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Last active March 2, 2023 11:10
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Elaborator for a simply typed lambda calculus (based on
(** An elaborator for a simply typed lambda calculus with mutable metavars.
This implementation is based on Arad Arbel’s gist:
module Core = struct
(** {1 Types} *)
type ty =
| IntType
| FunType of ty * ty
| MetaVar of meta_state ref
and meta_state =
| Solved of ty
| Unsolved of int
(** Create a fresh, unsolved metavariable *)
let fresh_meta =
let next_id = ref 0 in
fun () ->
let id = !next_id in
incr next_id;
MetaVar (ref (Unsolved id))
(** Force any solved metas on the outermost part of a type *)
let rec force : ty -> ty =
| MetaVar m as ty ->
begin match !m with
| Solved ty ->
let ty = force ty in
m := Solved ty;
| Unsolved _ -> ty
| ty -> ty
(** Flatten any solved metavariables into the type. This is imporatant for
properly pretty printing types, as we want to be able to ‘see through’
metavariables to properly associate function types. *)
let rec zonk =
| IntType -> IntType
| FunType (param_ty, body_ty) ->
FunType (zonk param_ty, zonk body_ty)
| MetaVar m as ty ->
begin match !m with
| Solved ty -> zonk ty
| Unsolved _ -> ty
(** {1 Terms} *)
(** Primitive operations *)
type prim = [
| `Add (** [Int -> Int -> Int] *)
| `Sub (** [Int -> Int -> Int] *)
| `Mul (** [Int -> Int -> Int] *)
| `Neg (** [Int -> Int] *)
type tm =
| Var of int
| Let of string * ty * tm * tm
| IntLit of int
| FunLit of string * ty * tm
| FunApp of tm * tm
| PrimApp of prim * tm list
(** {1 Pretty printing} *)
let rec pp_ty fmt =
| FunType (param_ty, body_ty) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a -> %a"
pp_atomic_ty param_ty
pp_ty body_ty
| ty ->
pp_atomic_ty fmt ty
and pp_atomic_ty fmt =
| IntType -> Format.fprintf fmt "Int"
| MetaVar m -> pp_meta fmt m
| ty -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a)@]" pp_ty ty
and pp_meta fmt m =
pp_meta_state fmt !m
and pp_meta_state fmt =
| Solved ty -> pp_ty fmt ty
| Unsolved id -> Format.fprintf fmt "?%i" id
let pp_name_ann fmt (name, ty) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<2>@[%s :@]@ %a@]" name pp_ty ty
let pp_param fmt (name, ty) =
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<2>(@[%s :@]@ %a)@]" name pp_ty ty
let rec pp_tm names fmt =
| Let _ as tm ->
let rec go names fmt = function
| Let (name, def_ty, def, body) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[<2>@[let %a@ :=@]@ @[%a;@]@]@ %a"
pp_name_ann (name, def_ty)
(pp_tm names) def
(go (name :: names)) body
| tm -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@]" (pp_tm names) tm
go names fmt tm
| FunLit (name, param_ty, body) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[@[fun@ %a@ =>@]@ %a@]"
pp_param (name, param_ty)
(pp_tm (name :: names)) body
| tm ->
pp_add_tm names fmt tm
and pp_add_tm names fmt =
| PrimApp (`Add, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ +@ %a@]"
(pp_mul_tm names) arg1
(pp_add_tm names) arg2
| PrimApp (`Sub, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ -@ %a@]"
(pp_mul_tm names) arg1
(pp_add_tm names) arg2
| tm ->
pp_mul_tm names fmt tm
and pp_mul_tm names fmt =
| PrimApp (`Mul, [arg1; arg2]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ *@ %a@]"
(pp_app_tm names) arg1
(pp_mul_tm names) arg2
| tm ->
pp_app_tm names fmt tm
and pp_app_tm names fmt =
| FunApp (head, arg) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[%a@ %a@]"
(pp_app_tm names) head
(pp_atomic_tm names) arg
| PrimApp (`Neg, [arg]) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "@[-%a@]"
(pp_atomic_tm names) arg
| tm ->
pp_atomic_tm names fmt tm
and pp_atomic_tm names fmt =
| Var index ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (List.nth names index)
| IntLit i -> Format.fprintf fmt "%i" i
(* FIXME: Will loop forever on invalid primitive applications *)
| tm -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a)@]" (pp_tm names) tm
module Semantics = struct
(** {1 Values} *)
type vtm =
| IntLit of int
| FunLit of string * ty * (vtm -> vtm)
(** {1 Eliminators} *)
let prim_app prim args =
match prim, args with
| `Neg, [IntLit t1] -> IntLit (-t1)
| `Add, [IntLit t1; IntLit t2] -> IntLit (t1 + t2)
| `Sub, [IntLit t1; IntLit t2] -> IntLit (t1 - t2)
| `Mul, [IntLit t1; IntLit t2] -> IntLit (t1 * t2)
| _, _ -> invalid_arg "invalid prim application"
let fun_app head arg =
match head with
| FunLit (_, _, body) -> body arg
| _ -> invalid_arg "expected function"
(** {1 Evaluation} *)
let rec eval (env : vtm list) : tm -> vtm =
| Var index -> List.nth env index
| Let (_, _, def, body) ->
let def = eval env def in
eval (def :: env) body
| IntLit i -> IntLit i
| PrimApp (prim, args) ->
prim_app prim ( (eval env) args)
| FunLit (name, param_ty, body) ->
FunLit (name, param_ty, fun arg -> eval (arg :: env) body)
| FunApp (head, arg) ->
let head = eval env head in
let arg = eval env arg in
fun_app head arg
(** {1 Unification} *)
exception InfiniteType of int
exception MismatchedTypes of ty * ty
(** Occurs check. This guards against self-referential unification problems
that would result in infinite loops during unification. *)
let rec occurs (id : int) (ty : ty) : unit =
match force ty with
| MetaVar m ->
begin match !m with
| Unsolved id' when id = id' ->
raise (InfiniteType id)
| Unsolved _ | Solved _-> ()
| IntType -> ()
| FunType (param_ty, body_ty) ->
occurs id param_ty;
occurs id body_ty
(** Check if two types are the same, updating unsolved metavaribles in one
type with known information from the other type if possible. *)
let rec unify (ty0 : ty) (ty1 : ty) : unit =
match force ty0, force ty1 with
| ty0, ty1 when ty0 = ty1 -> ()
| MetaVar m, ty | ty, MetaVar m -> unify_meta m ty
| IntType, IntType -> ()
| FunType (param_ty0, body_ty0), FunType (param_ty1, body_ty1) ->
unify param_ty0 param_ty1;
unify body_ty0 body_ty1;
| ty1, ty2 ->
raise (MismatchedTypes (ty1, ty2))
(** Unify a metavariable with a type *)
and unify_meta (m : meta_state ref) (ty : ty) : unit =
match !m with
| Unsolved id ->
occurs id ty;
m := Solved ty;
| Solved mty ->
unify ty mty
module Surface = struct
type tm =
| Var of string
| Let of string * tm * tm
| IntLit of int
| FunLit of string * tm
| FunApp of tm * tm
| Op2 of [`Add | `Sub | `Mul] * tm * tm
| Op1 of [`Neg] * tm
(** {1 Elaboration} *)
exception Error of string
let rec check context (tm : tm) (ty : Core.ty) : =
let tm, ty' = infer context tm in
try Core.unify ty ty'; tm with
| Core.InfiniteType _ ->
raise (Error
(Format.asprintf "@[<v 2> @[infinite type:@]@ @[expected: %a@]@ @[found: %a@]@]"
Core.pp_ty (Core.zonk ty)
Core.pp_ty (Core.zonk ty')))
| Core.MismatchedTypes (_, _) ->
raise (Error
(Format.asprintf "@[<v 2> @[mismatched types:@]@ @[expected: %a@]@ @[found: %a@]@]"
Core.pp_ty (Core.zonk ty)
Core.pp_ty (Core.zonk ty')))
and infer context (tm : tm) : * Core.ty =
match tm with
| Var name ->
let rec go index context : * Core.ty =
match context with
| (name', ty) :: _ when name = name' -> Var index, ty
| (_, _) :: context -> (go [@tailcall]) (index + 1) context
| [] -> raise (Error (Format.asprintf "the variable `%s` is not bound in the current scope" name))
go 0 context
| Let (def_name, def, body) ->
let def, def_ty = infer context def in
let body, body_ty = infer ((def_name, def_ty) :: context) body in
Let (def_name, def_ty, def, body), body_ty
| IntLit i -> IntLit i, IntType
| FunLit (param_name, body) ->
let param_ty = Core.fresh_meta () in
let body, body_ty = infer ((param_name, param_ty) :: context) body in
FunLit (param_name, param_ty, body), FunType (param_ty, body_ty)
| FunApp (head, arg) ->
let arg, arg_ty = infer context arg in
let body_ty = Core.fresh_meta () in
let head = check context head (FunType (arg_ty, body_ty)) in
FunApp (head, arg), body_ty
| Op2 ((`Add | `Sub | `Mul) as prim, tm0, tm1) ->
let tm0 = check context tm0 IntType in
let tm1 = check context tm1 IntType in
PrimApp (prim, [tm0; tm1]), IntType
| Op1 ((`Neg) as prim, tm) ->
let tm = check context tm IntType in
PrimApp (prim, [tm]), IntType
(* TODO: check unsolved metas - perhaps store in a matacontext? *)
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