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Last active February 14, 2019 01:46
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# @lint-avoid-python-3-compatibility-imports
# cpuunclaimed Sample CPU run queues and calculate unclaimed idle CPU.
# For Linux, uses BCC, eBPF.
# This samples the length of the run queues and determine when there are idle
# CPUs, yet queued threads waiting their turn. Report the amount of idle
# (yet unclaimed by waiting threads) CPU as a system-wide percentage.
# This situation can happen for a number of reasons:
# - An application has been bound to some, but not all, CPUs, and has runnable
# threads that cannot migrate to other CPUs due to this configuration.
# - CPU affinity: an optimization that leaves threads on CPUs where the CPU
# caches are warm, even if this means short periods of waiting while other
# CPUs are idle. The wait period is tunale (see sysctl, kernel.sched*).
# - Scheduler bugs.
# An unclaimed idle of < 1% is likely to be CPU affinity, and not usually a
# cause for concern. By leaving the CPU idle, overall throughput of the system
# may be improved. This tool is best for identifying larger issues, > 2%, due
# to the coarseness of its 99 Hertz samples.
# This is an experimental tool that currently works by use of sampling to
# keep overheads low, and also binding of this program to CPU 0. See the code
# comments. If this identifies unclaimed CPU, you should double check it by
# tracing scheduler events (although that approach has much higher overhead).
# Check for future versions of this tool which may have improvements.
# USAGE: cpuunclaimed [-h] [-T] [interval] [count]
# REQUIRES: Linux 4.9+ (BPF_PROG_TYPE_PERF_EVENT support). Under tools/old is
# a version of this tool that may work on Linux 4.6 - 4.8.
# Copyright 2016 Netflix, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
# 14-Dec-2016 Brendan Gregg Created this.
from __future__ import print_function
from bcc import BPF, PerfType, PerfSWConfig
from time import sleep, strftime
from ctypes import c_int
import argparse
import multiprocessing
from os import getpid, system
# arguments
examples = """examples:
./cpuunclaimed # summarize run queue length as a histogram
./cpuunclaimed 1 10 # print 1 second summaries, 10 times
./cpuunclaimed -T 1 # 1s summaries and timestamps
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Summarize scheduler run queue length as a histogram",
parser.add_argument("-T", "--timestamp", action="store_true",
help="include timestamp on output")
parser.add_argument("interval", nargs="?", default=99999999,
help="output interval, in seconds")
parser.add_argument("count", nargs="?", default=99999999,
help="number of outputs")
args = parser.parse_args()
countdown = int(args.count)
frequency = 99 * 2 # 2 phases: recording, reporting
dobind = 1
debug = 0
# define BPF program
bpf_text = """
#include <uapi/linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
enum global_types {
enum stat_types {
BPF_TABLE("array", int, u64, globals, G_MAXGLOBAL);
BPF_TABLE("array", int, u64, stats, S_MAXSTAT);
// Declare enough of cfs_rq to find nr_running, since we can't #import the
// header. This will need maintenance. It is from kernel/sched/sched.h:
struct cfs_rq_partial {
struct load_weight load;
unsigned int nr_running, h_nr_running;
int do_perf_event()
int cpu = bpf_get_smp_processor_id();
u64 now = bpf_ktime_get_ns();
u64 *val = NULL;
* Big Theory Statement
* This program determines if there are idle CPUs while others have
* tasks waiting on their run queue. It updates summary counters that
* are periodically read (every second) by user space. This is measured on
* timed samples (eg 99 Hertz) so that, while coarse, this is a low
* overhead approach, as the maximum rate of events is 99 x CPU_count,
* per second. Tracing scheduler events (queueing or context switching
* events) can have a rate of millions per second, and the overhead of this
* can become undesirable for production use.
* Constraints:
* A) The state of all CPUs must be compared at the same point in time.
* B) Without using loops.
* C) Samples may not fire during idle (due to no_hz when idle).
* D) Samples may execute in any order.
* E) Samples may execute at the same time.
* The samples usually arrive in CPU sequence order, from 0 to max CPU, as
* the samples are initialized in CPU order from a Python loop (in
* attach_perf_event()), which introduces a small delay from when one CPU
* timer is initialized to the next. However, higher priority interrupts
* can delay when a sampling interrupt fires, so that under heavy load the
* samples can begin to arrive in any order. A delayed sample causes the
* next sample to arrive earlier (if possible), to return to the expected
* time offset.
* (I've been tempted to stretch the delay between initializing sampling
* timers to accomodate such delays, which would solve (D) and (E) and
* simplify the program, but would break (A)).
* It is assumed that there is no drift between the CPU timers, such that
* they always fire around the same expected time. This matches my
* observation on one test system. If there is a system where this
* assumption is not true, this sampling approach will not work once the
* drift becomes significant (perhaps the tool would work for short
* durations only).
* The following implementation is experimental, and currently does not
* solve (C) completely. It works by alternating between two phases,
* a recording phase that increments globals counters with run queue
* state, and then a reporting phase that calculates queued when idle
* and emits counters for user space. States alternate based on a stored
* timestamp. It works like this:
* 1. Identify the first sample to arrive in the reporting cycle by
* looking for a jump in the saved timestamp by over 1.8 x sample
* period.
* 1.1. Implement a tie-breaker so that, if multiple samples arrive
* at the exact same time, only one continues (see XXX).
* 1.2. Set saved timestamp to now. See (2.).
* 1.3. Read previous stored counters for running CPUs and queued threads,
* and calculate the number of threads that could have run.
* 1.4. Emit values for user space.
* 1.5. Return.
* 2. Identify remaining threads in the reporting cycle as having a time
* jump of less than 0.8 x sample period, and return.
* 3. Remaining threads are all now in the recording cycle (time is between
* 0.8 and 1.8 sample periods from last report cycle).
* 3.1. Fetch the CPU run queue length.
* 3.2. If length is > 0, increment running global statistic by 1.
* 3.3. If length is > 1, increment queued global statistic by the number
* of waiting threads.
* You are welcome to try to do better. Suggested workloads to test:
* - idle system # for testing constraint (C)
* - taskset -c 1 multi-threaded-CPU-bound-program
* - cd linux; make -j#CPUs
* - cd linux; make -j#CPUs_x_8 # overload, for testing (D) and (E)
* With some bpf_trace_printk()s, you can inspect trace_pipe and see how
* the logic is behaving, in particular, for missing events (C),
* out-of-order events (D), and events at the same time (E).
* Perhaps we'll figure out a better tie-breaker routine (see XXX), and
* this program will be improved. Perhaps there's a different approach,
* one that doesn't need two phases, and can record data on every sample.
* Or perhaps this BPF program should simply dump timestamped run queue
* lengths to user-space, and we'll do it all there, paying the extra
* overhead.
// cycles are keyed by the elapsed time since a stored timestamp
int idx = G_TS;
u64 *ts = globals.lookup(&idx);
if (ts == NULL)
return 0; // sholudn't happen
u64 old = *ts;
if (old == 0) {
// first hit
*ts = now;
return 0;
} else {
if (now > (old + TRIGGER2)) {
* Report cycle
* Tie-breaker: only one thread should carry on from here.
* XXX: We don't have __sync_val_compare_and_swap() or other
* atomics, so I've yet to figure out a reliable way to do this.
* As a temporary workaround, only allow CPU 0, although this
* breaks constraint (C). As a small help to prevent CPU 0 from
* powering down, this Python program is bound to CPU 0. See the
* other XXX note.
if (cpu != 0)
return 0;
* Setup timestamp for the next cycle. Several other CPU may be
* accessing *ts around the same time we change it here. What
* happens is they either read the:
* - old time: it's up to the "Tie-breaker" logic above to only
* allow one CPU to carry on and do the report cycle.
* - new time: the TRIGGER1 test will identify this state.
* Both paths lead to the other CPUs doing nothing on this cycle,
* like we want. Everyone is then setup correctly for the record
* cycle on the next sample.
*ts = now;
// fetch, cache, then reset globals.
idx = G_RUNNING; u64 *runp = globals.lookup(&idx);
idx = G_QUEUE; u64 *queuep = globals.lookup(&idx);
if (runp == NULL || queuep == NULL)
return 0; // shouldn't happen
u64 run = *runp;
u64 queue = *queuep;
(*runp) = 0;
(*queuep) = 0;
* Infer idle CPU count as the CPU count minus running. We can't
* sample this directly, as some CPUs may power down and not fire
* samples.
int idle = NRCPU - run;
if (DEBUG) {
bpf_trace_printk("report: run %d queue %d idle %d\\n", run,
queue, idle);
* This should only happen when a sample has been massively
* delayed from its skip cycle and falls into the next record
* cycle, overcounting. I've seen this a couple of times under
* extreme load. For now, toss out samples. Note that it will
* be visible in the debug trace_pipe as an "idle -1" line.
if (run > NRCPU)
return 0;
* Calculate the number of threads that could have run as the
* minimum of idle and queue, and emit this.
int i;
if (idle > 0 && queue > 0) {
if (queue > idle)
i = idle;
i = queue;
val = stats.lookup(&idx);
if (val) (*val) += i;
// emit running & idle counts for calculating CPU utilization.
idx = S_RUNNING;
val = stats.lookup(&idx);
if (val) (*val) += run;
idx = S_IDLE;
val = stats.lookup(&idx);
if (val) (*val) += idle;
return 0;
if (now < (old + TRIGGER1)) {
// trailing samples in report cycle
if (DEBUG)
return 0;
* Record cycle
* Fetch the run queue length from task->se.cfs_rq->nr_running. This is an
* unstable interface and may need maintenance. Perhaps a future version
* of BPF will support task_rq(p) or something similar as a more reliable
* interface.
unsigned int len = 0;
struct task_struct *task = NULL;
struct cfs_rq_partial *my_q = NULL;
task = (struct task_struct *)bpf_get_current_task();
bpf_probe_read(&my_q, sizeof(my_q), &task->se.cfs_rq);
bpf_probe_read(&len, sizeof(len), &my_q->nr_running);
if (DEBUG) {
bpf_trace_printk("record: len %d, delta %d\\n", len,
(now - (old + TRIGGER1)));
* Maintain two global counters:
* - G_RUNNING: number of CPUs not idle
* - G_QUEUE: total number of queued threads not running
* Identify running CPUs as len > 0, and queued tasks as len > 1.
* A len == 0, or a missing sample, are idle CPUs.
if (len > 0) {
idx = G_RUNNING;
val = globals.lookup(&idx);
if (val) __sync_fetch_and_add((long *)val, 1);
if (len > 1) {
idx = G_QUEUE;
val = globals.lookup(&idx);
if (val) __sync_fetch_and_add((long *)val, len - 1);
return 0;
# code substitutions
bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('NRCPU', str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('TRIGGER1', str(
int(0.8 * (1000000000 / frequency))))
bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('TRIGGER2', str(
int(1.8 * (1000000000 / frequency))))
if debug:
bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('DEBUG', '1')
bpf_text = bpf_text.replace('DEBUG', '0')
# bind to CPU 0 (temporary; see earlier XXX note)
if dobind:
ret = system("taskset -cp 0 %d >/dev/null" % getpid())
if ret != 0:
print("WARNING: unable to run \"taskset\" to bind to CPU 0. " +
"This program may not work properly. " +
"Install taskset (util-linux)? Continuing anyway...")
# initialize BPF & perf_events
b = BPF(text=bpf_text)
ev_config=PerfSWConfig.TASK_CLOCK, fn_name="do_perf_event",
sample_period=0, sample_freq=frequency)
print("Sampling run queues... Hit Ctrl-C to end.")
# stat indexes
S_POSITIVE = c_int(1)
S_RUNNING = c_int(2)
S_IDLE = c_int(3)
# output
exiting = 0 if args.interval else 1
while (1):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
exiting = 1
# fetch stats on queued when idle
positive = b["stats"][S_POSITIVE].value
running = b["stats"][S_RUNNING].value
idle = b["stats"][S_IDLE].value
total = running + idle
if debug:
print("DEBUG: positive %d running %d idle %d total %d" % (positive,
running, idle, total))
if args.timestamp:
print("%-8s " % strftime("%H:%M:%S"), end="")
unclaimed = util = 0
if total:
unclaimed = float(positive) / total
util = float(running) / total
print("%%CPU %6.2f%%, unclaimed idle %0.2f%%" % (100 * util,
100 * unclaimed))
countdown -= 1
if exiting or countdown == 0:
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