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Last active September 18, 2023 07:02
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silly phrase generator thing
(** Phrase generator based on an example from the Grammatical Framework tutorial.
- {{:}
Lambda: the ultimate syntax-semantics interface}
- {{:}
Grammatical Framework Tutorial: Lesson 2}
- generate languages (orthographies, vacabularies, grammars)
- generate other phrases
- landform descriptions
- place names
- house/village descriptions
- character descriptions
(* Sample output:
$ food --seed "...." | head --lines 20
this very fresh muffin is delicious
this fairybread is warm
this fresh pikelet is very very boring
the porridge is warm
this cabbage is warm
this lamington is delicious
that muffin is delicious
this dumpling is delicious
this lamington is delicious
that crumpet is fresh
the pudding is expensive
that dumpling is bland
this delicious pikelet is bland
that delicious crumpet is fresh
that lamington is bland
that lamington is boring
this fairybread is sweet
this pudding is fresh
the bland cabbage is bland
the sandwich is sweet
module Cat = struct
(** Syntactic Categories *)
type phrase = |
type item = |
type kind = |
type quality = |
module type Food = sig
(** Syntax-semantics interface for phrases about food *)
open Cat
type _ repr
(** Phrases *)
val is : item repr -> quality repr -> phrase repr
(** Items *)
val that : kind repr -> item repr
val the : kind repr -> item repr
val this : kind repr -> item repr
(** Kinds *)
val qkind : quality repr -> kind repr -> kind repr
val cabbage : kind repr
val crumpet : kind repr
val custard : kind repr
val dumpling : kind repr
val fairybread : kind repr
val lamington : kind repr
val muffin : kind repr
val pikelet : kind repr
val porridge : kind repr
val pudding : kind repr
val sandwich : kind repr
(** Qualities *)
val very : quality repr -> quality repr
val bland : quality repr
val boring : quality repr
val delicious : quality repr
val expensive : quality repr
val fresh : quality repr
val sweet : quality repr
val warm : quality repr
(** English food phrases *)
module FoodEn : Food
with type _ repr = string
= struct
type _ repr = string
let ( ++ ) x y = x ^ " " ^ y
let is item quality = item ++ "is" ++ quality
let that kind = "that" ++ kind
let the kind = "the" ++ kind
let this kind = "this" ++ kind
let qkind quality kind = quality ++ kind
let cabbage = "cabbage"
let crumpet = "crumpet"
let custard = "custard"
let dumpling = "dumpling"
let fairybread = "fairybread"
let lamington = "lamington"
let muffin = "muffin"
let pikelet = "pikelet"
let porridge = "porridge"
let pudding = "pudding"
let sandwich = "sandwich"
let very quality = "very" ++ quality
let bland = "bland"
let boring = "boring"
let delicious = "delicious" (* | "tasty" *) (* TODO: synonyms *)
let expensive = "expensive"
let fresh = "fresh"
let sweet = "sweet"
let warm = "warm"
module Gen : sig
(** Random value generators. *)
type 'a t
(** The representation of random value generators. *)
(** {1 Monadic API} *)
val pure : 'a -> 'a t
(** [pure x] is a generator that always returns [x]. *)
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
(* TODO: Docs *)
val app : ('a -> 'b) t -> 'a t -> 'b t
(** [app f x] effectfully applies [f] to [x] *)
val bind : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
(* TODO: Docs *)
val seq : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
(** [seq x y] performs two effectful operations [x] and [y], and returns the
result as a pair. *)
val map2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t
val map3 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t -> 'd t
val ( let+ ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val ( and+ ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
val ( let* ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val ( and* ) : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
(** {1 Generators} *)
val int : start:int -> stop:int -> int t
(** [int ~start ~stop] generates an integer between [start] (inclusive) and
[stop] (exclusive). *)
val float : start:float -> stop:float -> float t
(** [float ~start ~stop] generates a float between [start] and [stop]. *)
val one_of : 'a t array -> 'a t
(** [one_of xs] generates a value using a randomly selected a generator in [xs]. *)
val one_of_freq : (int * 'a t) array -> 'a t
(** [one_of_freq xs] generates a value using a randomly selected a generator
in [xs], distributed using the supplied frequencies. *)
val repeat : 'a t -> 'a Seq.t t
(** [repeat x] generates an infinite sequence of random values using [x]. *)
val delay : (unit -> 'a t) -> 'a t
(** [delay f] delays the execution of [f] until the generator is actually
used. This can be used to implement recursive generators without looping
forever. *)
(** {1 Running generators} *)
val run : Random.State.t -> 'a t -> 'a
(** [run state x] runs the generator [x] using [state] *)
end = struct
type 'a t = Random.State.t -> 'a
let pure x =
fun _ -> x
let map f x =
fun state -> f (x state)
let app f x =
fun state -> (f state) (x state)
let bind x f =
fun state -> f (x state) state
let seq x y =
app (map (fun x y -> x, y) x) y
let map2 f x y =
app (map f x) y
let map3 f x y z =
app (app (map f x) y) z
let ( let+ ) x f = map f x
let ( let* ) = bind
let ( and+ ) = seq
let ( and* ) = seq
let int ~start ~stop =
fun state ->
start + state (stop - start)
let float ~start ~stop =
fun state ->
start +. Random.State.float state (stop -. start)
let one_of xs =
let* i = int ~start:0 ~stop:(Array.length xs) in
Array.get xs i
let one_of_freq xs =
let rec go target_freq total_freq i =
let freq, x = Array.get xs i in
if target_freq < total_freq + freq then x else
(go [@tailcall]) target_freq (total_freq + freq) (i + 1)
let total = Array.fold_left (fun total (f, _) -> total + f) 0 xs in
let* target_freq = int ~start:0 ~stop:total in
go target_freq 0 0
let repeat x =
fun state ->
Seq.of_dispenser (fun () -> Some (x state))
let delay f =
fun state -> f () state
let run state x =
x state
(** Random phrase generator *)
module GenFood (F : Food) : sig
val phrase : Cat.phrase F.repr Gen.t
end = struct
open Gen
let rec quality () =
one_of_freq [|
2, map F.very (delay quality);
1, pure F.bland;
1, pure F.boring;
1, pure F.delicious;
1, pure F.expensive;
1, pure F.fresh;
1, pure F.sweet;
1, pure F.warm;
let rec kind () =
one_of_freq [|
2, map2 F.qkind (delay quality) (delay kind);
1, pure F.cabbage;
1, pure F.crumpet;
1, pure F.custard;
1, pure F.dumpling;
1, pure F.fairybread;
1, pure F.lamington;
1, pure F.muffin;
1, pure F.pikelet;
1, pure F.porridge;
1, pure F.pudding;
1, pure F.sandwich;
let item () =
one_of [|
map F.that (delay kind);
map F.the (delay kind);
map F.this (delay kind);
let phrase =
map2 (delay item) (delay quality)
module GenFoodEn = GenFood (FoodEn)
let usage name =
Format.printf "Usage:\n";
Format.printf " %s [--seed SEED]\n" (Filename.basename name);
Format.printf " %s (-h | --help)\n" (Filename.basename name)
let run ?(state = Random.State.make_self_init ()) () =
Gen.repeat GenFoodEn.phrase
|> state
|> Seq.iter print_endline
let () =
match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
| [_] -> run ()
| [_; "--seed"; seed] ->
let seed =
String.to_seq seed
|> Char.code
|> Array.of_seq
run ~state:(Random.State.make seed) ()
| [name; "-h"] | [name; "--help"] -> usage name
| name :: _ -> usage name; exit 1
| [] -> failwith "impossible"
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