1 style frame:
padding gui.frame_borders.padding
background Frame("gui/frame.png", gui.frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile)
init -501 screen choice(items):
style_prefix "choice"
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.1
for i in items:
textbutton i.caption action i.action
init -501 screen say(who, what):
zorder 3
style_prefix "say"
id "window"
if who is not None:
id "namebox"
style "namebox"
text who id "who" xpos 42
text what id "what"
if not renpy.variant("small"):
add SideImage() xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0
use qq_menu
init -1 python:
init -1 style window is default
init -1 style say_label is default
init -1 style say_dialogue is default
init -1 style say_thought is say_dialogue
init -1 style namebox is default
init -1 style namebox_label is say_label
init -1 style window:
xalign 0.5
yalign gui.textbox_yalign
ysize gui.textbox_height
xsize 1820
background Frame("images/interface/panel.png", xalign=0.5, yalign=1.0, ysize=gui.textbox_height, xsize=1600)
init -1 style namebox:
xpos gui.name_xpos
xanchor gui.name_xalign
xsize gui.namebox_width
ypos gui.name_ypos
ysize gui.namebox_height
background Frame("images/interface/polosa.png", gui.namebox_borders, tile=gui.namebox_tile, xalign=gui.name_xalign)
padding gui.namebox_borders.padding
init -1 style say_label:
properties gui.text_properties("name", accent=True)
xalign gui.name_xalign
yalign 0.5
ypos -45
xpos 30
outlines [ (absolute(1), "#000000", absolute(0), absolute(0)) ]
init -1 style say_dialogue:
properties gui.text_properties("dialogue")
xpos gui.dialogue_xpos
xsize gui.dialogue_width
ypos gui.dialogue_ypos
line_spacing 1
init 499 image q_base:
init 499 image q_adv:
alpha 1 zoom 1
linear .5 alpha 0 zoom 1.4
init -501 screen qq_menu():
zorder 5
key "t" action Language(None)
key "y" action Language("english")
yalign 0.99
xalign 0.5
spacing 190
xsize 54
ysize 40
background "interface/quick_menu/q01.png"
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-new-3-27_dB.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-push-1_1-14_dB.ogg"
action ShowMenu("history")
tooltip (450, __("ИСТОРИЯ"))
at for_say_buttons
xsize 54
ysize 40
background "interface/quick_menu/q02.png"
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-new-3-27_dB.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-push-1_1-14_dB.ogg"
action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle")
tooltip (680, __("АВТО"))
at for_say_buttons
xsize 54
ysize 40
background "interface/quick_menu/q03.png"
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-new-3-27_dB.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-push-1_1-14_dB.ogg"
action Skip()
tooltip (935, __("ПЕРЕМОТКА"))
at for_say_buttons
xsize 54
ysize 40
background "interface/quick_menu/q04.png"
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-new-3-27_dB.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-push-1_1-14_dB.ogg"
action ShowMenu("quick_menu")
tooltip (1170, __("МЕНЮ"))
at for_say_buttons
xsize 54
ysize 40
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-new-3-27_dB.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-push-1_1-14_dB.ogg"
action ShowMenu('dictionary_scr')
tooltip (1420, __("СЛОВАРЬ"))
if not new_words:
add "q_base":
align (.5,.5)
at for_say_buttons
add "q_base":
align (.5,.5)
at for_say_buttons_new
xpos 1675
ypos 850
xsize 54
ysize 40
background "interface/quick_menu/q07.png"
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-new-3-27_dB.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-push-1_1-14_dB.ogg"
action HideInterface()
tooltip (None, __("СКРЫТЬ"))
at for_say_buttons
$ tt = GetTooltip()
if tt:
if tt[0] is not None:
text tt[1] yalign 0.99 yoffset 5 xpos tt[0] xanchor 1. size 44
text tt[1] xpos 1675 ypos 870 xanchor 1. yanchor .5 size 38
init -501 screen input(prompt):
style_prefix "input"
has vbox:
xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign
xpos gui.dialogue_xpos
xsize gui.dialogue_width
ypos gui.dialogue_ypos
text prompt style "input_prompt"
input id "input"
init -1 style input_prompt is default
init -1 style input_prompt:
xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign
properties gui.text_properties("input_prompt")
init -1 style input:
xalign gui.dialogue_text_xalign
xmaximum gui.dialogue_width
init -501 screen quick_menu():
zorder 100
modal True
style_prefix "quick" tag menu
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-pause-3.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-pause-3.ogg")
add "bg_menu_quick"
xalign 0.47
yalign 0.38
textbutton _("Продолжить"):
background Null(10, 10)
action Return()
textbutton _("Сохранить"):
action ShowMenu("save")
textbutton _("Загрузить"):
action ShowMenu("load")
textbutton _("Настройки"):
action ShowMenu("preferences")
textbutton _("В меню"):
action MainMenu(confirm=True)
textbutton _("Выход"):
action Quit(confirm=True)
at qm_elements
xalign 0.47
yalign 0.38
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Продолжить")
at mm_but
action Return()
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Сохранить")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("save")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Загрузить")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("load")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Настройки")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("preferences")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("В меню")
at mm_but
action MainMenu(confirm=True)
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Выход")
at mm_but
action Quit(confirm=True)
at qm_elements
on "show" action Show("block_screen")
timer 0.4 action Hide("block_screen")
default -1 quick_menu = True
init -1 style quick_button is default
init -1 style quick_button_text is button_text
init -1 style quick_button:
properties gui.button_properties("quick_button")
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
xminimum 250
yminimum 75
init -1 style quick_button_text:
properties gui.button_text_properties("quick_button")
init -1 style quick_text:
properties gui.text_properties("quick_text")
yalign 0.5
init -1 style quick_textbutton:
background Null(10, 10)
xminimum 250
yminimum 75
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
init -501 screen black_screen():
modal True
add "bg_black":
at for_black_screen
timer 1.0 action Start()
transform -1 for_black_screen:
alpha 0.0
linear 0.9 alpha 1.0
init -501 screen main_menu():
style_prefix "main_menu" tag menu
add gui.main_menu_background
if persistent.animal_unlock[3]:
add "interface/main_meny/fon_05.png"
if persistent.animal_unlock[0]:
add "interface/main_meny/fon_02.png"
if persistent.animal_unlock[4]:
add "interface/main_meny/fon_06.png"
add "menu002_1"
add "menu002_2"
add "chastichka_2"
if persistent.animal_unlock[1]:
add "interface/main_meny/fon_03.png"
if persistent.animal_unlock[2]:
add "interface/main_meny/fon_04.png"
add "menu001_1"
add "menu001_2"
add "chastichka_1_1"
add "main_menu_bg"
add "chastichka_1_2"
add "bg_black" at mm_bg_diss_1to0
add "[logo!t]" xalign 0.47 yalign 0.09 at mm_elements
xpos 80
ypos 100
xsize 103
ysize 192
background "interface/main_meny/lapka_01.png"
if preferences.language != None:
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-3.ogg"
hover_sound None
activate_sound "sounds/menu/language-sellect-1.ogg"
action Language(None)
text "РУС":
xpos 40
ypos 105
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
color "000000"
size 40
at mm_but_lang
at mm_elements
xpos 180
ypos 200
xsize 103
ysize 192
background "interface/main_meny/lapka_02.png"
if preferences.language != "english":
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-3.ogg"
hover_sound None
activate_sound "sounds/menu/language-sellect-1.ogg"
action Language("english")
text "ENG":
xpos 35
ypos 105
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
color "000000"
size 40
at mm_but_lang
at mm_elements
xpos 80
ypos 300
xsize 103
ysize 192
background "interface/main_meny/lapka_04.png"
if preferences.language != "chinese":
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-3.ogg"
hover_sound None
activate_sound "sounds/menu/language-sellect-1.ogg"
action Language("chinese")
at mm_but_lang
at mm_elements
xalign 0.47
yalign 0.4
textbutton _("Новая игра"):
action Show("black_screen")
textbutton _("Загрузить"):
action ShowMenu("load")
textbutton _("Настройки"):
action ShowMenu("preferences")
# Изменнёный участок #
textbutton _("Секреты"):
action ShowMenu("secrets")
textbutton _("Об авторах"):
action ShowMenu("about_me")
textbutton _("Выход"):
action Quit(confirm=False)
at mm_elements
xalign 0.47
yalign 0.4
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Новая игра")
at mm_but
action Show("black_screen")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Загрузить")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("load")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Настройки")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("preferences")
# Изменнёный участок #
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Секреты")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("secrets")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Об авторах")
at mm_but
action ShowMenu("about_me")
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Выход")
at mm_but
action Quit(confirm=False)
at mm_elements
key "game_menu" action Quit(confirm=True)
if not config.developer:
on "show" action Show("block_screen")
timer 3.2 action Hide("block_screen")
if config.developer:
use devolver_menu()
init -1 style main_menu_frame is empty
init -1 style main_menu_text is quick_text
init -1 style main_menu_title is main_menu_text
init -1 style main_menu_version is main_menu_text
init -1 style main_menu_button is quick_button
init -1 style main_menu_button_text is quick_button_text
init -1 style main_meny_textbutton is quick_textbutton
init -501 screen devolver_menu():
if True or config.developer:
xalign 1.0
xoffset -20
yalign 0.0
yoffset 20
text "[!t]":
xalign 1.0
size 25
color "#FFFFFF"
font "font/SaikonoFont.ttf"
text "[config.version]":
xalign 1.0
size 20
color "#FFFFFF"
font "font/SaikonoFont.ttf"
xalign 0.0
yalign 0.9
text "Альтернативные языки":
size 20
color "#FFFFFF"
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Арабский" size 20
action Language("arabic")
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "ГУСИ!" size 20
action Start("start_goosehunt")
xalign 1.0
yalign 1.0
text "Утилиты":
size 20
color "#FFFFFF"
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "ImageDissolve" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('image_dissolve_test')]
text "1 день":
size 20
color "#FFFFFF"
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Кухня с запиской" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('bunny_hall_day1_prepare')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Варежка висит" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('main_choose2')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Репортаж в комнате Оли" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('bunny_day1_olya_room')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Камера медленно плыла" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('staruha1')]
text "2 день":
size 20
color "#FFFFFF"
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Пробуждение" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('day_2')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Конфета Лисы" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_night_meet_fox')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Территория школы" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('bunny_school_night1')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Вход в класс" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('bunny2_school_classroom1')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Бьeм Семeна" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny_day2_semen')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Полина или Лиса" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny_day2_polina_or_fox')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Встреча с гопниками" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny_day2_gop_stop')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "На**й или Маска" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny_day2_mask_dev')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Счастливая семья" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny2_happy_family_nightmare')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Гараж" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny2_fox_garage_dev')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Ночь в комнате" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('bunny2_night_room_anton_table')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Кошмар с Катей" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('day2_nightmare')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "mold.FF's test" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('mold_test')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Финал дня" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Stop('sound'), Start('day_2_f')]
text "3 день":
size 20
color "#FFFFFF"
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "> НАЧАЛО <" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('d3_0')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Неделю спустя" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_day3_week')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Анкета" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_day3_anketa')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Встреча в углу" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_day3_cornermeet')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Общение с сестрой" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_d3_olyatalk')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Денди" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('day3_goosehunt')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Звонок Полины" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_d3_polinacall')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Ночь с конфетами" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_bunny3_candyjumps')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Суефа" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_suefa')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Папка" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('minigame_case_start')]
background "#FFFFFF20"
hover_background "#FFFFFF40"
ysize 30
text "Концовка" size 20
action [Stop('music'), Start('dev_day3_end_titr')]
init -501 screen about_me():
modal True tag menu
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-4.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-4.ogg")
add "bg_menu_about" at conf_fon
viewport id "autor":
draggable True
mousewheel True
xsize 1600
ysize 900
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
has vbox:
xalign 0.5
spacing 46
xsize 1600
style_group "about"
xsize 1600
xalign 0.5
text _("{size=+10}По мотивам рассказа Дмитрия Мордаса «Зайчик»"):
xalign 0.5
at for_yes_no_10
style_group "about"
spacing 5
xsize 1500
text _("Продюсер: {size=+10}SAIKONO")
text _("Сценарист: {size=+10}Евгений Сокарев")
text _("Писатели: {size=+10}Евгений Сокарев, Максим Кабир")
text _("Художник: {size=+10}SAIKONO")
text _("Композиторы: {size=+10}Владимир Булаев, NIKITA KRYUKOV, EL-METALLICO, EICHON, Никита Лагунов, _BLACKSMITH_, DVAR")
text _("Звуковой дизайн: {size=+10}N1K-O, SAIKONO, ЕГОР АПРЕЛЬЦЕВ")
text _("Геймдизайн: {size=+10}Евгений Сокарев")
text _("Программисты: {size=+10}RUZURA INTERACTIVE, ДАНИЛ MOLD.FF, Носочек")
text _("Редакторы: {size=+10}Ольга Апальчук, KURJATEGIJA")
text _("Корректор: {size=+10}INSANECHRONOS")
text _("Скриптер: {size=+10}DETH, SAIKONO, Хромушка")
text _("Переводчики: {size=+10}Aesthetic Dialectic (английский), Какихара (китайский)")
at for_yes_no_10
style_group "about"
spacing 5
xsize 1500
text _("{size=+10}АКТЕРЫ ОЗВУЧИВАНИЯ"):
xalign 0.5
text ""
text _("{size=+10}АНДРЕЙ ЯРОСЛАВЦЕВ")
text _("{size=+10}АЛИЯ НАСЫРОВА")
text _("{size=+10}БОРИС РЕПЕТУР")
text _("{size=+10}ВЛАДИМИР ВЕРЕТЕНОВ")
text _("{size=+10}ЕВА ФИНКЕЛЬШТЕЙН")
text _("{size=+10}ИРИНА КИРЕЕВА")
text _("{size=+10}ИГОРЬ СЕМЫКИН")
text _("{size=+10}КРИСТИНА ШЕРМАН")
text _("{size=+10}ЛЮДМИЛА ИЛЬИНА")
text _("{size=+10}МАРГАРИТА КОРШ")
text _("{size=+10}МАРИЯ ОВЧИННИКОВА")
text _("{size=+10}МАРИНА БАКИНА")
text _("{size=+10}МИХАИЛ ГЛУШКОВСКИЙ")
text _("{size=+10}ТАИСИЯ ТРИШИНА")
text _("{size=+10}ALINA RIN")
at for_yes_no_10
style_group "about"
spacing 5
xsize 1500
at for_yes_no_10
value YScrollValue("autor")
xpos 1600
yalign 0.5
xsize 20
ysize 900
at for_yes_no_10
ground Null(1920, 1080)
insensitive Null(1920, 1080)
idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
alpha True
at for_yes_no_10
hotspot (1673,821,108,88):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
action Return()
at filepic_but3
init -1 style about_text:
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
color "FFFFFF"
size 36
init -501 screen save():
tag menu
add "bg_black"
use file_slots(_("Сохранить"))
init -501 screen load():
tag menu
add "bg_black"
use file_slots(_("Загрузить"))
init -501 screen file_slots(title):
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-save_load-1.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-save_load-1.ogg")
add "bg_menu_save_load" at conf_fon
$ columns = 2
$ rows = 2
ground Null(1920, 1080)
insensitive Null(1920, 1080)
idle Null(1920, 1080)
hover "interface/save_load_menu/16.png"
selected_idle "interface/save_load_menu/16.png"
selected_hover "interface/save_load_menu/16.png"
alpha False
at for_show_save_load
hotspot (310,126,415,107):
action ShowMenu("save")
text _("Сохранить"):
xalign 0.4
yalign 0.6
style "text_font_interface"
size 55
color "FFFFFF"
at filepic_elements
at filepic_but4
hotspot (310,126,415,107):
action ShowMenu("save")
if renpy.get_screen("load"):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
text _("Сохранить"):
xalign 0.4
yalign 0.6
style "text_font_interface"
size 55
color "000000"
at filepic_but4_2
hotspot (965,126,415,107):
action ShowMenu("load")
text _("Загрузить"):
xalign 0.4
yalign 0.6
style "text_font_interface"
size 55
color "FFFFFF"
at filepic_elements
at filepic_but5
hotspot (965,126,415,107):
action ShowMenu("load")
if renpy.get_screen("save"):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
text _("Загрузить"):
xalign 0.4
yalign 0.6
style "text_font_interface"
size 55
color "000000"
at filepic_but5_2
xpos 897
ypos 821
xminimum 100
yminimum 100
text FilePageName():
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
size 55
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
at for_show_save_load
ground "interface/save_load_menu/01.png"
insensitive "interface/save_load_menu/01.png"
idle "interface/save_load_menu/14.png"
hover "interface/save_load_menu/14.png"
alpha True
at for_show_save_load
hotspot (1673,821,108,88):
action Return()
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
at filepic_but3
hotspot (724,821,188,88):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
if int(FilePageName()) != 1:
action FilePagePrevious()
at filepic_but1
hotspot (986,821,188,88):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
action FilePageNext(10)
at filepic_but2
for i in range(1, columns * rows + 1):
if i == 1:
$ x = 356
$ y = 275
elif i == 2:
$ x = 1034
$ y = 275
elif i == 3:
$ x = 356
$ y = 573
elif i == 4:
$ x = 1034
$ y = 573
hotspot (x, y, config.thumbnail_width+6, config.thumbnail_height+6):
action FileAction(i)
add FileScreenshot(i):
xpos 3
ypos 2
key "save_delete" action FileDelete(i)
xpos x + config.thumbnail_width + 15
ypos y + 10
xsize 140
ysize 200
$ file_name = FileSlotName(i, columns * rows)
$ file_time = FileTime(i, empty=_("Слот пуст"))
$ save_name = FileSaveName(i)
$ nomber_of_del = i
text "[file_time!t]\n[save_name!t]":
style "text_font_interface"
size 30
xalign 0.5
if file_time != _("Слот пуст"):
background Null()
yalign 1.0
textbutton _("УДАЛИТЬ") at filepic_but:
background Null()
hover_sound "sounds/menu/delete-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
text_style "text_font_interface"
text_size 40
text_color "FFFFFF"
action FileDelete(nomber_of_del, True)
key "game_menu" action Return()
on "show" action Show("block_screen")
timer 1.0 action Hide("block_screen")
init -1 style text_font_interface:
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
init -501 screen preferences():
style_prefix "pref"
modal True tag menu
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-2.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-2.ogg")
add "bg_menu_preferences" at conf_fon
background Null()
style_group "pref"
at for_yes_no_10
ypos 150
xpos 1000
spacing 50
text _("Громкость"):
size 55
spacing 50
xsize 600
text _("Музыка"):
ypos 20
background "interface/preferences/button/panel.png"
xalign 1.0
xpos 327
ypos 28
ysize 24
xsize 306
value Preference("music volume")
spacing 50
xsize 600
text _("Звук"):
ypos 20
background "interface/preferences/button/panel.png"
xalign 1.0
xpos 327
ypos 28
ysize 24
xsize 306
value Preference("sound volume")
spacing 50
xsize 600
text _("Голос"):
ypos 20
background "interface/preferences/button/panel.png"
xalign 1.0
xpos 327
ypos 28
ysize 24
xsize 306
value Preference("voice volume")
null width 50
text _("Скорость"):
size 55
spacing 50
xsize 600
text _("Текст"):
ypos 20
background "interface/preferences/button/panel.png"
xalign 1.0
xpos 327
ypos 28
ysize 24
xsize 306
value Preference("text speed")
spacing 50
xsize 600
text _("Авточтение"):
ypos 20
background "interface/preferences/button/panel.png"
xalign 1.0
xpos 327
ypos 28
ysize 24
xsize 306
value Preference("auto-forward time")
text _("Режим"):
xpos 400
ypos 150
size 55
text _("Пропуск"):
xpos 400
ypos 590
size 55
background Null()
style_prefix "main_menu"
at for_yes_no_10
xalign 0.2
yalign 0.78
textbutton _("Весь текст"):
action Preference("skip", "all")
xsize 350
textbutton _("Прочитанный"):
action Preference("skip", "seen")
xsize 350
xalign 0.2
yalign 0.78
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Весь текст")
at mm_but
xsize 350
action Preference("skip", "all")
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Прочитанный")
at mm_but
xsize 350
action Preference("skip", "seen")
background Null()
style_prefix "main_menu"
at for_yes_no_10
xalign 0.2
yalign 0.3
textbutton _("Оконный"):
action Preference("display", "window")
xsize 350
textbutton _("Полноэкранный"):
action Preference("display", "fullscreen")
xsize 350
xalign 0.2
yalign 0.3
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Оконный")
at mm_but
xsize 350
action Preference("display", "window")
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Полноэкранный")
at mm_but
xsize 350
action Preference("display", "fullscreen")
ground Null(1920, 1080)
insensitive Null(1920, 1080)
idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
alpha True
at for_yes_no_10
hotspot (1673,821,108,88):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
action Return()
at filepic_but3
key "game_menu" action Return()
on "show" action Show("block_screen")
timer 1.0 action Hide("block_screen")
init -1 style pref_text is text
init -1 style pref_slider is gui_slider
init -1 style pref_text:
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
color "FFFFFF"
size 35
init -1 style pref_slider:
right_bar Null(10, 10)
left_bar "interface/preferences/button/right_bar.png"
xsize 300
xalign 1.0
thumb None
init -501 screen confirm(message, yes_action, no_action):
modal True
zorder 200
style_prefix "confirm"
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-settings-1.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-settings-1.ogg")
add "bg_menu_yes_no" at conf_fon
xalign .5
yalign .4
spacing 30
text message style "imagemap_text" ypos -10 text_align 0.5
at for_yes_no_10
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
spacing 100
textbutton _("Да"):
text_style "confirm_textbutton"
background Null(10, 10)
xsize 250
ysize 75
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
action yes_action
textbutton _("Нет"):
text_style "confirm_textbutton"
background Null(10, 10)
xsize 250
ysize 75
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
action no_action
at for_yes_no_10
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
spacing 100
xsize 250
ysize 75
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Да") style "confirm_button_text"
at mm_but
action yes_action
xsize 250
ysize 75
background "interface/main_meny/plaska.png"
text _("Нет") style "confirm_button_text"
at mm_but
action no_action
at for_yes_no_10
key "game_menu" action no_action
on "show" action Show("block_screen")
timer 1.0 action Hide("block_screen")
init -1 style confirm_frame is gui_frame
init -1 style confirm_prompt is gui_prompt
init -1 style confirm_prompt_text is gui_prompt_text
init -1 style confirm_button is gui_medium_button
init -1 style confirm_button_text is gui_medium_button_text
init -1 style confirm_frame:
background Frame([ "gui/confirm_frame.png", "gui/frame.png"], gui.confirm_frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile)
padding gui.confirm_frame_borders.padding
xalign .5
yalign .5
init -1 style confirm_prompt_text:
text_align 0.5
layout "subtitle"
init -1 style confirm_button:
properties gui.button_properties("confirm_button")
init -1 style confirm_button_text:
properties gui.button_text_properties("confirm_button")
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
size 40
color "000000"
xoffset -10
init -1 style confirm_textbutton:
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
font "font/razor_k.ttf"
size 40
color "FFFFFF"
xoffset -10
init -501 screen skip_indicator():
zorder 100
style_prefix "skip"
has hbox:
spacing 9
text _("Пропускаю") style "text_font_interface" size gui.notify_text_size color "#000"
text "▸" at delayed_blink(0.0, 1.0) style "skip_triangle"
text "▸" at delayed_blink(0.2, 1.0) style "skip_triangle"
text "▸" at delayed_blink(0.4, 1.0) style "skip_triangle"
transform -1 delayed_blink(delay, cycle):
alpha .5
pause delay
linear .2 alpha 1.0
pause .2
linear .2 alpha 0.5
pause (cycle - .4)
init -1 style skip_frame is empty
init -1 style skip_text is gui_text
init -1 style skip_triangle is skip_text
init -1 style skip_frame:
ypos gui.skip_ypos
background Frame("gui/skip.png", gui.skip_frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile)
padding gui.skip_frame_borders.padding
init -1 style skip_text:
size gui.notify_text_size
init -1 style skip_triangle:
font "DejaVuSans.ttf"
init -501 screen notify(message):
zorder 100
style_prefix "notify"
frame at notify_appear:
text "[message!tq]"
timer 3.25 action Hide('notify')
transform -1 notify_appear:
on show:
alpha 0
linear .25 alpha 1.0
on hide:
linear .5 alpha 0.0
init -1 style notify_frame is empty
init -1 style notify_text is gui_text
init -1 style notify_frame:
ypos gui.notify_ypos
background Frame("gui/notify.png", gui.notify_frame_borders, tile=gui.frame_tile)
padding gui.notify_frame_borders.padding
init -1 style notify_text:
properties gui.text_properties("notify")
init -501 screen nvl(dialogue, items=None):
style "nvl_window"
has vbox:
spacing gui.nvl_spacing
if gui.nvl_height:
cols 1
yinitial 1.0
use nvl_dialogue(dialogue)
use nvl_dialogue(dialogue)
for i in items:
textbutton i.caption:
action i.action
style "nvl_button"
add SideImage() xalign 0.0 yalign 1.0
init -501 screen nvl_dialogue(dialogue):
for d in dialogue:
id d.window_id
has fixed:
yfit gui.nvl_height is None
if d.who is not None:
text d.who:
id d.who_id
text d.what:
id d.what_id
define -1 config.nvl_list_length = gui.nvl_list_length
init -1 style nvl_window is default
init -1 style nvl_entry is default
init -1 style nvl_label is say_label
init -1 style nvl_dialogue is say_dialogue
init -1 style nvl_button is button
init -1 style nvl_button_text is button_text
init -1 style nvl_window:
xfill True
yfill True
background "gui/nvl.png"
padding gui.nvl_borders.padding
init -1 style nvl_entry:
xfill True
ysize gui.nvl_height
init -1 style nvl_label:
xpos gui.nvl_name_xpos
xanchor gui.nvl_name_xalign
ypos gui.nvl_name_ypos
yanchor 0.0
xsize gui.nvl_name_width
min_width gui.nvl_name_width
text_align gui.nvl_name_xalign
init -1 style nvl_dialogue:
xpos gui.nvl_text_xpos
xanchor gui.nvl_text_xalign
ypos gui.nvl_text_ypos
xsize gui.nvl_text_width
min_width gui.nvl_text_width
text_align gui.nvl_text_xalign
layout ("subtitle" if gui.nvl_text_xalign else "tex")
init -1 style nvl_thought:
xpos gui.nvl_thought_xpos
xanchor gui.nvl_thought_xalign
ypos gui.nvl_thought_ypos
xsize gui.nvl_thought_width
min_width gui.nvl_thought_width
text_align gui.nvl_thought_xalign
layout ("subtitle" if gui.nvl_text_xalign else "tex")
init -1 style nvl_button:
properties gui.button_properties("nvl_button")
xpos gui.nvl_button_xpos
xanchor gui.nvl_button_xalign
init -1 style nvl_button_text:
properties gui.button_text_properties("nvl_button")
init -501 screen history():
modal True
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-4.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-4.ogg")
predict False
style_prefix "history" tag menu
add "bg_menu_yes_no" at conf_fon
text _("История"):
xpos 800
ypos 20
size 60
color "#FFFFFF"
style "text_font_interface"
at for_yes_no_10
viewport at for_yes_no_10:
xalign 0.1
yalign 0.5
xsize 1500
ysize 780
mousewheel True
yinitial 1.0
draggable True
has vbox
for h in _history_list:
has fixed:
yfit True
if h.who:
label h.who:
style "history_name"
if "color" in h.who_args:
text_color h.who_args["color"]
$ what = renpy.filter_text_tags(h.what, allow=gui.history_allow_tags)
text what
null height 5
if not _history_list:
label _("История диалогов пуста.")
ground Null(1920, 1080)
insensitive Null(1920, 1080)
idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
alpha True
at for_yes_no_10
hotspot (1673,821,108,88):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
action Return()
at filepic_but3
define -1 gui.history_allow_tags = set()
init -1 style history_window is empty
init -1 style history_name is gui_label
init -1 style history_name_text is gui_label_text
init -1 style history_text is gui_text
init -1 style history_text is gui_text
init -1 style history_label is gui_label
init -1 style history_label_text is gui_label_text
init -1 style history_window:
xfill True
ysize gui.history_height
init -1 style history_name:
xpos gui.history_name_xpos
xanchor gui.history_name_xalign
ypos gui.history_name_ypos
xsize gui.history_name_width
init -1 style history_name_text:
min_width gui.history_name_width
text_align gui.history_name_xalign
font "font/russia.ttf"
size 55
init -1 style history_text:
xpos gui.history_text_xpos
ypos gui.history_text_ypos
xanchor gui.history_text_xalign
xsize gui.history_text_width
min_width gui.history_text_width
text_align gui.history_text_xalign
layout ("subtitle" if gui.history_text_xalign else "tex")
color "#FFFFFF"
font "font/russia.ttf"
size 50
init -1 style history_label:
xfill True
init -1 style history_label_text:
xalign 0.5
init -1 style pref_vbox:
variant "medium"
xsize 675
init -501 screen quick_menu():
variant "touch"
zorder 100
style_prefix "quick"
xalign 0.5
yalign 1.0
textbutton _("Назад") action Rollback()
textbutton _("Пропуск") action Skip() alternate Skip(fast=True, confirm=True)
textbutton _("Авто") action Preference("auto-forward", "toggle")
textbutton _("Меню") action ShowMenu()
init -1 style window:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/textbox.png"
init -1 style radio_button:
variant "small"
foreground "gui/phone/button/check_[prefix_]foreground.png"
init -1 style check_button:
variant "small"
foreground "gui/phone/button/check_[prefix_]foreground.png"
init -1 style nvl_window:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/nvl.png"
init -1 style main_menu_frame:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/overlay/main_menu.png"
init -1 style game_menu_outer_frame:
variant "small"
background "gui/phone/overlay/game_menu.png"
init -1 style game_menu_navigation_frame:
variant "small"
xsize 510
init -1 style game_menu_content_frame:
variant "small"
top_margin 0
init -1 style pref_vbox:
variant "small"
xsize 600
init -1 style bar:
variant "small"
ysize gui.bar_size
left_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/left.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
right_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/right.png", gui.bar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
init -1 style vbar:
variant "small"
xsize gui.bar_size
top_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/top.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
bottom_bar Frame("gui/phone/bar/bottom.png", gui.vbar_borders, tile=gui.bar_tile)
init -1 style scrollbar:
variant "small"
ysize gui.scrollbar_size
base_bar Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
thumb Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.scrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
init -1 style vscrollbar:
variant "small"
xsize gui.scrollbar_size
base_bar Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
thumb Frame("gui/phone/scrollbar/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png", gui.vscrollbar_borders, tile=gui.scrollbar_tile)
init -1 style slider:
variant "small"
ysize gui.slider_size
base_bar Frame("gui/phone/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.slider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile)
thumb "gui/phone/slider/horizontal_[prefix_]thumb.png"
init -1 style vslider:
variant "small"
xsize gui.slider_size
base_bar Frame("gui/phone/slider/vertical_[prefix_]bar.png", gui.vslider_borders, tile=gui.slider_tile)
thumb "gui/phone/slider/vertical_[prefix_]thumb.png"
init -1 style slider_pref_vbox:
variant "small"
xsize None
init -1 style slider_pref_slider:
variant "small"
xsize 900
init -501 screen block_screen():
imagebutton idle "interface/empty_full.png":
action NullAction()
default -1 forced_pause = False
init -501 screen forced_pause_timer(delay):
timer delay action [SetVariable("forced_pause", False),Hide('forced_pause_timer')]
label forced_pause_start(delay):
$ forced_pause = True
show screen forced_pause_timer(delay)
label forced_pause_loop:
while renpy.get_screen("forced_pause_timer"):
$ renpy.pause(.1, hard=True)
init -501 screen for_click_to_c():
imagebutton idle "interface/empty_full.png":
action Return()
init -501 screen memory_ramka():
zorder 2
add "ramka" at qm_elements
# Изменнёный участок #
# Скрипт для версии: 3.0.1 #
# Автор скрипта: _BrenD_ #
# Instagram: #
# Steam: #
# YouTube: #
# TikTok: #
init python:
config.developer = True
define brend = Character(_('_BrenD_'), what_prefix='', what_suffix='')
label secrets_select:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show screen secrets_menu_button
"{color=#fff}Деталь #1: Текст в флешбеках" if True:
jump secret1
"{color=#fff}Секрет #2: Лисичка" if True:
jump secret2
"{color=#fff}Секрет #3: Полная анимация рисования дракончика" if True:
jump secret3
"{color=#fff}Секрет #4: Снижёк в окно" if True:
jump secret4
"{color=#fff}Секрет #5: Сова машет" if True:
jump secret5
"{color=#fff}Секрет #6: Жучка в холодильнике" if True:
jump secret6
"{color=#fff}Секрет #7: Пропажа Антона?" if True:
jump secret7
label secret1:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show expression "locate/school/in_side/Sem_gone/Sem_fin/03.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Деталь #1: Текст в флешбеках"
brend "Свинья Свин Pig"
show expression "locate/school/in_side/Sem_gone/Sem_fin/04.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Сёма"
show expression "locate/school/in_side/finger/07.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Боль Страх Жуть Мрак Испуг Боязнь Паника Фобия Тоска"
jump secret2
label secret2:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show bg_lisa_lying with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Секрет #2: Лисичка"
jump secret3
label secret3:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
scene table_art_01 with Dissolve(0.5)
brend "Секрет #3: Полная анимация рисования дракончика\n(Самой анимации нету, есть только кадры)"
window hide
play test_one "sounds/pen_bumaga.ogg"
play test_six "sounds/Karandash_01.ogg"
scene table_art_02 with Dissolve(0.3)
pause 0.5
play test_six "sounds/Karandash_02.ogg"
scene table_art_03 with Dissolve(0.3)
pause 0.75
play test_six "sounds/Karandash_01.ogg"
scene table_art_04 with Dissolve(0.3)
show miganie_t4_t5
stop music fadeout 3.5
play music2 "music/Dvar - Ariil Iaat.ogg" fadein 2.5
play test_one "sounds/lamp.ogg"
show miganie_t6_t7
$ renpy.pause(4.0)
scene table_art_06 with Dissolve(0.1)
$ renpy.pause(0.09)
scene table_art_07 with Dissolve(0.1):
zoom 0.48
scene table_art_07_1 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_08 with Dissolve(0.2):
xsize 1920
ysize 1080
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_09 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_10 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_11 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_12 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_13 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
scene table_art_14 with Dissolve(0.2)
$ renpy.pause(1)
window show
brend "Конец"
jump secret4
label secret4:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show bg night_window2_sneg1 with Dissolve(0.3):
brend "Секрет #4: Снижёк в окно"
jump secret5
label secret5:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show expression LiveComposite((1920, 1080),
(-259, 0), "locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/024.jpg",
(-259, 0), Animation("locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_001.png", 1.50,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_002.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_003.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_004.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_005.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_006.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_007.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_008.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_009.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_010.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_011.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_012.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_013.png", 0.10,
"locate/home/in_side/2st_floor/anton_room/window_par/O_014.png", 0.10)) with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Секрет #5: Сова машет\n(Здесь должно быть окно, но его нет в файлах)"
jump secret6
image secret6Anim:
"locate/home/in_side/1st_floor/kitchen/cold/Refrezirator_3.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
"locate/home/in_side/1st_floor/kitchen/cold/Refrezirator_4.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
"locate/home/in_side/1st_floor/kitchen/cold/Refrezirator_5.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
"locate/home/in_side/1st_floor/kitchen/cold/Refrezirator_6.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
label secret6:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show secret6Anim with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Секрет #6: Жучка в холодильнике"
jump secret7
label secret7:
scene bg_black with Dissolve(0.3)
show expression "locate/Death.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Секрет #7: Пропажа Антона?\n{size=-10}(Но это можно пока-что проигнорировать, так как данный файл используется только в тестовом скрипте)"
show expression "images/interface/demo_end/bye.jpg" with Dissolve(0.3)
brend "Другие газеты"
show expression "images/interface/demo_end/bye2.png" with Dissolve(0.3)
$ renpy.pause()
show expression "images/interface/demo_end/bye3.png" with Dissolve(0.3)
$ renpy.pause()
default objHov = "Unhovered"
init python:
class UnlockAnimals:
def owl(self):
return persistent.animal_unlock[0]
def owl(self, value):
persistent.animal_unlock[0] = value
def fox(self):
return persistent.animal_unlock[1]
def fox(self, value):
persistent.animal_unlock[1] = value
def wolf(self):
return persistent.animal_unlock[2]
def wolf(self, value):
persistent.animal_unlock[2] = value
def beer(self):
return persistent.animal_unlock[4]
def beer(self, value):
persistent.animal_unlock[4] = value
def master(self):
return persistent.animal_unlock[3]
def master(self, value):
persistent.animal_unlock[3] = value
define unlockAnimals = UnlockAnimals()
init -501 screen toggle(variable):
style_prefix "main_menu"
ysize 50
xsize 150
background Null()
textbutton _("Вкл"):
action SetVariable(variable, True)
xsize 150
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Вкл")
at mm_but
xsize 150
action SetVariable(variable, True)
style_prefix "main_menu"
ysize 50
xsize 150
background Null()
textbutton _("Выкл"):
action SetVariable(variable, False)
xsize 150
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Выкл")
at mm_but
xsize 150
action SetVariable(variable, False)
init -501 screen link_button(buttontext, link):
text buttontext:
size 50
font "font/russia.ttf"
hover_underline True
hover_color "#285999"
action OpenURL(link)
screen secrets_menu_button():
xpos 1730
ypos 20
style_prefix "main_menu"
ysize 50
xsize 150
background Null()
textbutton _("Меню"):
action Jump("secrets_select")
xsize 150
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Меню")
at mm_but
xsize 150
action Jump("secrets_select")
init -501 screen secrets():
style_prefix "pref"
modal True tag menu
on "show" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-4.ogg")
on "replace" action Play("test_five", "sounds/menu/menu-window-4.ogg")
add "bg_menu_about" at conf_fon
viewport id "autor":
draggable True
mousewheel True
xsize 1600
ysize 900
xalign 0.5
yalign 0.5
has vbox:
xalign 0.5
spacing 46
xsize 1600
style_group "about"
at for_yes_no_10
spacing 20
text _("{size=+10}Режим разработчика: "):
ypos 18
use toggle("config.developer")
style_group "about"
at for_yes_no_10
spacing 20
text _("{size=+10}Секретные сцены: "):
ypos 18
style_prefix "main_menu"
ysize 50
xsize 150
background Null()
textbutton _("Запустить"):
action [Stop('music'), Start('secrets_select')]
xsize 350
background Frame("interface/main_meny/plaska.png")
text _("Запустить")
at mm_but
xsize 350
action [Stop('music'), Start('secrets_select')]
style_group "about"
at for_yes_no_10
spacing 20
xsize 1600
text _("{size=+40}Звери в меню:"):
ypos 18
xalign 0.45
xsize 1500
xalign 0.5
spacing 20
text _("{size=+20}Лиса"):
ypos 18
xalign 0.5
use toggle("")
spacing 20
text _("{size=+20}Волк"):
ypos 18
xalign 0.5
use toggle("unlockAnimals.wolf")
spacing 20
text _("{size=+20}Сова"):
ypos 18
xalign 0.5
use toggle("unlockAnimals.owl")
spacing 20
text _("{size=+20}Медведь"):
ypos 18
xalign 0.5
use toggle("")
spacing 20
text _("{size=+20}Мастер"):
ypos 18
xalign 0.5
use toggle("unlockAnimals.master")
style_group "about"
at for_yes_no_10
spacing 5
background Null()
ysize 130
text _("Скрипт написан для версии: 3.0.1"):
size 50
font "font/russia.ttf"
text _("За основу взят оригинальный файл screens.rpy взятый из купленной стимовской версии игры"):
size 50
font "font/russia.ttf"
text "Обратная связь:":
size 50
font "font/russia.ttf"
xpos 30
use link_button("Почта:", '')
use link_button("Instagram: @_brend__", '')
use link_button("Steam: id/brend32/", '')
use link_button("YouTube: _BrenD_", ' ')
use link_button("TikTok: @_brend__", '')
value YScrollValue("autor")
xpos 1600
yalign 0.5
xsize 20
ysize 900
at for_yes_no_10
ground Null(1920, 1080)
insensitive Null(1920, 1080)
idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_idle "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
selected_hover "interface/preferences/button/05.png"
alpha True
at for_yes_no_10
hotspot (1673,821,108,88):
hover_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-select-1.ogg"
activate_sound "sounds/menu/menu-button-click-1.ogg"
action Return()
at filepic_but3
text _("Автор скрипта: _BrenD_"):
at for_yes_no_10
size 55
font "font/russia.ttf"
xpos 30
ypos 15
key "game_menu" action Return()
on "show" action Show("block_screen")
timer 1.0 action Hide("block_screen")
# Decompiled by unrpyc:
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