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Created January 24, 2018 12:03
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{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Subnet
( KnownBits
, bitmask
, Netmask (..)
, netmask
, Subnet (..)
, hostbits
, netbits
, cidr
, hosts
, divide
, join
, prefix
) where
import Data.Word (Word32)
import GHC.TypeLits (CmpNat, KnownNat, natVal, type (+), type (-), Nat)
import Numeric (showInt)
import Terrafomo.Syntax.IP
import qualified Data.Bits as Bit
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
-- FIXME: smart constructors for safe ip range / prefixes.
type KnownBits n = (KnownNat n, CmpNat n 33 ~ 'LT)
bitmask :: KnownBits n => proxy n -> Bits
bitmask = toEnum . fromEnum . natVal
newtype Netmask = Netmask Word32
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Netmask where
showsPrec _ (Netmask w) =
let showBits n = showInt (fromEnum (Bit.shiftR w n Bit..&. 0xff))
in showBits 0o30
. showChar '.'
. showBits 0o20
. showChar '.'
. showBits 0o10
. showChar '.'
. showBits 0o00
netmask :: KnownBits n => Subnet n -> Netmask
netmask s = Netmask (Bit.shiftL 1 32 - Bit.shiftL 1 (hostbits s))
newtype Subnet (n :: Nat) = Subnet IP
instance KnownBits n => Show (Subnet n) where
showsPrec _ (cidr -> ip :/ mask) =
shows ip
. showString "/"
. shows (fromEnum mask)
hostbits :: KnownBits n => Subnet n -> Int
hostbits s = 32 - netbits s
netbits :: KnownBits n => Subnet n -> Int
netbits = fromIntegral . natVal
cidr :: KnownBits n => Subnet n -> CIDR
cidr s@(Subnet ip) = ip :/ bitmask s
hosts :: KnownBits n => Subnet n -> Int
hosts s = 2 ^ (32 - fromEnum (bitmask s)) - 2
-- @
-- divide subnet == uncurry join (divide subnet)
-- @
:: (KnownBits n, CmpNat n 32 ~ 'LT)
=> Subnet n
-> (Subnet (n + 1), Subnet (n + 1))
divide s@(Subnet (IPv4 w)) =
let bits = 32 - (netbits s + 1)
in ( Subnet (IPv4 w)
, Subnet (IPv4 (Bit.setBit w bits))
-- This hasn't had a lot of applied thought.
join :: KnownBits n => Subnet n -> Subnet n -> Subnet (n - 1)
join s@(Subnet ip) _ = Subnet (prefix ip (bitmask s))
-- If @prefix ip bits /= ip@, then it's not a subnet boundary.
prefix :: IP -> Bits -> IP
prefix (IPv4 w) mask = IPv4 (Fold.foldl' go w bits)
go x i = x Bit..&. Bit.complement (Bit.shiftL 1 i)
bits = [0 .. 31 - fromEnum mask]
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