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Created March 10, 2014 13:45
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extern crate collections;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let mut stdin = io::stdin();
let mut env = (~[], words::default());
loop {
let line = stdin.read_line().unwrap();
env = eval(env, parse(line));
pub type Stack = ~[Term];
pub type Words = HashMap<~str, (Term, Option<~str>)>;
pub type Env = (Stack, Words);
pub enum Term {
Extern(fn(Env) -> Env),
impl Term {
pub fn to_bool(self) -> bool {
match self { Bool(x) => x, _ => fail!() }
pub fn to_i32(self) -> i32 {
match self { I32(x) => x, _ => fail!() }
pub fn to_string(self) -> ~str {
match self { String(x) => x, _ => fail!() }
impl fmt::Show for Term {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Bool(x) => write!(f.buf, "{}", x),
I32(x) => write!(f.buf, "{}", x),
String(ref s) => write!(f.buf, "\"{}\"", *s),
Word(ref word) => write!(f.buf, "{}", *word),
Quote(ref terms) => write!(f.buf, "[ {} ]", *terms),
Extern(_) => write!(f.buf, "<extern>"),
impl fmt::Char for Term {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Bool(x) => write!(f.buf, "{}", x),
I32(x) => write!(f.buf, "{}", x),
String(ref s) => write!(f.buf, "{}", *s),
Word(ref word) => write!(f.buf, "<word: {}>", *word),
Quote(ref terms) => write!(f.buf, "<quote: {}>", *terms),
Extern(_) => write!(f.buf, "<extern: ???>"),
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Term {
Quote(s.words().map(|word| {
match word {
"[" => {
// TODO: parse begin quote
"]" => {
// TODO: parse end quote
word if word.starts_with("\"") => {
assert!(word.ends_with("\""), "expected closing double quote");
String(word.slice(1, word.len() - 1).to_owned())
word => from_str(word).map(|x| Bool(x)).or_else(||
from_str(word).map(|x| I32(x))).unwrap_or(Word(word.to_owned())),
pub fn eval(env: Env, term: Term) -> Env {
match term {
Word(word) => match get_def(&env, word).clone() {
Extern(f) => f(env),
t @ Word(_) => eval(env, t),
t @ Quote(_) => eval(env, t),
t @ Bool(_) => push(env, t),
t @ I32(_) => push(env, t),
t @ String(_) => push(env, t),
Quote(terms) => terms.move_iter().fold(
env, |env, term| { eval(env, term) }
x => push(env, x),
pub fn get_def<'a>(&(_, ref words): &'a Env, ident: ~str) -> &'a Term {
words.find(&ident).expect(format!("word not found: {}", ident)).ref0()
pub fn last<'a>(&(ref stack, _): &'a Env) -> &'a Term {
stack.last().expect("stack is empty")
pub fn pop((mut stack, words): Env) -> (Env, Term) {
let x = stack.pop().expect("stack underflow");
((stack, words), x)
pub fn push((mut stack, words): Env, term: Term) -> Env {
(stack, words)
pub fn binop(env: Env, f: |Term, Term| -> Term) -> Env {
let (env, x) = pop(env);
let (env, y) = pop(env);
push(env, f(x, y))
pub mod words {
use super::{Bool, Env, Extern, I32, Quote, Words};
pub fn default() -> Words {
(~"==", (Extern(eq), None)),
(~"not", (Extern(not), Some(~"Negates a boolean value."))),
(~"+", (Extern(add), Some(~"Adds the top two values in the stack."))),
(~"-", (Extern(sub), Some(~"Subtracts the top two values in the stack."))),
(~"*", (Extern(mul), Some(~"Multiplies the top two values in the stack."))),
(~"/", (Extern(div), Some(~"Divides the top two values in the stack."))),
(~"%", (Extern(rem), Some(~"Finds the remainder of the top two values in the stack."))),
(~"neg", (Extern(neg), Some(~"Negates the top value in the stack."))),
(~"dup", (Extern(dup), Some(~"Duplicates the top term in the stack."))),
(~"pop", (Extern(pop), None)),
(~"eval", (Extern(eval), Some(~"Evaluates the top term in the stack."))),
(~"quote", (Extern(quote), None)),
(~".", (Extern(show), Some(~"Prints top term in the stack."))),
(~"stack", (Extern(stack_), Some(~"Prints the entire contents of the stack."))),
(~"words", (Extern(words), Some(~"Prints the words currently in the environment."))),
// == (A . A A -> A A bool)
pub fn eq(_: Env) -> Env {
// super::binop(env, |x, y| Bool(x == y))
// not (bool -> bool)
pub fn not(env: Env) -> Env {
let (env, x) = super::pop(env);
super::push(env, Bool(!x.to_bool()))
// + (i32 i32 -> i32)
pub fn add(env: Env) -> Env {
super::binop(env, |x, y| {
I32(x.to_i32() + y.to_i32())
// - (i32 i32 -> i32)
pub fn sub(env: Env) -> Env {
super::binop(env, |x, y| {
I32(x.to_i32() - y.to_i32())
// * (i32 i32 -> i32)
pub fn mul(env: Env) -> Env {
super::binop(env, |x, y| {
I32(x.to_i32() * y.to_i32())
// / (i32 i32 -> i32)
pub fn div(env: Env) -> Env {
super::binop(env, |x, y| {
I32(x.to_i32() / y.to_i32())
// % (i32 i32 -> i32)
pub fn rem(env: Env) -> Env {
super::binop(env, |x, y| {
I32(x.to_i32() % y.to_i32())
// neg (i32 i32 -> i32)
pub fn neg(env: Env) -> Env {
let (env, x) = super::pop(env);
super::push(env, I32(-x.to_i32()))
// dup (A . A -> A A)
pub fn dup(env: Env) -> Env {
let x = super::last(&env).clone();
super::push(env, x)
// pop (A . A ->)
pub fn pop(env: Env) -> Env {
let (env, _) = super::pop(env); env
// quote (A . A -> (-> A))
pub fn quote(env: Env) -> Env {
let (env, x) = super::pop(env);
super::push(env, Quote(~[x]))
// eval (A . (-> A) -> A)
pub fn eval(env: Env) -> Env {
let (env, x) = super::pop(env);
super::eval(env, x)
// show (A . A -> A)
pub fn show(env: Env) -> Env {
println!("{:c}", *super::last(&env)); env
// stack (->)
pub fn stack_((stack, words): Env) -> Env {
for x in stack.iter() {
print!("{} ", *x);
(stack, words)
// words (->)
pub fn words((stack, words): Env) -> Env {
for (word, _) in words.iter() {
print!("{} ", *word);
(stack, words)
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