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Last active February 11, 2024 21:50
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(** Fractal binary trees
L-systems are a really wonderful model of plant growth, showing how a set of
simple grammar rules can result in incredibly life-like and complicated
organic forms.
They do however seem a little… stuck in the 80s? In L-systems the state of a
plant is modelled as a list of instructions, where the branching structure
emerges from an imperative interpretation of “push” and “pop” symbols. For
example an L-system that describes a fractal binary tree looks like this:
grammar stem {
terminals :=
| bud
| internode
non-terminals :=
| [
| ]
axiom := Bud
rules :=
| internode -> internode internode
| bud -> internode [ bud ] bud
I’m interested in bringing more PL-ideas to L-systems, where the underlying
tree structure is preserved in the plant model. For example, a binary tree
might look like this:
grammar stem {
symbol stem :=
| bud
| node(stem, stem)
| internode(stem)
axiom := bud
rules :=
| internode(...) -> internode(internode(...))
| bud -> internode(node(bud, bud))
(** Interesting reading on L-systems and coalgebras:
- {{:} Lindenmayer Systems, Coalgebraically}
- {{:}
Theoretical Pearl: L-systems as Final Coalgebras}
module Traditional = struct
(** A traditional, bracketed L-system that models a fractal binary tree.
From the {{:}
L-system page} on Wikipedia.
grammar stem {
terminals :=
| bud
| internode
non-terminals :=
| [
| ]
axiom := Bud
rules :=
| internode -> internode internode
| bud -> internode [ bud ] bud
For plant terminology, see {{:}
Plant stem} on Wikipedia.
This should form the following tree:
oo oo oo oo
oo \ / \ / oo
\__| |__/
/ \ / \
oo \ / oo
o - bud
/ - internode
The nesting of the branches is defined in terms of paired [\[] and [\]]
symbols, which can be translated straightforwardly into imperative turtle
drawing commands.
Note that this makes implementing context-sensitive L-systems rather
challenging, as the L-system needs to know about the nesting of the
type nonterm =
| Bud
| Internode
type term =
| Push
| Pop
type symbol = (nonterm, term) Either.t
type word = symbol list
let axiom : word = [Left Bud]
let rules : nonterm -> word =
(* Grow the internode by duplicating it:
/ -> /
| Internode ->
Left Internode;
Left Internode;
(* Divide a bud into an internode and two buds:
o -> /
| Bud ->
Left Internode;
Right Push;
Left Bud;
Right Pop;
Left Bud;
let step =
| Either.Left nt -> rules nt
| Either.Right t -> [Right t])
let generate axiom =
Seq.unfold (fun word -> Some (word, step word)) axiom
module Structured = struct
(** Attempt at a structured L-System(?), that uses trees instead of lists of
instructions to represent nested structures.
This can be easily drawn using a {{:diagrams}}-style
graphics API, where scoped transformations are applied based on the
nesting of drawing expressions.
Context-sensitive L-systems might need to use zippers to have access to
the surrounding context of the tree, allowing for {i acropetal} and
{i basipetal} signalling (see section 1.8 of {i The Algorithmic Beauty of
grammar stem {
symbol stem :=
| bud
| node(stem, stem)
| internode(stem)
axiom := bud
rules :=
| internode(...) -> internode(internode(...))
| bud -> internode(node(bud, bud))
type stem =
| Bud
| Node of stem * stem
| Internode of stem
let axiom = Bud
let rec rules =
| Internode stem -> Internode (Internode (rules stem))
| Bud -> Internode (Node (Bud, Bud))
| Node (stem1, stem2) -> Node (rules stem1, rules stem2)
let generate axiom =
Seq.unfold (fun stem -> Some (stem, rules stem)) axiom
(** Compile the nested tree representation to a list of instructions *)
let rec compile : Structured.stem -> Traditional.word =
let open Either in
let open Traditional in
| Bud -> [Left Bud]
| Node (stem1, stem2) -> [Right Push] @ compile stem1 @ [Right Pop] @ compile stem2
| Internode stem -> [Left Internode] @ compile stem
(** Experimenting with ways of cleaning up recursive rule applications and
boilerplate patterns, inspired by the {{:}
catamorphisms} and {{:}
auto-generated clauses} found in the Nanopass Framework.
Further thought will be needed if we want to make the patterns on the LHS of
rules more powerful (for example with context-sensitive rules). This is just
to get a feeling for what a dedicated language might be able to support.
module StructuredFoldRecord = struct
(** Using {{:catamorphisms}} to
automate recursive rule applications. *)
(** {1 Syntax} *)
type stem =
| Bud
| Node of stem * stem
| Internode of stem
(** {2 Annoying boilerplate} *)
type 'out stem_algebra = {
bud : 'out;
node : 'out * 'out -> 'out;
internode : 'out -> 'out;
let rec fold (alg : 'out stem_algebra) : stem -> 'out =
| Bud -> alg.bud
| Node (s1, s2) -> alg.node (fold alg s1, fold alg s2)
| Internode s -> alg.internode s
(** {1 Grammar} *)
let rules = {
bud = Internode (Node (Bud, Bud));
node = (fun (s1, s2) -> Node (s1, s2)); (* we shouldn’t have to write this case! *)
internode = (fun s -> Internode (Internode s));
(* ^ note that we no longer need to call the rules recursively *)
let generate axiom =
Seq.unfold (fun stem -> Some (stem, fold rules stem)) axiom
(** The following experiments are related to trying to avoid boilerplate
patterns, like in Nanopass’ {{:}
auto-generated clauses}. *)
module StructuredFoldObject = struct
(** Using objects to allow boiler-plate patterns to be omitted. *)
(** {1 Syntax} *)
type stem =
| Bud
| Node of stem * stem
| Internode of stem
(** {2 Annoying boilerplate} *)
type 'out stem_algebra = <
bud : 'out;
node : 'out -> 'out -> 'out;
internode : 'out -> 'out;
class initial_stem_algebra = object
method bud : stem = Bud
method node (s1 : stem) (s2 : stem) : stem = Node (s1, s2)
method internode (s : stem) : stem = Internode s
let rec fold (alg : 'out stem_algebra) : stem -> 'out =
| Bud -> alg#bud
| Node (s1, s2) -> alg#node (fold alg s1) (fold alg s2)
| Internode s -> alg#internode (fold alg s)
(** {1 Grammar} *)
let axiom = Bud
let[@warning "-method-override"] rules = object
inherit initial_stem_algebra
method bud = Internode (Node (Bud, Bud))
method internode s = Internode (Internode s)
let generate axiom =
Seq.unfold (fun stem -> Some (stem, fold rules stem)) axiom
module StructuredFoldModule = struct
(** Using first-class modules to allow boiler-plate patterns to be omitted. *)
(** {1 Syntax} *)
type stem =
| Bud
| Node of stem * stem
| Internode of stem
(** {2 Annoying boilerplate} *)
module StemAlgebra = struct
module type S = sig
type out
val bud : out
val node : out -> out -> out
val internode : out -> out
module Initial : S with type out = stem = struct
type out = stem
let bud : stem = Bud
let node (s1 : stem) (s2 : stem) : stem = Node (s1, s2)
let internode (s : stem) : stem = Internode s
let fold (type out) (module A : S with type out = out) : stem -> out =
let rec go =
| Bud -> A.bud
| Node (s1, s2) -> A.node (go s1) (go s2)
| Internode s -> A.internode (go s)
(** {1 Grammar} *)
let axiom = Bud
module Rules : StemAlgebra.S with type out = stem = struct
include StemAlgebra.Initial
let bud = Internode (Node (Bud, Bud))
let internode s = Internode (Internode s)
let generate axiom =
Seq.unfold (fun stem -> Some (stem, StemAlgebra.fold (module Rules) stem)) axiom
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