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Elaboration with Singletons and Record patching
(** {0 Elaboration with Record Patching and Singleton Types}
This is a small implementation of a dependently typed language with
dependent record types, with some additional features intended to make it
more convenient to use records as first-class modules. It was originally
ported from {{:}
a gist by mb64}.
The type system is implemented in terms of an ‘elaborator’, which type
checks and tanslates a user-friendly surface language into a simpler and
more explicit core language that is more closely connected to type theory.
{1 Record patching}
Record patching is a way to constrain the values of fields in a record type.
Given a record type [ R ], a record patch can be applied using the syntax
[ R [ l := t; ... ] ]. For example:
let Monoid := {
T : Type;
empty : T;
append : T -> T -> T;
let string-monoid : Monoid [ T := String ] := {
empty := "";
append := string-append;
This is like Standard ML’s [ where type ] syntax for {{:}
type realisation}, OCaml’s [ with ] operator for {{:}
constraining module types}, and Rust’s [ Iterator<Item = T> ] shorthand
syntax for {{:}
equality constraints} in type parameter bounds.
{2 Elaboration of patches to singleton types}
Patches only exist as a feature of the surface language and are removed
during elaboration. The expression [ Monoid [ T := String ] ] in the example
above elaborates to a new record type, where the type of the [ T ] field is
constrained to [ String ] through the use of a singleton type.
We also derive the definitions of missing fields in record literals from
singletons in the expected type. This works nicely in combination with
record patching. Note in the previous example how we don't need to define
the field [ T ] in [ string-monoid ].
With that in mind, the definition of [ string-monoid ] is elaborated to:
let string-monoid : {
T : Type [= String ]; -- singleton type patched here
empty : T;
append : T -> T -> T;
} := {
T := String; -- definition taken from the singleton
empty := "";
append := string-append;
{1 Future work}
{2 Parser}
Implement a parser for the surface language.
{2 Total space conversion}
CoolTT implements ‘total space conversion’ which automatically converts
functions in the form [ F : { l : T; ... } -> Type ] to the record type
[ { l : T; ..., fibre : F { l := l; ... } } ] where necessary. Apparently
this could help address the ‘bundling problem’, and reduce the need to
implement implicit function parameters.
{2 Opaque ascription}
Adding a ‘sealing operator’ [ e :> T ] to the surface language would allow
us to opaquely ascribe a type [ T ] to an expression [ e ]. This would
prevent the contents of the expression from reducing definitionally,
allowing us to define abstract data types.
Opaque ascription is sometimes modelled using effects, as seen in th
language {{:} 1ML}. The paper
{{:} “Logical Relations as Types:
Proof-Relevant Parametricity for Program Modules”} describes an effectful
approach based on call-by-push-value that could be useful in the context of
dependent types.
Apparently effects are only needed in the presence of mutable references,
however. If we didn’t need these, we might be able implement sealing by
hiding definitions behind function parameters. For example:
- [ ... (e :> T) ... ] elaborates to [ ... (fun (x : T) := x ...) e ]
- [ ... let x :> T := e; ... ] elaborates to [ ... ((fun (x : T) := ...) e) ]
{2 Metavariables and unification}
Implicit function types and unification could be convenient. This could be
challenging to implement in the presence coercive subtyping, however.
Apparently total space conversion addresses some of the same pain points as
implicit parameters, but I'm still somewhat skeptical of this!
{2 Patches elaborate to large, unfolded terms}
Each patch currently elaborates to a copy of the original record type. This
a problem for error messages, where the type ends up fully unfolded and to
understand, and it could become a performance issue down the line when
elaborating and compiling larger programs.
A distiller could attempt to convert singletons back to patches for better
error messages, but to really address the usability and performance issues
we might ultimately need to add patches to the core language and control the
level of unfolding with glued evaluation.
{2 Use patch syntax for record literal updates}
The same syntax used by patches could be used as a way to update the fields
of record literals.
{1 Related work}
This implementation is heavily based on {{:}
mb64’s sketch implementation in Haskell}, but contains various bug fixes,
alterations, and extensions.
Record patching was originally proposed and implemented for CoolTT in the
setting of cubical type theory:
- {{:} Record patching (like
SML [ where type ])}
- {{:} Support for auto-
converting between fibered and parameterized type families}
Reed Mullanix's presentation from WITS’22, {{:}
Setting the Record Straight with Singletons} (slides {{:}
here}) provides a good description of the approach taken in CoolTT, which
continues to be developed and improved.
Elaborating record patches to singleton types is similar to approaches
developed for formalising and implementing type realisation in Standard ML,
for example in {{:} “Extensional
equivalence and singleton types”}. Unlike this work, we avoid defining
singletons in terms of extensional equality, which makes it much easier to
maintain decideable type checking.
(** Extensions to the {!Stdlib.List} module *)
module List : sig
include module type of List
(** Returns the index of the given element in the list *)
val elem_index : 'a -> 'a list -> int option
(** Returns a list of duplicate elements in a list *)
val find_dupes : 'a list -> 'a list
end = struct
include List
let elem_index a xs =
let rec go i = function
| [] -> None
| x :: xs -> if x = a then Some i else go (i + 1) xs in
go 0 xs
let find_dupes xs =
let rec go dupes = function
| [] -> List.rev dupes
| x :: xs when List.mem x xs && not (List.mem x dupes) -> go (x :: dupes) xs
| _ :: xs -> go dupes xs in
go [] xs
(** Core language *)
module Core = struct
(** The core language is intended to be minimal, and close to well-understood
type theories. The majority of this module is split up into the {!Syntax}
and the {!Semantics}. *)
(** {1 Names} *)
(** Labels are significant to the equality of terms. They are typically used
in the fields of records, and in record projections. *)
type label = string
(** These names are used as hints for pretty printing binders and variables,
but don’t impact the equality of terms. *)
type name = string
(** {1 Nameless binding structure} *)
(** The binding structure of terms is represented in the core language by
using numbers that represent the distance to a binder, instead of by the
names attached to those binders. *)
(** {i De Bruijn index} that represents a variable by the number of binders
between the variable and the binder it refers to. *)
type index = int
(** {i De Bruijn level} that represents a variable by the number of binders
from the top of the environment to the binder that it refers to. These do
not change their meaning as new bindings are added to the environment. *)
type level = int
(** To illustrate the relationship between indices and levels, the level and
index of the variable [ g ] can be found as follows:
level = 3 index = 1
│ │ │
Names │ λn. λf. λx. n (λg. λh. h (g f)) (λu. x) (λu. u)
Indices │ λ λ λ 2 (λ λ 0 (1 3)) (λ 1) (λ 0)
Levels │ λ λ λ 0 (λ λ 4 (3 1)) (λ 2) (λ 3)
(** Converts a {!level} to an {!index} that is bound in an environment of the
supplied size. Assumes that [ size > level ]. *)
let level_to_index size level =
size - level - 1
(** Nameless variable representations like {i De Bruijn indices} and {i De
Bruijn levels} have a reputation for off-by-one errors and requiring
expensive reindexing operations when performing substitutions. Thankfully
these issues can be largely avoided by choosing different variable
representations for the {!Syntax} and the {!Semantics}:
- In the {!Syntax} we represent bound variables with {!index}. This allows
us to easily compare terms for alpha equivalence and quickly look up
bindings based on their position in the environment.
- In the {!Semantics} we represent free variables with {!level}. Because
their meaning remains the same as new bindings are added to the
environment, levels allow us to use terms at greater binding depths
without requiring them to be reindexed first.
The only time we really need to reindex terms is when quoting from the
{!Syntax} back to the {!Semantics}, using the {!level_to_index} function,
and only requires a single traversal of the term.
This approach is documented in more detail in Chapter 3 of Andreas Abel’s
Thesis, {{:} “Normalization
by Evaluation: Dependent Types and Impredicativity”}. Andras Kovacs also
explains the approach in {{:}
an answer on the Proof Assistants Stack Exchange}.
(** Syntax of the core language *)
module Syntax = struct
(** For documenting where variables are bound *)
type 'a binds = 'a
(** Types *)
type ty = tm
(** Terms *)
and tm =
| Let of name * tm * tm
| Var of index
| Ann of tm * ty
| Univ
| FunType of name * ty * (ty binds)
| FunLit of name * (tm binds)
| FunApp of tm * tm
| RecType of decls
| RecLit of (label * tm) list
| RecProj of tm * label
| SingType of ty * tm (** Singleton type former: [ A [= x ] ] *)
| SingIntro of tm (** Singleton introduction: [ #sing-intro x ] *)
| SingElim of tm * tm (** Singleton elimination: [ #sing-elim x a ] *)
(** Each ‘connective’ in the core language follows a similar pattern, with
separate variants for:
- type formation: for contructing types that represent the connective
- introduction: for contructing terms of a given connective
- elimination: for deconstructing terms of a given connective
In the case of [ #sing-elim x a ], the [ a ] is used for evaluation
during type checking, but is intended to be erased in compiled code.
(** Field declarations *)
and decls =
| Nil
| Cons of label * ty * (decls binds)
(** Semantics of the core language *)
module Semantics = struct
(** {1 Semantic domain} *)
(** The following data structures represent the semantic interpretation of
the core syntax. *)
(** Types *)
type ty = tm
(** Terms in weak head normal form *)
and tm =
| Neu of neu (** Neutral terms *)
| Univ
| FunType of name * ty * (tm -> ty)
| FunLit of name * (tm -> tm)
| RecType of decls
| RecLit of (label * tm) list
| SingType of ty * tm
| SingIntro (** Singleton introduction, with term erased *)
(** Field declarations *)
and decls =
| Nil
| Cons of label * ty * (tm -> decls)
(** Neutral terms are terms that could not be reduced to a normal form as a
result of being stuck on something else that would not reduce further.
I’m not sure why they are called ‘neutral terms’. Perhaps they are...
ambivalent about what they might compute to? *)
and neu =
| Var of level (** Variable that could not be reduced further *)
| FunApp of neu * tm (** Function application *)
| RecProj of neu * label (** Record projection *)
(** An environment of bindings that can be looked up directly using a
{!Syntax.index}, or by inverting a {!level} using {!level_to_index}. *)
type 'a env = 'a list
(** {1 Error handling} *)
(** An error that was encountered during computation. This should only ever
be raised if ill-typed terms were supplied to the semantics. *)
exception Error of string
(** Raises an {!Error} exception *)
let error message =
raise (Error message)
(** {1 Eliminators} *)
(** The following functions trigger computation if the head term is in the
appropriate normal form, otherwise queuing up the elimination if the
term is in a neutral form. *)
(** Compute a function application *)
let app : tm -> tm -> tm = function
| FunLit (_, body) -> body
| Neu neu -> fun arg -> Neu (FunApp (neu, arg))
| _ -> error "invalid app"
(** Compute a record projection *)
let proj : tm -> label -> tm = function
| RecLit defns -> fun label -> defns |> List.find (fun (l, _) -> l = label) |> snd
| Neu neu -> fun label -> Neu (RecProj (neu, label))
| _ -> error "invalid proj"
(** {1 Finding the types of record projections} *)
(** Returns the type of a record projection *)
let proj_ty head decls label =
let rec go decls =
match decls with
| Nil -> None
| Cons (l, ty, _) when l = label -> Some ty
| Cons (l, _, decls) -> go (decls (proj head l))
go decls
(** {1 Evaluation} *)
(** Evaluate a term from the syntax into its semantic interpretation *)
let rec eval tms : -> tm = function
| Syntax.Let (_, def, body) -> eval (eval tms def :: tms) body
| Syntax.Var index -> List.nth tms index
| Syntax.Ann (tm, _) -> eval tms tm
| Syntax.Univ -> Univ
| Syntax.FunType (name, param_ty, body_ty) ->
FunType (name, eval tms param_ty, fun x -> eval (x :: tms) body_ty)
| Syntax.FunLit (name, body) -> FunLit (name, fun x -> eval (x :: tms) body)
| Syntax.FunApp (head, arg) -> app (eval tms head) (eval tms arg)
| Syntax.RecType decls -> RecType (eval_decls tms decls)
| Syntax.RecLit defns ->
RecLit ( (fun (label, expr) -> (label, eval tms expr)) defns)
| Syntax.RecProj (head, label) -> proj (eval tms head) label
| Syntax.SingType (ty, sing_tm) -> SingType (eval tms ty, eval tms sing_tm)
| Syntax.SingIntro _ -> SingIntro
| Syntax.SingElim (_, sing_tm) -> eval tms sing_tm
and eval_decls tms : Syntax.decls -> decls = function
| Syntax.Nil -> Nil
| Syntax.Cons (label, ty, decls) ->
Cons (label, eval tms ty, fun x -> eval_decls (x :: tms) decls)
(** {1 Quotation} *)
(** Quotation allows us to convert terms from semantic domain back into
syntax. This can be useful to find the normal form of a term, or when
including terms from the semantics in the syntax during elaboration.
The size parameter is the number of bindings present in the environment
where we the resulting terms should be bound, allowing us to convert
variables in the semantic domain back to an {!index} representation
with {!level_to_size}. It’s important to only use the resulting terms
at binding depth that they were quoted at.
Quotation is type directed, but we only use types as a way to restore
the values of singletons that were erased during evaluation. Another
approach to
let rec quote size tys tm ty : =
match tm with
| Neu neu -> fst (quote_neu size tys neu)
| Univ -> Syntax.Univ
| FunType (name, param_ty, body_ty) ->
let var = Neu (Var size) in
let param_ty = quote size tys param_ty Univ in
let body_ty = quote (size + 1) (Univ :: tys) (body_ty var) Univ in
Syntax.FunType (name, param_ty, body_ty)
| FunLit (name, body) ->
begin match ty with
| FunType (_, param_ty, body_ty) ->
let var = Neu (Var size) in
Syntax.FunLit (name, quote (size + 1) (param_ty :: tys) (body var) (body_ty var))
| _ -> error "not a function type"
| RecType decls -> Syntax.RecType (quote_decls size tys decls)
| RecLit defns ->
begin match ty with
| RecType decls ->
let rec go defns decls =
match defns, decls with
| [], Nil -> []
| (label, tm) :: defns, Cons (label', ty, decls) when label = label' ->
(label, quote size tys tm ty) :: go defns (decls tm)
| _, _ -> error "mismatched fields"
Syntax.RecLit (go defns decls)
| _ -> error "not a record type"
| SingType (ty, sing_tm) ->
Syntax.SingType (quote size tys ty Univ, quote size tys sing_tm ty)
| SingIntro ->
begin match ty with
(* Restore the erased term from the singleton type *)
| SingType (ty, sing_tm) -> Syntax.SingIntro (quote size tys ty sing_tm)
| _ -> error "not a singleton type"
and quote_neu size tys : neu -> * ty = function
| Var level ->
let index = level_to_index size level in
(Syntax.Var index, List.nth tys index)
| FunApp (head, arg) ->
begin match quote_neu size tys head with
| head, FunType (_, param_ty, body_ty) ->
(Syntax.FunApp (head, (quote size tys arg param_ty)), body_ty arg)
| _ -> error "not a function type"
| RecProj (head, label) ->
begin match quote_neu size tys head with
| head', RecType decls ->
let ty = proj_ty (Neu head) decls label |> Option.get in
(Syntax.RecProj (head', label), ty)
| _ -> error "not a record type"
and quote_decls size tys : decls -> Syntax.decls = function
| Nil -> Syntax.Nil
| Cons (label, ty, decls) ->
let var = Neu (Var size) in
Syntax.Cons (label, quote size tys ty Univ,
quote_decls (size + 1) (ty :: tys) (decls var))
(** {1 Normalisation} *)
(** By evaluating a term then quoting the result, we can produce a term that
is reduced as much as possible in the current environment. *)
let normalise size tms tys tm ty : =
quote size tys (eval tms tm) ty
(** {1 Conversion Checking} *)
(** Conversion checking is checks if two terms of the same type compute to
the same term by-definition.
Type-directed conversion allows us to support full eta for unit types,
which show up in our language as empty records and singletons. If we
wanted to stick to untyped conversion checking, according to Andras
Korvacs we could alternatively:
- perform best-effort eta, where unit elements are the same as anything
- detect definitionally irrelevant types during elaboration, marking
irrelevant terms
let rec is_convertible size tys tm1 tm2 : ty -> bool = function
| Neu _ ->
begin match tm1, tm2 with
| Neu n1, Neu n2 -> Option.is_some (is_convertible_neu size tys n1 n2)
| _, _ -> error "internal error" (* TODO: why? *)
| Univ ->
begin match tm1, tm2 with
| Univ, Univ -> true
| Neu neu1, Neu neu2 -> Option.is_some (is_convertible_neu size tys neu1 neu2)
| FunType (_, param_ty1, body_ty1), FunType (_, param_ty2, body_ty2) ->
let var = Neu (Var size) in
is_convertible size tys param_ty1 param_ty2 Univ
&& is_convertible (size + 1) (param_ty1 :: tys) (body_ty1 var) (body_ty2 var) Univ
| RecType (decls1), RecType (decls2) ->
is_convertible_decls size tys decls1 decls2
| SingType (ty1, sing_tm1), SingType (ty2, sing_tm2) ->
is_convertible size tys ty1 ty2 Univ
&& is_convertible size tys sing_tm1 sing_tm2 ty1
| _, _ -> false
| FunType (_, param_ty, body_ty) ->
(* Eta for functions *)
let var = Neu (Var size) in
is_convertible (size + 1) (param_ty :: tys) (app tm1 var) (app tm2 var) (body_ty var)
| RecType decls ->
(* Eta for records
Record patching introduces subtyping problems that go inside records.
With coercive subtyping (implemented in {!Surface.coerce}), record
eta expansions are sometimes introduced in the core language that
weren't present in the source syntax. This means that for usability
it helps to include eta for records.
let rec go decls =
match decls with
| Cons (label, ty, decls) ->
let tm1 = proj tm1 label in
let tm2 = proj tm2 label in
is_convertible size tys tm1 tm2 ty && go (decls tm1)
| Nil -> true (* Pretty sure eta for units is hidden in here! *)
go decls
| SingType (_, _) -> true
| _ -> error "not a type"
and is_convertible_neu size tys neu1 neu2 =
match neu1, neu2 with
| Var level1, Var level2 when level1 = level2 -> Some (List.nth tys (level_to_index size level1))
| FunApp (func1, arg1), FunApp (func2, arg2) ->
begin match is_convertible_neu size tys func1 func2 with
| Some (FunType (_, param_ty, body_ty)) ->
if is_convertible size tys arg1 arg2 param_ty then Some (body_ty arg1) else None
| Some _ -> error "not a function type"
| None -> None
| RecProj (record1, label1), RecProj (record2, label2) when label1 = label2 ->
begin match is_convertible_neu size tys record1 record2 with
| Some (RecType decls) -> proj_ty (Neu record1) decls label1
| Some _ -> error "not a record type"
| None -> None
| _, _ -> None
and is_convertible_decls size tys decls1 decls2 =
match decls1, decls2 with
| Nil, Nil -> true
| Cons (label1, ty1, decls1), Cons (label2, ty2, decls2) when label1 = label2 ->
let var = Neu (Var size) in
is_convertible size tys ty1 ty2 Univ
&& is_convertible_decls (size + 1) (ty1 :: tys) (decls1 var) (decls2 var)
| _, _ -> false
(** {1 Pretty printing} *)
(** Rough-and-ready pretty printer *)
let pretty size names tm =
let concat = String.concat "" in
let parens wrap s = if wrap then concat ["("; s; ")"] else s in
let rec go wrap size names = function
| Neu neu -> go_neu wrap size names neu
| Univ -> "Type"
| FunType (name, param_ty, body_ty) ->
parens wrap (concat ["fun ("; name; " : "; go false size names param_ty; ") -> ";
go false (size + 1) (name :: names) (body_ty (Neu (Var size)))])
| FunLit (name, body) ->
parens wrap (concat ["fun "; name; " := ";
go false (size + 1) (name :: names) (body (Neu (Var size)))])
| RecType Nil | RecLit [] -> "{}"
| RecType decls -> concat ["{ "; go_decls size names decls; "}" ]
| RecLit defns ->
concat ["{ ";
concat (
(fun (label, tm) -> concat [label; " := "; go false size names tm; "; "])
| SingType (ty, sing_tm) ->
parens wrap (concat [go false size names ty; " [= ";
go false size names sing_tm; " ]"])
| SingIntro -> "#sing-intro"
and go_neu wrap size names = function
| Var level -> List.nth names (level_to_index size level)
| FunApp (head, arg) ->
parens wrap (concat [go_neu false size names head; " "; go true size names arg])
| RecProj (head, label) -> concat [go_neu false size names head; "."; label]
and go_decls size names decls =
match decls with
| Nil -> ""
| Cons (label, ty, decls) ->
concat [label; " : "; go false size names ty; "; ";
go_decls (size + 1) (label :: names) (decls (Neu (Var size)))]
go false size names tm
(** Surface language *)
module Surface = struct
(** {1 Surface Syntax} *)
(** Terms in the surface language *)
type tm =
| Let of string * tm option * tm * tm (** Let expressions: [ let x : A := t; f x ] *)
| Name of string (** References to named things: [ x ] *)
| Ann of tm * tm (** Terms annotated with types: [ x : A ] *)
| Univ (** Universe of types: [ Type ] *)
| FunType of (string * tm) list * tm (** Function types: [ fun (x : A) -> B x ] *)
| FunArrow of tm * tm (** Function arrow types: [ A -> B ] *)
| FunLit of string list * tm (** Function literals: [ fun x := f x ] *)
| RecType of (string * tm) list (** Record types: [ { x : A; ... } ]*)
| RecLit of (string * tm) list (** Record literals: [ { x := A; ... } ]*)
| RecUnit (** Unit records: [ {} ] *)
| SingType of tm * tm (** Singleton types: [ A [= x ] ] *)
| App of tm * tm list (** Applications: [ f x ] *)
| Proj of tm * string list (** Projections: [ r.l ] *)
| Patch of tm * (string * tm) list (** Record patches: [ R [ B := A; ... ] ] *)
(** We don’t need to add syntax for introducing and eliminating singletons in
the surface language. These are instead added implicitly during
elaboration to the core language. For example:
- If we have [ x : Nat ] and [ x ≡ 7 : Nat ], we can elaborate the term
[ x : A [= 7 ] ] into [ #sing-intro x : A [= 7 ] ]
- If we have [ x : Nat [= 7 ] ], we can elaborate the term [ x : Nat ]
into [ #sing-elim x 7 : Nat ]
(** {1 Elaboration } *)
module Syntax = Core.Syntax
module Semantics = Core.Semantics
(** {2 Elaboration state} *)
(** The elaboration context records the bindings that are currently bound at
the current scope in the program. The environments are unzipped to make it
more efficient to call functions from {!Core.Semantics}. *)
type context = {
size : Core.level; (** Number of entries bound. *)
names : Semantics.env; (** Name environment *)
tys : Semantics.ty Semantics.env; (** Type environment *)
tms : Semantics.env; (** Term environment *)
(** The initial elaboration context *)
let initial_context = {
size = 0;
names = [];
tys = [];
tms = [];
(** Returns the next variable that will be bound in the context after calling
{!bind_def} or {!bind_param} *)
let next_var context =
Semantics.Neu (Semantics.Var context.size)
(** Binds a definition in the context *)
let bind_def context name ty tm = {
size = context.size + 1;
names = name :: context.names;
tys = ty :: context.tys;
tms = tm :: context.tms;
(** Binds a parameter in the context *)
let bind_param context name ty =
bind_def context name ty (next_var context)
(** {3 Functions related to the core semantics} *)
(** These wrapper functions make it easier to call functions from the
{!Core.Semantics} using state from the elaboration context. *)
let eval context : -> =
Semantics.eval context.tms
let quote context : -> Semantics.ty -> =
Semantics.quote context.size context.tys
let is_convertible context : -> -> Semantics.ty -> bool =
Semantics.is_convertible context.size context.tys
let pretty context : -> string =
Semantics.pretty context.size context.names
(** {2 Elaboration errors} *)
(** An error that will be raised if there was a problem in the surface syntax,
usually as a result of type errors or a missing type annotations. This is
normal, and should be rendered nicely to the programmer. *)
exception Error of string
(** Raises an {!Error} exception *)
let error message =
raise (Error message)
(** {2 Coercive subtyping} *)
(** Coerces a term from one type to another type. By performing coercions
during elaboration we avoid having to introduce subtyping in the core
language. *)
let rec coerce context tm from_ty to_ty : =
match from_ty, to_ty with
(* No need to coerce the term if both types are already the same! *)
| from_ty, to_ty when is_convertible context from_ty to_ty Semantics.Univ -> tm
(* Coerce the term to a singleton with {!Syntax.SingIntro}, if the term is
convertible to the term expected by the singleton *)
| from_ty, Semantics.SingType (to_ty, sing_tm) ->
let tm = coerce context tm from_ty to_ty in
let tm' = eval context tm in
if is_convertible context sing_tm tm' to_ty then Syntax.SingIntro tm else
let expected = pretty context sing_tm in
let found = pretty context tm' in
let ty = pretty context to_ty in
error ("mismatched singleton: expected `" ^ expected ^ "`, found `" ^ found ^ "` of type `" ^ ty ^ "`")
(* Coerce the singleton back to its underlying term with {!Syntax.SingElim}
and attempt further coercions from its underlying type *)
| Semantics.SingType (from_ty, sing_tm), to_ty ->
let tm = Syntax.SingElim (tm, quote context sing_tm from_ty) in
coerce context tm from_ty to_ty
(* Coerce the fields of a record with record eta expansion *)
| Semantics.RecType from_decls, Semantics.RecType to_decls ->
let rec go from_decls to_decls =
match from_decls, to_decls with
| Semantics.Nil, Semantics.Nil -> []
(* Use eta-expansion to coerce fields that share the same label *)
| Semantics.Cons (from_label, from_ty, from_decls)
, Semantics.Cons (to_label, to_ty, to_decls) when from_label = to_label ->
let from_tm = eval context (Syntax.RecProj (tm, from_label)) in
let to_tm = coerce context (Syntax.RecProj (tm, from_label)) from_ty to_ty in
(to_label, to_tm) :: go (from_decls from_tm) (to_decls (eval context to_tm))
(* When the type of the target field is a singleton we can use it to
fill in the definition of a missing field in the source term. This
is similar to how we handle missing fields in {!check}. *)
| from_decls, Semantics.Cons (to_label, Semantics.SingType (to_ty, sing_tm), to_decls) ->
let to_tm = Syntax.SingIntro (quote context sing_tm to_ty) in
(to_label, to_tm) :: go from_decls (to_decls (eval context to_tm))
| Semantics.Cons (from_label, _, _), Semantics.Cons (to_label, _, _) ->
error ("type mismatch: expected field `" ^ to_label ^ "`, found field `" ^ from_label ^ "`")
| _, _ -> Semantics.error "mismatched telescope length"
Syntax.RecLit (go from_decls to_decls)
(* TODO: subtyping for functions! *)
| from_ty, to_ty ->
let expected = pretty context to_ty in
let found = pretty context from_ty in
error ("type mismatch: expected `" ^ expected ^ "`, found `" ^ found ^ "`")
(** {2 Bidirectional type checking} *)
(** Elaborate a term in the surface language into a term in the core language
in the presence of a type annotation. *)
let rec check context tm ty : =
match tm, ty with
| Let (name, def_ty, def, body), ty ->
begin match def_ty with
| Some def_ty ->
let def_ty = check context def_ty Semantics.Univ in
let def_ty' = eval context def_ty in
let def = check context def def_ty' in
let context = bind_def context name def_ty' (eval context def) in
Syntax.Let (name, Ann (def, def_ty), check context body ty)
| None ->
let def, def_ty = infer context def in
let context = bind_def context name def_ty (eval context def) in
Syntax.Let (name, def, check context body ty)
| FunLit (names, body), ty ->
let rec go context names ty =
match names, ty with
| [], body_ty -> check context body body_ty
| name :: names, Semantics.FunType (_, param_ty, body_ty) ->
let var = next_var context in
let context = bind_def context name param_ty var in
Syntax.FunLit (name, go context names (body_ty var))
| _, _ -> error "too many parameters in function literal"
go context names ty
| RecLit defns, Semantics.RecType decls ->
(* TODO: elaborate fields out of order? *)
let rec go defns decls =
match defns, decls with
| [], Semantics.Nil -> []
| (label, tm) :: defns, Semantics.Cons (label', ty, decls) when label = label' ->
let tm = check context tm ty in
(label, tm) :: go defns (decls (eval context tm))
(* When the expected type of a field is a singleton we can use it to
fill in the definition of a missing fields in the record literal. *)
| defns, Semantics.Cons (label, Semantics.SingType (ty, sing_tm), decls) ->
let tm = Syntax.SingIntro (quote context sing_tm ty) in
(label, tm) :: go defns (decls (eval context tm))
| _, Semantics.Cons (label, _, _) -> error ("field `" ^ label ^ "` is missing from record literal")
| (label, _) :: _, Semantics.Nil -> error ("unexpected field `" ^ label ^ "` in record literal")
Syntax.RecLit (go defns decls)
| RecUnit, Semantics.Univ ->
Syntax.RecType Syntax.Nil
| RecUnit, Semantics.RecType Semantics.Nil ->
Syntax.RecLit []
| tm, Semantics.SingType (ty, sing_tm) ->
let tm = check context tm ty in
let tm' = eval context tm in
if is_convertible context sing_tm tm' ty then Syntax.SingIntro tm else
let expected = pretty context sing_tm in
let found = pretty context tm' in
let ty = pretty context ty in
error ("mismatched singleton: expected `" ^ expected ^ "`, found `" ^ found ^ "` of type `" ^ ty ^ "`")
| tm, ty ->
let tm, ty' = infer context tm in
let tm, ty' = elim_implicits context tm ty' in
coerce context tm ty' ty
(** Elaborate a term in the surface language into a term in the core language,
inferring its type. *)
and infer context : tm -> * Semantics.ty = function
| Let (name, def_ty, def, body) ->
begin match def_ty with
| Some def_ty ->
let def_ty = check context def_ty Semantics.Univ in
let def_ty' = eval context def_ty in
let def = check context def def_ty' in
let context = bind_def context name def_ty' (eval context def) in
let body, body_ty = infer context body in
(Syntax.Let (name, Ann (def, def_ty), body), body_ty)
| None ->
let def, def_ty = infer context def in
let context = bind_def context name def_ty (eval context def) in
let body, body_ty = infer context body in
(Syntax.Let (name, def, body), body_ty)
| Name name ->
begin match List.elem_index name context.names with
| Some index -> (Syntax.Var index, List.nth context.tys index)
| None -> error ("`" ^ name ^ "` is not bound in the current scope")
| Ann (tm, ty) ->
let ty = check context ty Semantics.Univ in
let ty' = eval context ty in
let tm = check context tm ty' in
(Syntax.Ann (tm, ty), ty')
| Univ ->
(Syntax.Univ, Semantics.Univ)
| FunType (params, body_ty) ->
let rec go context = function
| [] -> check context body_ty Semantics.Univ
| (name, param_ty) :: params ->
let param_ty = check context param_ty Semantics.Univ in
let context = bind_param context name (eval context param_ty) in
Syntax.FunType (name, param_ty, go context params)
(go context params, Semantics.Univ)
| FunArrow (param_ty, body_ty) ->
let param_ty = check context param_ty Semantics.Univ in
let context = bind_param context "_" (eval context param_ty) in
let body_ty = check context body_ty Semantics.Univ in
(Syntax.FunType ("_", param_ty, body_ty), Semantics.Univ)
| FunLit (_, _) -> error "ambiguous function literal"
| RecType decls ->
let rec go context seen_labels = function
| [] -> (Syntax.Nil)
| (label, _) :: _ when List.mem label seen_labels ->
error ("duplicate label `" ^ label ^ "` in record type")
| (label, ty) :: decls ->
let ty = check context ty Semantics.Univ in
let context = bind_param context label (eval context ty) in
Syntax.Cons (label, ty, go context (label :: seen_labels) decls)
(Syntax.RecType (go context [] decls), Semantics.Univ)
| RecLit _ -> error "ambiguous record literal"
| RecUnit -> error "ambiguous unit record"
| SingType (ty, sing_tm) ->
let ty = check context ty Semantics.Univ in
let sing_tm = check context sing_tm (eval context ty) in
(Syntax.SingType (ty, sing_tm), Semantics.Univ)
| App (head, args) ->
(fun (head, head_ty) arg ->
match elim_implicits context head head_ty with
| head, Semantics.FunType (_, param_ty, body_ty) ->
let arg = check context arg param_ty in
(Syntax.FunApp (head, arg), body_ty (eval context arg))
| _ -> error "not a function")
(infer context head)
| Proj (head, labels) ->
(fun (head, head_ty) label ->
match elim_implicits context head head_ty with
| head, Semantics.RecType decls ->
begin match Semantics.proj_ty (eval context head) decls label with
| Some ty -> (Syntax.RecProj (head, label), ty)
| None -> error ("field with label `" ^ label ^ "` not found in record")
| _ -> error "not a record")
(infer context head)
| Patch (head, patches) ->
let rec go context decls patches =
match decls, patches with
| Semantics.Nil, [] -> Syntax.Nil
| Semantics.Nil, (label, _) :: _ ->
error ("field `" ^ label ^ "` not found in record type")
| Semantics.Cons (label, ty, tys), patches ->
let ty' = quote context ty Univ in
begin match List.assoc_opt label patches with
| Some patch_tm ->
let tm = check context patch_tm ty in
let tm' = eval context tm in
let context = bind_def context label (Semantics.SingType (ty, tm')) tm' in
let patches = List.remove_assoc label patches in
Syntax.Cons (label, Syntax.SingType (ty', tm), go context (tys tm') patches)
| None ->
let var = next_var context in
let context = bind_def context label ty var in
Syntax.Cons (label, ty', go context (tys var) patches)
let dupes = List.find_dupes ( fst patches) in
if List.compare_length_with dupes 0 <> 0 then
error ("duplicate labels in patches: `" ^ String.concat "`, `" dupes ^ "`")
let head = check context head Semantics.Univ in
begin match eval context head with
| Semantics.RecType decls ->
let decls = go context decls patches in
(Syntax.RecType decls, Semantics.Univ)
| _ -> error "can only patch record types"
(** {2 Eliminating implicit connectives} *)
(** Connectives that were introduced implicitly during elaboration can
sometimes get in the way, for example when calling {!coerce}, or when
elaborating the head of an elimination. This removes them by adding
appropriate elimination forms. *)
and elim_implicits context tm = function
(* Convert the singleton back to its underlying term using {!Syntax.SingElim} *)
| Semantics.SingType (ty, sing_tm) ->
let tm = Syntax.SingElim (tm, quote context sing_tm ty) in
elim_implicits context tm ty
(* TODO: we can eliminate implicit functions here. See the elaboration-zoo
for ideas on how to do this: *)
| ty -> (tm, ty)
(** Example terms for testing *)
module Examples = struct
open Surface
(* TODO: Implement a parser and convert to promote tests *)
let F := {
A : Type;
B : Type;
f : A -> B;
let record-ty-patch-1 := (fun x := x) : F [ B := A ] -> F;
let record-ty-patch-2 := (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A ] -> F;
let record-ty-patch-3 := (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A; f := fun x := x ] -> F;
let record-ty-patch-3b := (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ B := A; f := fun x := x; A := A; ] -> F;
let record-ty-patch-4 := (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A ] -> F [ B := A ];
let record-ty-patch-5 := (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A ] -> F [ A := A ];
let record-ty-patch-6 := (fun C x := x) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C ] -> F [ B := C ];
let record-lit-missing-1 := (fun C := { f := fun x := x }) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C ];
let record-lit-missing-2 := (fun C := {}) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C; f := fun x := x ];
let record-lit-missing-3 := (fun C := { A := C; f := fun x := x }) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C ];
let record-lit-coerce-1 :=
(fun B r := r) :
fun (B : Type) (r : { A : Type [= B ]; a : B })
-> { A : Type; a : A };
let record-lit-coerce-2 :=
(fun B b := { A := B; a := b } : { A : Type; a : B }) :
fun (B : Type) (b : Type) -> { A : Type; a : A };
let record-lit-coerce-missing-1 := (fun A B r := r) : fun (A : Type) (B : Type) -> { f : A -> B } -> F [ A := A; B := B ];
let record-lit-coerce-missing-2 := (fun A B r := r) : fun (A : Type) (B : Type) -> { A : Type; f : A -> B } -> F [ B := B ];
let intro-sing := (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) (x : A) -> A [= x ];
let elim-sing := (fun A x sing-x := sing-x) : fun (A : Type) (x : A) (sing-x : A [= x ]) -> A;
let sing-tm-1 :=
(fun A P f prf := prf) :
fun (A : Type)
(P : (fun (x : A) -> A [= x ]) -> Type)
(f : fun (x : A) -> A [= x ])
(prf : P (fun x := x))
-> P f;
let let-ann-check :=
(let id : fun (A : Type) -> A -> A :=
fun A a := a; {}) : Type;
let let-ann-synth :=
let id : fun (A : Type) -> A -> A :=
fun A a := a;
id {} {};
-- Example from page 4 of “1ML – Core and Modules United”
let map-functor :=
let Bool := fun (Out : Type) { true : Out; false : Out } -> Out;
let true : Bool := fun Out cases := cases.true;
let false : Bool := fun Out cases := cases.false;
let Option : Type -> Type := fun A :=
fun (Out : Type) { some : A -> Out; none : Out } -> Out;
let none : fun (A : Type) -> Option A :=
fun A := fun Out cases := cases.none;
let some : fun (A : Type) -> A -> Option A :=
fun A a := fun Out cases := cases.some a;
let Eq := {
T : Type;
eq : T -> T -> Bool;
let Map := {
Key : Type;
Map : Type -> Type;
empty : fun (A : Type) -> Map A;
add : fun (A : Type) -> Key -> A -> Map A -> Map A;
lookup : fun (A : Type) -> Key -> Map A -> Option A;
-- TODO: sealing operator
let eq-map : fun (key : Eq) -> Map [ Key := key.T ] :=
fun key := {
Map := fun A := key.T -> Option A
empty := fun A := fun x := none A;
add := fun A k v map :=
fun x := (key.eq x k) (Option A) {
true := some A v;
false := map x;
lookup := fun A k map := map k;
-- TODO: requires total space conversion like in CoolTT
let category := {
Ob : Type;
Hom : { s : Ob; t : Ob } -> Type;
id : fun (x : Ob) -> Hom [ s := x; t := x ];
seq : fun (f : Hom) (g : Hom [ s := f.t ]) -> Hom [ s := f.s; t := g.t ];
let types : category := {
Ob := Type;
Hom := fun params := params.s -> params.t;
id := fun A a := a;
seq := fun f g a := g (f a);
(* let F := { A : Type; B : Type; f : A -> B }; *)
let fun_record_ty =
RecType [
"A", Univ;
"B", Univ;
"f", FunArrow (Name "A", Name "B");
let record_ty_patch1 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun x := x) : F [ B := A ] -> F *)
Ann (FunLit (["x"], Name "x"),
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["B", Name "A"]), Name "F")))
let record_ty_patch2 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A ] -> F *)
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "A"; "B", Name "A"]), Name "F"))))
let record_ty_patch3 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A; f := fun x := x ] -> F *)
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "A"; "B", Name "A"; "f", FunLit (["x"], Name "x")]),
Name "F"))))
let record_ty_patch3b =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ B := A; f := fun x := x; A := A; ] -> F; *)
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["B", Name "A"; "f", FunLit (["x"], Name "x"); "A", Name "A"]),
Name "F"))))
let record_ty_patch4 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A ] -> F [ B := A ] *)
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "A"; "B", Name "A"]),
Patch (Name "F", ["B", Name "A"])))))
let record_ty_patch5 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) -> F [ A := A; B := A ] -> F [ A := A ] *)
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "A"; "B", Name "A"]),
Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "A"])))))
let record_ty_patch6 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun C x := x) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C ] -> F [ B := C ] *)
Ann (FunLit (["C"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["C", Univ],
FunArrow (Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "C"; "B", Name "C"]),
Patch (Name "F", ["B", Name "C"])))))
let record_lit_missing1 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun C := { f := fun x := x }) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C ] *)
Ann (FunLit (["C"], RecLit ["f", FunLit (["x"], Name "x")]),
FunType (["C", Univ], Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "C"; "B", Name "C"]))))
let record_lit_missing2 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun C := {}) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C; f := fun x := x ] *)
Ann (FunLit (["C"], RecLit []),
FunType (["C", Univ], Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "C"; "B", Name "C"; "f", FunLit (["x"], Name "x")]))))
let record_lit_missing3 =
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
(* (fun C := { A := C; f := fun x := x }) : fun (C : Type) -> F [ A := C; B := C ] *)
Ann (FunLit (["C"], RecLit ["B", Name "C"; "f", FunLit (["x"], Name "x")]),
FunType (["C", Univ], Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "C"; "B", Name "C"]))))
(fun B r := r) :
fun (B : Type) (r : { A : Type [= B ]; a : B })
-> { A : Type; a : A }
let record_lit_coerce1 =
Ann (FunLit (["B"; "r"], Name "r"),
FunType (["B", Univ; "r", RecType ["A", SingType (Univ, Name "B"); "a", Name "B"]],
RecType ["A", Univ; "a", Name "A"]))
(fun B b := { A := B; a := b } : { A : Type; a : B }) :
fun (B : Type) (b : Type) -> { A : Type; a : A }
let record_lit_coerce2 =
Ann (FunLit (["B"; "b"],
Ann (RecLit ["A", Name "B"; "a", Name "b"],
RecType ["A", Univ; "a", Name "B"])),
FunType (["B", Univ; "b", Name "B"], RecType ["A", Univ; "a", Name "A"]))
(fun A B r := r) : fun (A : Type) (B : Type) -> { f : A -> B } -> F [ A := A; B := B ]
let record_lit_coerce_missing1 =
(* let F := { A : Type; B : Type; f : A -> B }; *)
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "B"; "r"], Name "r"),
FunType (["A", Univ; "B", Univ], FunArrow (RecType ["f", FunArrow (Name "A", Name "B")],
Patch (Name "F", ["A", Name "A"; "B", Name "B"])))))
(fun B r := r) : fun (B : Type) -> { A : Type; f : A -> B } -> F [ B := B ]
let record_lit_coerce_missing2 =
(* let F := { A : Type; B : Type; f : A -> B }; *)
Let ("F", None, fun_record_ty,
Ann (FunLit (["B"; "r"], Name "r"),
FunType (["B", Univ], FunArrow (RecType ["A", Univ; "f", FunArrow (Name "A", Name "B")],
Patch (Name "F", ["B", Name "B"])))))
(fun A x := x) : fun (A : Type) (x : A) -> A [= x ]
let intro_sing =
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"], Name "x"),
FunType (["A", Univ; "x", Name "A"], SingType (Name "A", Name "x")))
(fun A x sing-x := sing-x) : fun (A : Type) (x : A) (sing-x : A [= x ]) -> A
let elim_sing =
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "x"; "sing-x"], Name "sing-x"),
FunType (["A", Univ; "x", Name "A"; "sing-x", SingType (Name "A", Name "x")], Name "A"))
(fun A P f pf := pf) :
fun (A : Type)
(P : (fun (x : A) -> A [= x ]) -> Type)
(f : fun (x : A) -> A [= x ])
(pf : P (fun x := x))
-> P f
let sing_tm1 =
Ann (FunLit (["A"; "P"; "f"; "prf"], Name "prf"),
FunType ([
"A", Univ;
"P", FunType (["_", FunType (["x", Name "A"], SingType (Name "A", Name "x"))], Univ);
"f", FunType (["x", Name "A"], SingType (Name "A", Name "x"));
"prf", App (Name "P", [FunLit (["x"], Name "x")]);
], App (Name "P", [Name "f"])))
(let id : fun (A : Type) -> A -> A :=
fun A a := a; {}) : Type
let let_ann_check =
Ann (Let ("id", Some (FunType (["A", Univ], FunArrow (Name "A", Name "A"))), FunLit (["A"; "a"], Name "a"),
RecUnit), Univ)
let id : fun (A : Type) -> A -> A :=
fun A a := a;
id {} {}
let let_ann_synth =
Let ("id", Some (FunType (["A", Univ], FunArrow (Name "A", Name "A"))), FunLit (["A"; "a"], Name "a"),
App (Name "id", [RecUnit; RecUnit]))
-- Example from page 4 of “1ML – Core and Modules United”
let Bool := fun (Out : Type) (cases : { true : Out; false : Out }) -> Out;
let true : Bool := fun Out cases := cases.true;
let false : Bool := fun Out cases := cases.false;
let Option : Type -> Type := fun A :=
fun (Out : Type) (cases : { some : A -> Out; none : Out }) -> Out;
let none : fun (A : Type) -> Option A :=
fun A := fun Out cases := cases.none;
let some : fun (A : Type) -> A -> Option A :=
fun A a := fun Out cases := cases.some a;
let Eq := {
T : Type;
eq : T -> T -> Bool;
let Map := {
Key : Type;
Map : Type -> Type;
empty : fun (A : Type) -> Map A;
add : fun (A : Type) -> Key -> A -> Map A -> Map A;
lookup : fun (A : Type) -> Key -> Map A -> Option A;
-- TODO: sealing operator
let eq-map : fun (key : Eq) -> Map [ Key := key.T ] :=
fun key := {
Map := fun A := key.T -> Option A
empty := fun A := fun x := none A;
add := fun A k v map :=
fun x := (key.eq x k) (Option A) {
true := some A v;
false := map x;
lookup := fun A k map := map k;
let map_functor =
Let ("Bool", None, FunType (["Out", Univ; "cases", RecType ["true", Name "Out"; "false", Name "Out"]], Name "Out"),
Let ("true", Some (Name "Bool"), FunLit (["Out"; "cases"], Proj (Name "cases", ["true"])),
Let ("false", Some (Name "Bool"), FunLit (["Out"; "cases"], Proj (Name "cases", ["false"])),
Let ("Option", Some (FunArrow (Univ, Univ)),
FunLit (["A"], FunType (["Out", Univ; "cases", RecType ["some", FunArrow (Name "A", Name "Out"); "none", Name "Out"]], Name "Out")),
Let ("none", Some (FunType (["A", Univ], App (Name "Option", [Name "A"]))),
FunLit (["A"], FunLit (["Out"; "cases"], Proj (Name "cases", ["none"]))),
Let ("some", Some (FunType (["A", Univ], FunArrow (Name "A", App (Name "Option", [Name "A"])))),
FunLit (["A"; "a"], FunLit (["Out"; "cases"], App (Proj (Name "cases", ["some"]), [Name "a"]))),
Let ("Eq", None,
RecType ["T", Univ; "eq", FunArrow (Name "T", FunArrow (Name "T", Name "Bool"))],
Let ("Map", None,
RecType [
"Key", Univ;
"Map", FunArrow (Univ, Univ);
"empty", FunType (["A", Univ], App (Name "Map", [Name "A"]));
"add", FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Name "Key", FunArrow (Name "A",
FunArrow (App (Name "Map", [Name "A"]), App (Name "Map", [Name "A"])))));
"lookup", FunType (["A", Univ],
FunArrow (Name "Key",
FunArrow (App (Name "Map", [Name "A"]), App (Name "Option", [Name "A"]))));
Let ("eq-map", Some (FunType (["key", Name "Eq"], Patch (Name "Map", ["Key", Proj (Name "key", ["T"])]))),
FunLit (["key"],
RecLit [
"Map", FunLit (["A"], FunArrow (Proj (Name "key", ["T"]), App (Name "Option", [Name "A"])));
"empty", FunLit (["A"], FunLit (["k"], App (Name "none", [Name "A"])));
"add", FunLit (["A"; "k"; "v"; "map"],
FunLit (["x"], App (App (Proj (Name "key", ["eq"]), [Name "x"; Name "k"]), [
App (Name "Option", [Name "A"]);
RecLit [
"true", App (Name "some", [Name "A"; Name "v"]);
"false", App (Name "none", [Name "A"]);
"lookup", FunLit (["A"; "k"; "map"], App (Name "map", [Name "k"]));
let category := {
Ob : Type;
Hom : { s : Ob; t : Ob } -> Type;
id : fun (x : Ob) -> Hom [ s := x; t := x ];
seq : fun (f : Hom) (g : Hom [ s := f.t }) -> Hom [ s := f.s; t := g.t ];
let category_ty =
RecType [
"Ob", Univ;
"Hom", FunArrow (RecType ["s", Name "Ob"; "t", Name "Ob"], Univ);
"id", FunType (["x", Name "Ob"], Patch (Name "Hom", ["s", Name "x"; "t", Name "x"]));
"seq", FunType (["f", Name "Hom"; "g", Patch (Name "Hom", ["s", Proj (Name "f", ["t"])])],
Patch (Name "Hom", ["s", Proj (Name "f", ["s"]); "t", Proj (Name "g", ["t"])]));
let types : category := {
Ob := Type;
Hom := fun params := params.s -> params.t;
id := fun A a := a;
seq := fun f g a := g (f a);
let types_tm =
Let ("category", None, category_ty,
Ann (
RecLit [
"Ob", Univ;
"Hom", FunLit (["params"], FunArrow (Proj (Name "params", ["s"]), Proj (Name "params", ["t"])));
"id", FunLit (["A"; "a"], Name "a");
"seq", FunLit (["f"; "g"; "a"], App (Name "g", [Name "f"; Name "a"]));
Name "category"))
let terms = [
"fun_record_ty", fun_record_ty;
"record_ty_patch1", record_ty_patch1;
"record_ty_patch2", record_ty_patch2;
"record_ty_patch3", record_ty_patch3;
"record_ty_patch3b", record_ty_patch3b;
"record_ty_patch4", record_ty_patch4;
"record_ty_patch5", record_ty_patch5;
"record_ty_patch6", record_ty_patch6;
"record_lit_missing1", record_lit_missing1;
"record_lit_missing2", record_lit_missing2;
"record_lit_missing3", record_lit_missing3;
"record_lit_coerce1", record_lit_coerce1;
"record_lit_coerce2", record_lit_coerce2;
"record_lit_coerce_missing1", record_lit_coerce_missing1;
"record_lit_coerce_missing2", record_lit_coerce_missing2;
"intro_sing", intro_sing;
"elim_sing", elim_sing;
"sing_tm1", sing_tm1;
"let_ann_check", let_ann_check;
"let_ann_synth", let_ann_synth;
"map_functor", map_functor;
(* TODO: requires total space conversion like in CoolTT *)
(* "category_ty", category_ty; *)
(* "types_tm", types_tm; *)
let () =
Printexc.record_backtrace true;
let results = Examples.terms |>
(fun (name, term) ->
Format.printf "testing %s:\n" name;
Format.printf "\n";
let context = Surface.initial_context in
let tm, ty = Surface.infer context term in
Format.printf " inferred type │ %s\n" (Surface.pretty context ty);
Format.printf " evaluated term │ %s\n" (Surface.pretty context (Surface.eval context tm));
Format.printf "\n";
Format.printf " %s ... ok\n" name;
Format.printf "\n";
(name, `Passed)
with e ->
let msg = Printexc.to_string e in
let stack = Printexc.get_backtrace () |> String.split_on_char '\n' in
Format.printf " caught exception: \n";
Format.printf "\n";
List.iter (fun line -> Format.printf " %s\n" line) (msg :: stack);
Format.printf " %s ... FAILED\n" name;
Format.printf "\n";
(name, `Failed)
) in
let passed, failed, name_width = results |> List.fold_left
(fun (passed, failed, width) -> function
| name, `Passed -> (passed + 1, failed, max (String.length name) width)
| name, `Failed -> (passed, failed +1, max (String.length name) width))
(0, 0, 0) in
Format.printf "\n";
Format.printf "test summary:\n";
Format.printf "\n";
results |> List.iter (function
| (name, `Passed) -> Format.printf " %-*s ... ok\n" name_width name
| (name, `Failed) -> Format.printf " %-*s ... FAILED\n" name_width name);
Format.printf "\n";
Format.printf "test result: %s. %i passed; %i failed\n"
(if failed = 0 then "ok" else "FAILED") passed failed;
exit (if failed = 0 then 0 else 1)
(** {1 Syntax bikeshedding}
{2 Record patching}
- [ R [ B := A; ... ] ]
- [ R.{ B := A; ... } ] (better for postfix chaining)
- [ R # [ B .= A, ... ] ] (like in CoolTT)
- [ R # { B := A; ... } ]
- [ R (B := A, ...) ] (possibly overloaded with function application)
- [ R where B := A, ... ] (like in Standard-ML)
{2 Singleton types}
- [ A [ x ] ] (like in mb64’s original implementation)
- [ A [= x ] ] (riffing on the idea of using square brackets for ‘refinement’)
- [ A [:= x ] ] (mirrors patching more)
- [ (= x) ] (like in 1ML)
- [ (= x : A) ]
- [ (:= x : A) ]
- [ A (= x) ]
- [ A (:= x) ] (parens read like, “btw, it's equal to [ x ]”)
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