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Created October 2, 2017 17:24
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The files below show the use of a `locatable-model` Mixin, along with the `ember-cli-g-maps` AddOn to allow any and all objects in an Ember App to be locatable.
import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import locatableModel from 'foundingphilly/mixins/locatable-model';
export default Model.extend(locatableModel, {
name: attr('string'),
domain: attr('string')
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
actions: {
setLocation(location) {
const user = this.get('user');
import Ember from 'ember';
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
address: DS.attr('string'),
addressUrl: DS.attr('string'),
city: DS.attr('string'),
lat: DS.attr('number'),
lng: DS.attr('number'),
displayName: Ember.computed('address', function() {
if (this.get('address.length')) {
const breakAt = this.get('address').indexOf(',');
const breakFrom = breakAt + 1;
const lineOne = this.get('address').substring(0, breakAt);
const lineTwo = this.get('address').substring(breakFrom);
return Ember.String.htmlSafe(lineOne.trim() + '<br>' + lineTwo.trim());
setLocation(location) {
const id = this.get('id');
this.set('lng', location.lng);
const addressComponents =;
let city = '';
addressComponents.forEach(function(ac) {
const political = ac.types.indexOf('political') !== -1;
const neighborhood = ac.types.indexOf('neighborhood') !== -1;
const locality = ac.types.indexOf('locality') !== -1;
const sublocality = ac.types.indexOf('sublocality') !== -1;
const administrative = ac.types.indexOf('administrative_area_level_1') !== -1;
if (!city && political && (neighborhood || locality || administrative || sublocality)) {
city = ac.long_name;
this.set('city', city);
{{g-autocomplete value=details.address options=myOptions on-select=(action "setLocation")}}
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