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Last active July 21, 2024 13:25
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Attempts at encoding state monads using mutable references in OCaml
module IndexedMonad = struct
module type S = sig
type ('i, 'a) t
val pure : 'a -> (_, 'a) t
val bind : ('i, 'a) t -> ('a -> ('i, 'b) t) -> ('i, 'b) t
(** Operators to make working with indexed monads more pleasant *)
module type Notation = sig
type ('i, 'a) t
(** Binding operators *)
val ( let* ) : ('i, 'a) t -> ('a -> ('i, 'b) t) -> ('i, 'b) t
val ( and* ) : ('i, 'a) t -> ('i, 'b) t -> ('i, 'a * 'b) t
val ( let+ ) : ('i, 'a) t -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('i, 'b) t
val ( and+ ) : ('i, 'a) t -> ('i, 'b) t -> ('i, 'a * 'b) t
module Notation (M : S) : Notation
with type ('i, 'a) t = ('i, 'a) M.t
= struct
type ('i, 'a) t = ('i, 'a) M.t
let ( let* ) = M.bind
let ( and* ) t n =
let* x = t in
let* y = n in
M.pure (x, y)
let ( let+ ) t f = M.bind t (fun x -> M.pure (f x))
let ( and+ ) t n = ( and* ) t n
(** A monad indexed by a region parameter, allowing for a more efficient
implementation of mutable state. *)
module State : sig
include IndexedMonad.S
(** A mutable reference, tied to some region *)
type ('r, 'a) ref =
private 'a Stdlib.ref
(** Create a mutable reference in the current region *)
val ref : 'a -> ('r, ('r, 'a) ref) t
(** Access the shared state from the environment *)
val read : ('r, 'a) ref -> ('r, 'a) t
(** Replace the shared state of the environment *)
val write : 'a -> ('r, 'a) ref -> ('r, unit) t
(** A type that binds a new region parameter *)
type 'a region = {
region : 'r. unit -> ('r, 'a) t;
(** Run a computation in a region *)
val run : 'a region -> 'a
end = struct
type ('r, 'a) t = unit -> 'a
let bind t f = fun x -> f (t x) x
let pure x = fun _ -> x
type ('r, 'a) ref = 'a Stdlib.ref
let ref x = fun () -> Stdlib.ref x
let read x = fun () -> !x
let write x rx = fun () -> rx := x
type 'a region = {
region : 'r. unit -> ('r, 'a) t;
let run { region } = region () ()
module Example = struct
open Notation (State)
let test = {
region = fun () ->
let* x = State.ref 1 in
let* () = x |> State.write 3 in x
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