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Created October 18, 2016 01:19
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String Methods and Array Methods
////////// Strings ///////////
// In JavaScript, the first position of a string(called the index) is 0. The same is true of arrays.
var phrase = "The quick brown fox and the brown cat ate lunch at the Taco House";
//can also apply to full words
var indexOfFox = phrase.indexOf("fox");
console.log("indexOfFox", indexOfFox);
console.log("phrase length", phrase.length);
newPhrase = phrase.replace("brown", "yellow"); // makes a new string - old one still exists
//notice that brown is only replaced on the first one. for global, use the g
newPhrase = newPhrase.replace(/the/g, "a really tiny");
console.log("the new phrase", newPhrase);
//three methods to extract parts of string
var greeting = "Hello world!";
var newGreeting = greeting.slice(3, 8); //Beginning pos and end pos but not end item.
console.log("newGreeting", newGreeting);
// slice() can use negative to go from end
// substring() - The difference is that substring() cannot accept negative indexes.
var phraseSplit = phrase.split(" "); //creates an array
// If you want to read a string as an array, convert it to an array first - otherwise unpredictable.
var text1 = "Hello World!"; // String
var text2 = text1.toUpperCase(); // text2 is text1 converted to upper
var text1 = "Hello";
var text2 = "World";
text3 = text1.concat(" ",text2); // adds space and then text2
//////// Basic Array Methods //////////
var colors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "orange", "purple"];
var numbers = [25, 3, 9, 97, 61, 104, 0];
var reversedColors = colors.reverse();
var sortedColors = colors.sort();
console.log("sortedColors", sortedColors);
var sortedNumbersSort = numbers.sort();
console.log("sortedNumbersSort", sortedNumbersSort);
var sortedNumbers = numbers.sort(function(first, second) {
//console.log(first, second, "and", first - second);
return first - second; // <---- Is this true?, If so then sort it
// more details, search mdn array methods and w3 array methods
var joinedColors = colors.join(", "); //creates a string
console.log("joinedColors",joinedColors, typeof(joinedColors));
var newColorArray = joinedColors.split(", ");
console.log("newColorArray", newColorArray, typeof(newColorArray));
// Slice takes items out of an array, makes new one. Beginning pos and end pos but not end item.
var fruits = ["Banana", "Orange", "Lemon", "Apple", "Mango", "Peaches"];
var citrus = fruits.slice(1,3); // ["Orange", "Lemon"]
console.log("citrus", citrus);
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