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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save brendanzab/9459282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brendanzab/9459282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//! Leveraging tuples to make a statically typed, concatenative EDSL in Rust.
//! I'm not sure how practical it really is – Rust's syntax can make it a little
//! hard to read, but it's fun to play around with it. The neat thing is how
//! little copying occurs. Everything is moved in and out by-value in a pipeline.
//! Thanks goes to [Tekmo on reddit](
//! comments/1zzom4/using_functionlength_to_implement_a_stack_language/cfyibsr)
//! for the idea.
//! To run the tests:
//! ~~~
//! rustc --test && ./stack_edsl
//! ~~~
use std::fmt;
fn pop<T, Stack>((_, stack): (T, Stack)) -> Stack {
fn dup<T: Clone, Stack>((x, stack): (T, Stack)) -> (T, (T, Stack)) {
(x.clone(), (x, stack))
fn swap<T, Stack>((x, (y, stack)): (T, (T, Stack))) -> (T, (T, Stack)) {
(y, (x, stack))
fn eq<Stack, T: Eq>((x, (y, stack)): (T, (T, Stack))) -> (bool, Stack) {
(x == y, stack)
fn add<Stack, T: Add<T, T>>((x, (y, stack)): (T, (T, Stack))) -> (T, Stack) {
(x + y, stack)
fn mul<Stack, T: Mul<T, T>>((x, (y, stack)): (T, (T, Stack))) -> (T, Stack) {
(x * y, stack)
fn square<Stack, T: Clone + Mul<T, T>>(stack: (T, Stack)) -> (T, Stack) {
fn show<T: fmt::Show, Stack>((x, stack): (T, Stack)) -> (T, Stack) {
println!("{}", x); (x, stack)
fn test(){
assert_eq!(pop((4, (2, ()))), (2, ()));
assert_eq!(dup((3, ())), (3, (3, ())));
assert_eq!(swap((4, (2, ()))), (2, (4, ())));
assert_eq!(eq((4, (2, ()))), (false, ()));
assert_eq!(eq((4, (4, ()))), (true, ()));
assert_eq!(add((4, (2, ()))), (6, ()));
assert_eq!(mul((4, (2, ()))), (8, ()));
assert_eq!(square((3, ())), (9, ()));
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