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Last active September 30, 2019 15:56
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-- Based off
module Fmt
%default total
data FPart
= FShow -- "{}" (Show a => a)
| FInt -- "{i}" (Int)
| FString -- "{s}" (String)
| FOther Char -- Any other character
Format : Type
Format = List FPart
parseFormat : String -> Format
parseFormat = fromChars . unpack
fromChars : List Char -> Format
fromChars ('{' :: '}' :: cs) = FShow :: fromChars cs
fromChars ('{' :: 'i' :: '}' :: cs) = FInt :: fromChars cs
fromChars ('{' :: 's' :: '}' :: cs) = FString :: fromChars cs
fromChars (c :: cs) = FOther c :: fromChars cs
fromChars [] = []
||| Create the type of a string formatter based on the given `Format`.
||| # Examples:
||| ```
||| format (parseFormat "hello {}!") : {a : Type} -> Show a => a -> String
||| format (parseFormat "{i}{s}") : Int -> String -> String
||| ```
interpret : Format -> Type
interpret (FShow :: fs) = {a : Type} -> Show a => a -> interpret fs
interpret (FInt :: fs) = Int -> interpret fs
interpret (FString :: fs) = String -> interpret fs
interpret (FOther _ :: fs) = interpret fs
interpret [] = String
||| Create a string formatting function based off the format string `s`.
||| # Examples:
||| ```
||| format "hello {}!" "world"
||| format "{i} bottles of beer" 3
||| ```
format : (s : String) -> interpret (parseFormat s)
format s = toFunction (parseFormat s) ""
toFunction : (fmt : Format) -> String -> interpret fmt
toFunction (FShow :: fs) acc = \x => toFunction fs (acc ++ show x)
toFunction (FInt :: fs) acc = \x => toFunction fs (acc ++ show x)
toFunction (FString :: fs) acc = \x => toFunction fs (acc ++ x)
toFunction (FOther c :: fs) acc = toFunction fs (acc ++ singleton c)
toFunction [] acc = acc
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