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Created July 3, 2016 14:40
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# by brendan o'connor ( written in early 2012
# parallelized collapsed gibbs sampling for LDA with threads in cython
# need to delete these lines to get the cython instructions to work...
#cython: boundscheck=False, cdivision=True
# vim:sts=4:sw=4
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
cimport openmp
from cython.parallel import *
from libc.math cimport log
#import random
#rand = random.random
from stats import mcmc
cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
void free(void* ptr) nogil
void* malloc(size_t size) nogil
void* calloc(size_t count, size_t size) nogil
cdef extern from "stdio.h":
void printf(char *fmt) nogil
cdef extern from "gsl/gsl_rng.h":
ctypedef struct gsl_rng_type:
ctypedef struct gsl_rng:
gsl_rng_type *gsl_rng_mt19937
gsl_rng *gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_type * T)
double gsl_rng_uniform(gsl_rng * r) nogil
cdef gsl_rng *rngs[10]
for i in range(10):
rngs[i] = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937)
cdef int weighted_randint(double *unnorm_probs, double psum, int K) nogil:
return weighted_randint_threaded(unnorm_probs,psum,K,0)
cdef int weighted_randint_threaded(double *unnorm_probs, double psum, int K, int threadid) nogil:
cdef double cum = 0
cdef double r
r = gsl_rng_uniform(rngs[threadid]) * psum
cdef int i
for 0 <= i < K:
cum += unnorm_probs[i]
if r <= cum: return i
#with gil: assert False, "WTF"
return 0
cdef int NA = -1
cdef class LDA:
cdef public int N_topic, N_word, N_tok, N_doc
cdef public double phi_prior, theta_prior
cdef public np.ndarray tok_topic
cdef public np.ndarray tok_d, tok_w
cdef public np.ndarray C_word_topic, C_doc_topic, C_doc, C_topic
cdef public object mode
def __init__(self, N_topic=10, phi_prior=0.01, theta_prior=1, mode='cgs'):
self.N_topic = N_topic
self.phi_prior = phi_prior
self.theta_prior = theta_prior
self.mode = mode
def bind_data(_, tok_d, tok_w, N_word, N_doc):
_.N_tok = len(tok_d)
assert len(tok_d) == len(tok_w)
_.N_word = N_word
_.N_doc = N_doc
_.tok_d = tok_d
_.tok_w = tok_w
if _.mode=='cgs':
count_type =
_.tok_topic = np.random.randint(_.N_topic, size=_.N_tok)
elif _.mode=='cvb0':
count_type = np.double
_.tok_topic = np.random.random((_.N_tok, _.N_topic))
else: assert False
_z = lambda shape: np.zeros(shape, dtype=count_type)
_.C_word_topic = _z((_.N_word, _.N_topic))
_.C_doc_topic = _z((_.N_doc, _.N_topic))
_.C_doc = _z(_.N_doc)
_.C_topic = _z(_.N_topic)
## Initialize count tables
for i in range(_.N_tok):
if _.mode=='cvb0': _.tok_topic[i] /= _.tok_topic[i].sum()
for k in range(_.N_topic):
if _.mode=='cgs':
if _.tok_topic[i] != k: continue
delta = 1
delta = _.tok_topic[i,k]
d = _.tok_d[i]
w = _.tok_w[i]
_.C_doc_topic[d,k] += delta
_.C_topic[k] += delta
_.C_doc[k] += delta
_.C_word_topic[w,k] += delta
def alpha_conc(self):
return self.theta_prior * self.N_topic
def beta_conc(self):
return self.phi_prior * self.N_word
def gamma_conc(self):
return 1
def w_loglik(mm, beta_conc):
# p(w | z, beta) [[integrating out phi]]
betavec = np.tile(beta_conc / mm.N_word, mm.N_word)
tot_ll = 0
for kk in range(mm.N_topic):
word_counts = mm.C_word_topic[:,kk]
tot_ll += mcmc.dcm(word_counts, betavec, conc=beta_conc, single=True)
return tot_ll
def z_loglik(mm, alpha_conc):
# p(z | alpha) [[ integrating out theta ]]
alphavec = np.tile(alpha_conc / mm.N_topic, mm.N_topic)
conc = np.sum(alphavec)
ll = 0
for dd in range(len(mm.C_doc)):
zs = mm.C_doc_topic[dd]
ll += mcmc.dcm(zs, alphavec, conc=conc, N=mm.C_doc[dd], single=True)
return ll
def loglik(mm):
w_ll = w_loglik(mm, mm.beta_conc)
z_ll = w_loglik(mm, mm.alpha_conc)
return {'ll': w_ll+z_ll}
cpdef cgs_ser(LDA mm, inds=None):
if inds is None: inds = range(mm.N_tok)
cdef int N_word = mm.N_word
cdef int changes = 0
cdef unsigned int ii,kk,cur,oldz,newz
cdef int ww,dd
#cdef double denom,pp,psum
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] unnorm_probs = np.ones(mm.N_topic)
cdef double denom,pp,psum
# stupid, doesn't allow buffer type declaration on object attributes
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t,ndim=2] C_word_topic = mm.C_word_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t,ndim=2] C_doc_topic = mm.C_doc_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] C_topic = mm.C_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_d = mm.tok_d
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_w = mm.tok_w
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_topic = mm.tok_topic
#cdef int start=min(inds), end=max(inds)+1
#with parallel():
#for ii in prange(start, end, nogil=True):
for ii in inds:
psum = 0
oldz = tok_topic[ii]
ww = tok_w[ii]
dd = tok_d[ii]
for 0 <= kk < mm.N_topic:
cur = int(kk == oldz)
pp = 1
# word likelihood
denom = C_topic[kk] - cur + N_word*mm.phi_prior
pp *= (C_word_topic[ww,kk] - cur + mm.phi_prior) / denom
# class prior
pp *= (C_doc_topic[dd,kk] - cur + mm.theta_prior)
# record
unnorm_probs[kk] = pp
psum += pp
# Sample!
newz = weighted_randint(<double *>, psum, mm.N_topic)
#print oldz, "->",newz
if oldz != newz:
tok_topic[ii] = newz
C_word_topic[ww,oldz] -= 1
C_word_topic[ww,newz] += 1
C_doc_topic[dd,oldz] -= 1
C_doc_topic[dd,newz] += 1
C_topic[oldz] -= 1
C_topic[newz] += 1
changes += 1
return {'changes': changes}
cpdef cgs_prange(LDA mm, inds=None):
#print "start"
if inds is None: inds = range(mm.N_tok)
cdef int N_word = mm.N_word
cdef int changes = 0
cdef unsigned int ii,kk,cur,oldz,newz
cdef int ww,dd
# stupid, doesn't allow buffer type declaration on object attributes
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t,ndim=2] C_word_topic = mm.C_word_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t,ndim=2] C_doc_topic = mm.C_doc_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] C_topic = mm.C_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_d = mm.tok_d
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_w = mm.tok_w
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_topic = mm.tok_topic
cdef double *pps, *psums
#print "max threads", openmp.omp_get_max_threads()
pps = <double *> calloc(openmp.omp_get_max_threads() * 32, sizeof(double))
psums = <double *> calloc(openmp.omp_get_max_threads() * 32, sizeof(double))
cdef double *unnorm_probss = <double *> calloc(mm.N_topic * openmp.omp_get_max_threads() * 32, sizeof(double))
cdef double *pp, *psum, *unnorm_probs
cdef int start=min(inds), end=max(inds)+1
cdef int tid
#with parallel():
#for ii in prange(start, end, nogil=True):
with nogil:
for ii in range(start,end):
tid = threadid()
psum = psums + 32 * tid
pp = pps + 32 * tid
unnorm_probs = unnorm_probss + 32*tid*mm.N_topic
psum[0] = 0
oldz = tok_topic[ii]
ww = tok_w[ii]
dd = tok_d[ii]
for 0 <= kk < mm.N_topic:
cur = int(kk == oldz)
pp[0] = 1
# word likelihood
pp[0] *= (C_word_topic[ww,kk] - cur + mm.phi_prior) / (C_topic[kk] - cur + N_word*mm.phi_prior)
# class prior
pp[0] *= (C_doc_topic[dd,kk] - cur + mm.theta_prior)
# record
unnorm_probs[kk] = pp[0]
psum[0] += pp[0]
# Sample!
newz = weighted_randint_threaded(unnorm_probs, psum[0], mm.N_topic, tid)
#print oldz, "->",newz
if oldz != newz:
tok_topic[ii] = newz
C_word_topic[ww,oldz] -= 1
C_word_topic[ww,newz] += 1
C_doc_topic[dd,oldz] -= 1
C_doc_topic[dd,newz] += 1
C_topic[oldz] -= 1
C_topic[newz] += 1
changes += 1
return {'changes': changes}
cpdef cgs_outer(LDA mm):
cdef int i
starts = [0, int(mm.N_tok/2), mm.N_tok]
#for i in range(len(starts)-1):
# cgs_inner(mm, starts[i], starts[i+1], 0)
cdef int last = len(starts) - 1
for i in prange(last, nogil=True, num_threads=2,schedule='static'):
with gil:
cgs_inner(mm, starts[i], starts[i+1], i)
cpdef cgs_inner(LDA mm, int start, int end, int threadid):
#print "inner",threadid
cdef int N_word = mm.N_word
cdef int changes = 0
cdef unsigned int ii,kk,cur,oldz,newz
cdef int ww,dd
cdef double *unnorm_probs = <double *> calloc(mm.N_topic, sizeof(double))
cdef double denom,pp,psum
# stupid, doesn't allow buffer type declaration on object attributes
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t,ndim=2] C_word_topic = mm.C_word_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t,ndim=2] C_doc_topic = mm.C_doc_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] C_topic = mm.C_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_d = mm.tok_d
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_w = mm.tok_w
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_topic = mm.tok_topic
with nogil:
for ii in range(start, end):
#printf("THREAD %d INDEX %d\n", threadid, ii)
psum = 0
oldz = tok_topic[ii]
ww = tok_w[ii]
dd = tok_d[ii]
for 0 <= kk < mm.N_topic:
cur = int(kk == oldz)
pp = 1
# word likelihood
denom = C_topic[kk] - cur + N_word*mm.phi_prior
pp *= (C_word_topic[ww,kk] - cur + mm.phi_prior) / denom
# class prior
pp *= (C_doc_topic[dd,kk] - cur + mm.theta_prior)
# record
unnorm_probs[kk] = pp
psum += pp
# Sample!
newz = weighted_randint_threaded(<double *> unnorm_probs, psum, mm.N_topic, threadid)
#print oldz, "->",newz
if oldz != newz:
tok_topic[ii] = newz
C_word_topic[ww,oldz] -= 1
C_word_topic[ww,newz] += 1
C_doc_topic[dd,oldz] -= 1
C_doc_topic[dd,newz] += 1
C_topic[oldz] -= 1
C_topic[newz] += 1
#changes += 1
cpdef cvb0_iter(LDA mm, inds=None, suppress_offbyone=False):
cdef int _so = int(suppress_offbyone)
if inds is None: inds = range(mm.N_tok)
cdef int N_word = mm.N_word
cdef int changes = 0
cdef unsigned int ii,kk
cdef int ww,dd
cdef double denom,pp,psum,delta,cur
#cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] cur
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] unnorm_probs = np.ones(mm.N_topic)
# stupid, doesn't allow buffer type declaration on object attributes
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t,ndim=2] C_word_topic = mm.C_word_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t,ndim=2] C_doc_topic = mm.C_doc_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t] C_topic = mm.C_topic
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_d = mm.tok_d
cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t] tok_w = mm.tok_w
cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t,ndim=2] tok_topic = mm.tok_topic
for ii in inds:
psum = 0
ww = tok_w[ii]
dd = tok_d[ii]
for kk in range(mm.N_topic):
cur = tok_topic[ii,kk] if not _so else 0.0
pp = 1
# word likelihood
denom = C_topic[kk] - cur + N_word*mm.phi_prior
pp *= (C_word_topic[ww,kk] - cur + mm.phi_prior) / denom
# class prior
pp *= (C_doc_topic[dd,kk] - cur + mm.theta_prior)
# record
unnorm_probs[kk] = pp
psum += pp
# Normalize
for kk in range(mm.N_topic):
unnorm_probs[kk] /= psum
#print "NEW",unnorm_probs
for kk in range(mm.N_topic):
delta = unnorm_probs[kk] - tok_topic[ii,kk]
C_word_topic[ww,kk] += delta
C_doc_topic[dd,kk] += delta
C_topic[kk] += delta
tok_topic[ii,kk] += delta
return {}
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