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  • Save brendo/5440653 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save brendo/5440653 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Improved Symphony MySQL Driver - Uses `mysqli` instead of `mysql`. - Supports a `master`, `slave` setup where the master accepts all writes, and the slaves processes reads To use, add an additional section to your config, `database_slave` which has the same details as `database`.
* @package toolkit
* The DatabaseException class extends a normal Exception to add in
* debugging information when a SQL query fails such as the internal
* database error code and message in additional to the usual
* Exception information. It allows a DatabaseException to contain a human
* readable error, as well more technical information for debugging.
Class DatabaseException extends Exception{
* An associative array with three keys, 'query', 'msg' and 'num'
* @var array
private $_error = array();
* Constructor takes a message and an associative array to set to
* `$_error`. The message is passed to the default Exception constructor
public function __construct($message, array $error=NULL){
$this->_error = $error;
* Accessor function for the original query that caused this Exception
* @return string
public function getQuery(){
return $this->_error['query'];
* Accessor function for the Database error code for this type of error
* @return string
public function getDatabaseErrorCode(){
return $this->_error['num'];
* Accessor function for the Database message from this Exception
* @return string
public function getDatabaseErrorMessage(){
return $this->_error['msg'];
* The MySQL class acts as a wrapper for connecting to the Database
* in Symphony. It utilises mysql_* functions in PHP to complete the usual
* querying. As well as the normal set of insert, update, delete and query
* functions, some convenience functions are provided to return results
* in different ways. Symphony uses a prefix to namespace it's tables in a
* database, allowing it play nice with other applications installed on the
* database. An errors that occur during a query throw a `DatabaseException`.
* By default, Symphony logs all queries to be used for Profiling and Debug
* devkit extensions when a Developer is logged in. When a developer is not
* logged in, all queries and errors are made available with delegates.
Class MySQL {
* Constant to indicate whether the query is a write operation.
* @var integer
const __WRITE_OPERATION__ = 0;
* Constant to indicate whether the query is a write operation
* @var integer
const __READ_OPERATION__ = 1;
* Sets the current `$_log` to be an empty array
* @var array
private static $_log = array();
* The number of queries this class has executed, defaults to 0.
* @var integer
private static $_query_count = 0;
* Whether query caching is enabled or not. By default this set
* to true which will use SQL_CACHE to cache the results of queries
* @var boolean
private static $_cache = true;
* An associative array of connection properties for this MySQL
* database including the host, port, username, password and
* selected database.
* @var array
private static $_connection = array();
* The resource of the last result returned from mysql_query
* @var resource
private $_result = null;
* The last query that was executed by the class
private $_lastQuery = null;
* The hash value of the last query that was executed by the class
private $_lastQueryHash = null;
* The auto increment value returned by the last query that was executed
* by the class
private $_lastInsertID = null;
* By default, an array of arrays or objects representing the result set
* from the `$this->_lastQuery`
private $_lastResult = array();
* Magic function that will flush the MySQL log and close the MySQL
* connection when the MySQL class is removed or destroyed.
* @link
public function __destruct(){
* Resets the result, `$this->_lastResult` and `$this->_lastQuery` to their empty
* values. Called on each query and when the class is destroyed.
public function flush(){
$this->_result = null;
$this->_lastResult = array();
$this->_lastQuery = null;
$this->_lastQueryHash = null;
* Sets the current `$_log` to be an empty array
public static function flushLog(){
self::$_log = array();
* Returns the number of queries that has been executed
* @return integer
public static function queryCount(){
return self::$_query_count;
* Sets query caching to true, this will prepend all READ_OPERATION
* queries with SQL_CACHE. Symphony be default enables caching. It
* can be turned off by setting the query_cache parameter to 'off' in the
* Symphony config file.
* @link
public static function enableCaching(){
MySQL::$_cache = true;
* Sets query caching to false, this will prepend all READ_OPERATION
* queries will SQL_NO_CACHE.
public static function disableCaching(){
MySQL::$_cache = false;
* Returns boolean if query caching is enabled or not
* @return boolean
public static function isCachingEnabled(){
return MySQL::$_cache;
* Symphony uses a prefix for all it's database tables so it can live peacefully
* on the same database as other applications. By default this is sym_, but it
* can be changed when Symphony is installed.
* @param string $prefix
* The table prefix for Symphony, by default this is sym_
* @param string $type
* The type of Database connection to use. Useful in load balanced
* DB environments. Defaults to 'master'.
public function setPrefix($prefix, $type = 'master'){
MySQL::$_connection[$type]['tbl_prefix'] = $prefix;
* Determines if a connection has been made to the MySQL server
* @param string $type
* The type of Database connection to use. Useful in load balanced
* DB environments. Defaults to 'master'.
* @return boolean
public function isConnected($type = 'master'){
return (isset(MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id']) && !is_null(MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id']));
* Called when the script has finished executing, this closes the MySQL
* connection
* @return boolean
public function close(){
if($this->isConnected()) {
if(isset(MySQL::$_connection['slave'])) {
return mysqli_close(MySQL::$_connection['master']['id']);
* Creates a connect to the database server given the credentials. If an
* error occurs, a `DatabaseException` is thrown, otherwise true is returned
* @param string $host
* Defaults to null, which MySQL assumes as localhost.
* @param string $user
* Defaults to null
* @param string $password
* Defaults to null
* @param string $port
* Defaults to 3306.
* @param string $database
* The database to connect to upon connection
* @param string $type
* The type of Database connection to use. Useful in load balanced
* DB environments. Defaults to 'master'.
* @return boolean
public function connect($host = null, $user = null, $password = null, $port ='3306', $database = null, $type = 'master') {
MySQL::$_connection[$type] = array(
'host' => $host,
'user' => $user,
'pass' => $password,
'port' => $port,
'database' => $database
try {
MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id'] = mysqli_connect(
MySQL::$_connection[$type]['host'], MySQL::$_connection[$type]['user'], MySQL::$_connection[$type]['pass'], MySQL::$_connection[$type]['database'], MySQL::$_connection[$type]['port']
if(!$this->isConnected($type)) {
$this->__error($type, 'connect');
catch (Exception $ex) {
$this->__error($type, 'connect');
return true;
* Accessor for the current MySQL resource from PHP. May be
* useful for developers who want complete control over their
* database queries and don't want anything abstract by the MySQL
* class.
* @param string $type
* The type of Database connection to use. Useful in load balanced
* DB environments. Defaults to 'master'.
* @return resource
public static function getConnectionResource($type = 'master') {
return MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id'];
* This will set the character encoding of the connection for sending and
* receiving data. This function will run every time the database class
* is being initialized. If no character encoding is provided, UTF-8
* is assumed.
* @link
* @param string $set
* The character encoding to use, by default this 'utf8'
* @param string $type
* The type of Database connection to use. Useful in load balanced
* DB environments. Defaults to 'master'.
public function setCharacterEncoding($set='utf8', $type = 'master'){
mysqli_set_charset(MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id'], $set);
* This function will set the character encoding of the database so that any
* new tables that are created by Symphony use this character encoding
* @link
* @param string $set
* The character encoding to use, by default this 'utf8'
public function setCharacterSet($set='utf8') {
$this->query("SET character_set_connection = '$set', character_set_database = '$set', character_set_server = '$set'");
$this->query("SET CHARACTER SET '$set'");
* This function will clean a string using the `mysql_real_escape_string` function
* taking into account the current database character encoding. Note that this
* function does not encode _ or %. If `mysql_real_escape_string` doesn't exist,
* `addslashes` will be used as a backup option
* @param string $value
* The string to be encoded into an escaped SQL string
* @return string
* The escaped SQL string
public static function cleanValue($value) {
if (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {
return mysqli_real_escape_string(MySQL::$_connection['master']['id'], $value);
} else {
return addslashes($value);
* This function will apply the `cleanValue` function to an associative
* array of data, encoding only the value, not the key. This function
* can handle recursive arrays. This function manipulates the given
* parameter by reference.
* @see cleanValue
* @param array $array
* The associative array of data to encode, this parameter is manipulated
* by reference.
public static function cleanFields(array &$array){
foreach($array as $key => $val){
// Handle arrays with more than 1 level
elseif(strlen($val) == 0){
$array[$key] = 'NULL';
$array[$key] = "'" . self::cleanValue($val) . "'";
* Determines whether this query is a read operation, or if it is a write operation.
* A write operation is determined as any query that starts with CREATE, INSERT,
* considered to be a read operation which are subject to query caching.
* @return integer
public function determineQueryType($query){
return (preg_match('/^(create|insert|replace|alter|delete|update|optimize|truncate|drop)/i', $query) ? MySQL::__WRITE_OPERATION__ : MySQL::__READ_OPERATION__);
* Takes an SQL string and executes it. This function will apply query
* caching if it is a read operation and if query caching is set. Symphony
* will convert the `tbl_` prefix of tables to be the one set during installation.
* A type parameter is provided to specify whether `$this->_lastResult` will be an array
* of objects or an array of associative arrays. The default is objects. This
* function will return boolean, but set `$this->_lastResult` to the result.
* @uses PostQueryExecution
* @param string $query
* The full SQL query to execute.
* @param string $type
* Whether to return the result as objects or associative array. Defaults
* to OBJECT which will return objects. The other option is ASSOC. If $type
* is not either of these, it will return objects.
* @return boolean
* True if the query executed without errors, false otherwise
public function query($query, $type = "OBJECT"){
if(empty($query)) return false;
$start = precision_timer();
$query = trim($query);
$query_type = $this->determineQueryType($query);
$query_hash = md5($query.$start);
$db_type = 'master';
if(MySQL::$_connection['master']['tbl_prefix'] != 'tbl_'){
$query = preg_replace('/tbl_(\S+?)([\s\.,]|$)/', MySQL::$_connection['master']['tbl_prefix'].'\\1\\2', $query);
// TYPE is deprecated since MySQL 4.0.18, ENGINE is preferred
if($query_type == MySQL::__WRITE_OPERATION__) {
$query = preg_replace('/TYPE=(MyISAM|InnoDB)/i', 'ENGINE=$1', $query);
else if($query_type == MySQL::__READ_OPERATION__ && !preg_match('/^SELECT\s+SQL(_NO)?_CACHE/i', $query)){
if(isset(MySQL::$_connection['slave'])) {
$db_type = 'slave';
if($this->isCachingEnabled()) {
$query = preg_replace('/^SELECT\s+/i', 'SELECT SQL_CACHE ', $query);
else {
$query = preg_replace('/^SELECT\s+/i', 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ', $query);
$this->_lastQuery = $query;
$this->_lastQueryHash = $query_hash;
$this->_result = mysqli_query(MySQL::$_connection[$db_type]['id'], $query);
$this->_lastInsertID = mysqli_insert_id(MySQL::$_connection[$db_type]['id']);
else if(($this->_result instanceof mysqli_result)){
if($type == "ASSOC") {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->_result)){
$this->_lastResult[] = $row;
else {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_object($this->_result)){
$this->_lastResult[] = $row;
$stop = precision_timer('stop', $start);
* After a query has successfully executed, that is it was considered
* valid SQL, this delegate will provide the query, the query_hash and
* the execution time of the query.
* Note that this function only starts logging once the ExtensionManager
* is available, which means it will not fire for the first couple of
* queries that set the character set.
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @delegate PostQueryExecution
* @param string $context
* '/frontend/' or '/backend/'
* @param string $query
* The query that has just been executed
* @param string $query_hash
* The hash used by Symphony to uniquely identify this query
* @param float $execution_time
* The time that it took to run `$query`
if(Symphony::ExtensionManager() instanceof ExtensionManager) {
Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('PostQueryExecution', class_exists('Administration') ? '/backend/' : '/frontend/', array(
'query' => '[' . $db_type . '] ' . $query,
'query_hash' => $query_hash,
'execution_time' => $stop
// If the ExceptionHandler is enabled, then the user is authenticated
// or we have a serious issue, so log the query.
if(GenericExceptionHandler::$enabled) {
self::$_log[$query_hash] = array(
'query' => '[' . $db_type . '] ' . $query,
'query_hash' => $query_hash,
'execution_time' => $stop
// Symphony isn't ready yet. Log internally
else {
self::$_log[$query_hash] = array(
'query' => '[' . $db_type . '] ' . $query,
'query_hash' => $query_hash,
'execution_time' => $stop
return true;
* Returns the last insert ID from the previous query. This is
* the value from an auto_increment field.
* @return integer
* The last interested row's ID
public function getInsertID(){
return $this->_lastInsertID;
* A convenience method to insert data into the Database. This function
* takes an associative array of data to input, with the keys being the column
* names and the table. An optional parameter exposes MySQL's ON DUPLICATE
* KEY UPDATE functionality, which will update the values if a duplicate key
* is found.
* @param array $fields
* An associative array of data to input, with the key's mapping to the
* column names. Alternatively, an array of associative array's can be
* provided, which will perform multiple inserts
* @param string $table
* The table name, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
* to this Symphony's table prefix in the query function
* @param boolean $updateOnDuplicate
* If set to true, data will updated if any key constraints are found that cause
* conflicts. By default this is set to false, which will not update the data and
* would return an SQL error
* @return boolean
public function insert(array $fields, $table, $updateOnDuplicate=false){
// Multiple Insert
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`".implode('`, `', array_keys(current($fields))).'`) VALUES ';
foreach($fields as $key => $array){
// Sanity check: Make sure we dont end up with ',()' in the SQL.
if(!is_array($array)) continue;
$rows[] = '('.implode(', ', $array).')';
$sql .= implode(", ", $rows);
// Single Insert
$sql = "INSERT INTO `$table` (`".implode('`, `', array_keys($fields)).'`) VALUES ('.implode(', ', $fields).')';
foreach($fields as $key => $value) $sql .= " `$key` = $value,";
$sql = trim($sql, ',');
return $this->query($sql);
* A convenience method to update data that exists in the Database. This function
* takes an associative array of data to input, with the keys being the column
* names and the table. A WHERE statement can be provided to select the rows
* to update
* @param array $fields
* An associative array of data to input, with the key's mapping to the
* column names.
* @param string $table
* The table name, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
* to this Symphony's table prefix in the query function
* @param string $where
* A WHERE statement for this UPDATE statement, defaults to null
* which will update all rows in the $table
* @return boolean
public function update($fields, $table, $where = null) {
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET ";
foreach($fields as $key => $val)
$rows[] = " `$key` = $val";
$sql .= implode(', ', $rows) . (!is_null($where) ? ' WHERE ' . $where : null);
return $this->query($sql);
* Given a table name and a WHERE statement, delete rows from the
* Database.
* @param string $table
* The table name, including the tbl prefix which will be changed
* to this Symphony's table prefix in the query function
* @param string $where
* A WHERE statement for this DELETE statement, defaults to null,
* which will delete all rows in the $table
* @return boolean
public function delete($table, $where = null){
return $this->query("DELETE FROM $table WHERE $where");
* Returns an associative array that contains the results of the
* given `$query`. Optionally, the resulting array can be indexed
* by a particular column.
* @param string $query
* The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will
* use the _lastResult
* @param string $index_by_column
* The name of a column in the table to use it's value to index
* the result by. If this is omitted (and it is by default), an
* array of associative arrays is returned, with the key being the
* column names
* @return array
* An associative array with the column names as the keys
public function fetch($query = null, $index_by_column = null){
if(!is_null($query)) {
$this->query($query, "ASSOC");
else if(is_null($this->_lastResult)) {
return array();
$result = $this->_lastResult;
if(!is_null($index_by_column) && isset($result[0][$index_by_column])){
$n = array();
foreach($result as $ii) {
$n[$ii[$index_by_column]] = $ii;
$result = $n;
return $result;
* Returns the row at the specified index from the given query. If no
* query is given, it will use the `$this->_lastResult`. If no offset is provided,
* the function will return the first row. This function does not imply any
* LIMIT to the given `$query`, so for the more efficient use, it is recommended
* that the `$query` have a LIMIT set.
* @param integer $offset
* The row to return from the SQL query. For instance, if the second
* row from the result was required, the offset would be 1, because it
* is zero based.
* @param string $query
* The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will
* use the `$this->_lastResult`
* @return array
* If there is no row at the specified `$offset`, an empty array will be returned
* otherwise an associative array of that row will be returned.
public function fetchRow($offset = 0, $query = null){
$result = $this->fetch($query);
return (empty($result) ? array() : $result[$offset]);
* Returns an array of values for a specified column in a given query.
* If no query is given, it will use the `$this->_lastResult`.
* @param string $column
* The column name in the query to return the values for
* @param string $query
* The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will
* use the `$this->_lastResult`
* @return array
* If there is no results for the `$query`, an empty array will be returned
* otherwise an array of values for that given `$column` will be returned
public function fetchCol($column, $query = null){
$result = $this->fetch($query);
if(empty($result)) return array();
foreach ($result as $row){
$return[] = $row[$column];
return $return;
* Returns the value for a specified column at a specified offset. If no
* offset is provided, it will return the value for column of the first row.
* If no query is given, it will use the `$this->_lastResult`.
* @param string $column
* The column name in the query to return the values for
* @param integer $offset
* The row to use to return the value for the given `$column` from the SQL
* query. For instance, if `$column` form the second row was required, the
* offset would be 1, because it is zero based.
* @param string $query
* The full SQL query to execute. Defaults to null, which will
* use the `$this->_lastResult`
* @return string|null
* Returns the value of the given column, if it doesn't exist, null will be
* returned
public function fetchVar($column, $offset = 0, $query = null){
$result = $this->fetch($query);
return (empty($result) ? null : $result[$offset][$column]);
* This function takes `$table` and `$field` names and returns boolean
* if the `$table` contains the `$field`.
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @param string $table
* The table name
* @param string $field
* The field name
* @return boolean
* True if `$table` contains `$field`, false otherwise
public function tableContainsField($table, $field){
$results = $this->fetch("DESC `{$table}` `{$field}`");
return (is_array($results) && !empty($results));
* If an error occurs in a query, this function is called which logs
* the last query and the error number and error message from MySQL
* before throwing a `DatabaseException`
* @uses QueryExecutionError
* @throws DatabaseException
private function __error($type = 'master', $state = null) {
if($state == 'connect') {
$msg = mysqli_connect_error();
$errornum = mysqli_connect_errno();
else {
$msg = mysqli_error(MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id']);
$errornum = mysqli_errno(MySQL::$_connection[$type]['id']);
* After a query execution has failed this delegate will provide the query,
* query hash, error message and the error number.
* Note that this function only starts logging once the `ExtensionManager`
* is available, which means it will not fire for the first couple of
* queries that set the character set.
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @delegate QueryExecutionError
* @param string $context
* '/frontend/' or '/backend/'
* @param string $query
* The query that has just been executed
* @param string $query_hash
* The hash used by Symphony to uniquely identify this query
* @param string $msg
* The error message provided by MySQL which includes information on why the execution failed
* @param integer $num
* The error number that corresponds with the MySQL error message
if(Symphony::ExtensionManager() instanceof ExtensionManager) {
Symphony::ExtensionManager()->notifyMembers('QueryExecutionError', class_exists('Administration') ? '/backend/' : '/frontend/', array(
'query' => $this->_lastQuery,
'query_hash' => $this->_lastQueryHash,
'msg' => $msg,
'num' => $errornum
throw new DatabaseException(__('MySQL Error (%1$s): %2$s in query: %3$s', array($errornum, $msg, $this->_lastQuery)), array(
'msg' => $msg,
'num' => $errornum,
'query' => $this->_lastQuery
* Returns all the log entries by type. There are two valid types,
* error and debug. If no type is given, the entire log is returned,
* otherwise only log messages for that type are returned
* @return array
* An array of associative array's. Log entries of the error type
* return the query the error occurred on and the error number and
* message from MySQL. Log entries of the debug type return the
* the query and the start/stop time to indicate how long it took
* to run
public function debug($type = null){
if(!$type) return self::$_log;
return ($type == 'error' ? self::$_log['error'] : self::$_log['query']);
* Returns some basic statistics from the MySQL class about the
* number of queries, the time it took to query and any slow queries.
* A slow query is defined as one that took longer than 0.0999 seconds
* This function is used by the Profile devkit
* @return array
* An associative array with the number of queries, an array of slow
* queries and the total query time.
public function getStatistics() {
$stats = array();
$query_timer = 0.0;
$slow_queries = array();
foreach(self::$_log as $key => $val) {
$query_timer += $val['execution_time'];
if($val['execution_time'] > 0.0999) $slow_queries[] = $val;
return array(
'queries' => MySQL::queryCount(),
'slow-queries' => $slow_queries,
'total-query-time' => number_format($query_timer, 4, '.', '')
* Convenience function to allow you to execute multiple SQL queries at once
* by providing a string with the queries delimited with a `;`
* @param string $sql
* A string containing SQL queries delimited by `;`
* @param boolean $force_engine
* If set to true, this will set MySQL's default storage engine to MyISAM.
* Defaults to false, which will use MySQL's default storage engine when
* tables don't explicitly define which engine they should be created with
* @return boolean
* If one of the queries fails, false will be returned and no further queries
* will be executed, otherwise true will be returned.
public function import($sql, $force_engine = false){
// Silently attempt to change the storage engine. This prevents INNOdb errors.
$this->query('SET storage_engine=MYISAM');
$queries = preg_split('/;[\\r\\n]+/', $sql, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if(!is_array($queries) || empty($queries) || count($queries) <= 0){
throw new Exception('The SQL string contains no queries.');
foreach($queries as $sql){
if(trim($sql) != '') $result = $this->query($sql);
if(!$result) return false;
return true;
* @package core
* The Symphony class is an abstract class that implements the
* Singleton interface. It provides the glue that forms the Symphony
* CMS and initialises the toolkit classes. Symphony is extended by
* the Frontend and Administration classes
require_once(CORE . '/class.errorhandler.php');
require_once(CORE . '/class.configuration.php');
require_once(CORE . '/class.log.php');
require_once(CORE . '/class.cookie.php');
require_once(CORE . '/interface.singleton.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.ajaxpage.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.xmlelement.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.widget.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.general.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.cryptography.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.profiler.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.mysql.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.extensionmanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.pagemanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.authormanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.emailgatewaymanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.entrymanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.fieldmanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.sectionmanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.textformattermanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.datasourcemanager.php');
require_once(TOOLKIT . '/class.eventmanager.php');
Abstract Class Symphony implements Singleton{
* An instance of the Symphony class, either `Administration` or `Frontend`.
* @var Symphony
protected static $_instance = null;
* An instance of the `Configuration` class
* @var Configuration
private static $Configuration = null;
* An instance of the `Database` class
* @var MySQL
private static $Database = null;
* An instance of the `ExtensionManager` class
* @var ExtensionManager
private static $ExtensionManager = null;
* An instance of the `Log` class
* @var Log
private static $Log = null;
* An instance of the Profiler class
* @var Profiler
private static $Profiler = null;
* The current page namespace, used for translations
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @var string
private static $namespace = false;
* A previous exception that has been fired. Defaults to null.
* @since Symphony 2.3.2
* @var Exception
private $exception = null;
* An instance of the Cookie class
* @var Cookie
public $Cookie = null;
* An instance of the currently logged in Author
* @var Author
public $Author = null;
* The Symphony constructor initialises the class variables of Symphony.
* It will set the DateTime settings, define new date constants and initialise
* the correct Language for the currently logged in Author. If magic quotes
* are enabled, Symphony will sanitize the `$_SERVER`, `$_COOKIE`,
* `$_GET` and `$_POST` arrays. The constructor loads in
* the initial Configuration values from the `CONFIG` file
protected function __construct(){
self::$Profiler = Profiler::instance();
self::$Profiler->sample('Engine Initialisation');
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
define_safe('__SYM_DATE_FORMAT__', self::Configuration()->get('date_format', 'region'));
define_safe('__SYM_TIME_FORMAT__', self::Configuration()->get('time_format', 'region'));
define_safe('__SYM_DATETIME_FORMAT__', __SYM_DATE_FORMAT__ . self::Configuration()->get('datetime_separator', 'region') . __SYM_TIME_FORMAT__);
// Initialize language management
// If the user is not a logged in Author, turn off the verbose error messages.
if(!self::isLoggedIn() && is_null($this->Author)){
GenericExceptionHandler::$enabled = false;
// Set system language
Lang::set(self::$Configuration->get('lang', 'symphony'));
* Accessor for the Symphony instance, whether it be Frontend
* or Administration
* @since Symphony 2.2
* @return Symphony
public static function Engine() {
if(class_exists('Administration')) {
return Administration::instance();
else if(class_exists('Frontend')) {
return Frontend::instance();
else throw new Exception(__('No suitable engine object found'));
* Setter for `$Configuration`. This function initialise the configuration
* object and populate its properties based on the given $array.
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @param array $data
* An array of settings to be stored into the Configuration object
public function initialiseConfiguration(array $data = array()){
// Includes the existing CONFIG file and initialises the Configuration
// by setting the values with the setArray function.
$data = $settings;
self::$Configuration = new Configuration(true);
* Accessor for the current `Configuration` instance. This contains
* representation of the the Symphony config file.
* @return Configuration
public static function Configuration(){
return self::$Configuration;
* Accessor for the current `Profiler` instance.
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @return Profiler
public static function Profiler(){
return self::$Profiler;
* Setter for `$Log`. This function uses the configuration
* settings in the 'log' group in the Configuration to create an instance. Date
* formatting options are also retrieved from the configuration.
* @param string $filename (optional)
* The file to write the log to, if omitted this will default to `ACTIVITY_LOG`
public function initialiseLog($filename = null) {
if(self::$Log instanceof Log && self::$Log->getLogPath() == $filename) return true;
if(is_null($filename)) $filename = ACTIVITY_LOG;
self::$Log = new Log($filename);
self::$Log->setArchive((self::Configuration()->get('archive', 'log') == '1' ? true : false));
self::$Log->setMaxSize(intval(self::Configuration()->get('maxsize', 'log')));
self::$Log->setDateTimeFormat(self::Configuration()->get('date_format', 'region') . ' ' . self::Configuration()->get('time_format', 'region'));
if(self::$Log->open(Log::APPEND, self::Configuration()->get('write_mode', 'file')) == 1){
self::$Log->initialise('Symphony Log');
* Accessor for the current `Log` instance
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @return Log
public static function Log() {
return self::$Log;
* Setter for `$Cookie`. This will use PHP's parse_url
* function on the current URL to set a cookie using the cookie_prefix
* defined in the Symphony configuration. The cookie will last two
* weeks.
* This function also defines two constants, `__SYM_COOKIE_PATH__`
* and `__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX__`.
* @deprecated Prior to Symphony 2.3.2, the constant `__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX_`
* had a typo where it was missing the second underscore. Symphony will
* support both constants, `__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX_` and `__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX__`
* until Symphony 2.5
public function initialiseCookie(){
$cookie_path = @parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_PATH);
$cookie_path = '/' . trim($cookie_path, '/');
define_safe('__SYM_COOKIE_PATH__', $cookie_path);
define_safe('__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX_', self::Configuration()->get('cookie_prefix', 'symphony'));
define_safe('__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX__', self::Configuration()->get('cookie_prefix', 'symphony'));
$this->Cookie = new Cookie(__SYM_COOKIE_PREFIX__, TWO_WEEKS, __SYM_COOKIE_PATH__);
* Setter for `$ExtensionManager` using the current
* Symphony instance as the parent. If for some reason this fails,
* a Symphony Error page will be thrown
public function initialiseExtensionManager(){
if(self::$ExtensionManager instanceof ExtensionManager) return true;
self::$ExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager;
if(!(self::$ExtensionManager instanceof ExtensionManager)){
$this->throwCustomError(__('Error creating Symphony extension manager.'));
* Accessor for the current `$ExtensionManager` instance.
* @since Symphony 2.2
* @return ExtensionManager
public static function ExtensionManager() {
return self::$ExtensionManager;
* Setter for `$Database`, accepts a Database object. If `$database`
* is omitted, this function will set `$Database` to be of the `MySQL`
* class.
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @param StdClass $database (optional)
* The class to handle all Database operations, if omitted this function
* will set `self::$Database` to be an instance of the `MySQL` class.
* @return boolean
* This function will always return true
public function setDatabase(StdClass $database = null) {
if (self::Database()) return true;
self::$Database = !is_null($database) ? $database : new MySQL;
return true;
* Accessor for the current `$Database` instance.
* @return MySQL
public static function Database(){
return self::$Database;
* This will initialise the Database class and attempt to create a connection
* using the connection details provided in the Symphony configuration. If any
* errors occur whilst doing so, a Symphony Error Page is displayed.
* @return boolean
* This function will return true if the `$Database` was
* initialised successfully.
public function initialiseDatabase(){
$details = self::Configuration()->get('database');
if(!self::Database()->connect($details['host'], $details['user'], $details['password'], $details['port'], $details['db'])) return false;
if(!self::Database()->isConnected()) return false;
// Configuration for Slave
$slave_details = Symphony::Configuration()->get('database_slave');
if($slave_details) {
if(!self::Database()->connect($slave_details['host'], $slave_details['user'], $slave_details['password'], $slave_details['port'], $slave_details['db'], 'slave')) return false;
if(!self::Database()->isConnected('slave')) return false;
self::Database()->setPrefix($details['tbl_prefix'], 'slave');
self::Database()->setCharacterEncoding('utf-8', 'slave');
if(self::Configuration()->get('query_caching', 'database') == 'off') self::Database()->disableCaching();
elseif(self::Configuration()->get('query_caching', 'database') == 'on') self::Database()->enableCaching();
catch(DatabaseException $e){
$e->getDatabaseErrorCode() . ': ' . $e->getDatabaseErrorMessage(),
__('Symphony Database Error'),
'error' => $e,
'message' => __('There was a problem whilst attempting to establish a database connection. Please check all connection information is correct.') . ' ' . __('The following error was returned:')
return true;
* Attempts to log an Author in given a username and password.
* If the password is not hashed, it will be hashed using the sha1
* algorithm. The username and password will be sanitized before
* being used to query the Database. If an Author is found, they
* will be logged in and the sanitized username and password (also hashed)
* will be saved as values in the `$Cookie`.
* @see toolkit.General#hash()
* @param string $username
* The Author's username. This will be sanitized before use.
* @param string $password
* The Author's password. This will be sanitized and then hashed before use
* @param boolean $isHash
* If the password provided is already hashed, setting this parameter to
* true will stop it becoming rehashed. By default it is false.
* @return boolean
* True if the Author was logged in, false otherwise
public function login($username, $password, $isHash=false){
$username = self::Database()->cleanValue($username);
$password = self::Database()->cleanValue($password);
if(strlen(trim($username)) > 0 && strlen(trim($password)) > 0){
$author = AuthorManager::fetch('id', 'ASC', 1, null, sprintf("
`username` = '%s'
", $username
if(!empty($author) && Cryptography::compare($password, current($author)->get('password'), $isHash)) {
$this->Author = current($author);
// Only migrate hashes if there is no update available as the update might change the tbl_authors table.
if($this->isUpgradeAvailable() === false && Cryptography::requiresMigration($this->Author->get('password'))){
$this->Author->set('password', Cryptography::hash($password));
self::Database()->update(array('password' => $this->Author->get('password')), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '" . $this->Author->get('id') . "'");
$this->Cookie->set('username', $username);
$this->Cookie->set('pass', $this->Author->get('password'));
'last_seen' => DateTimeObj::get('Y-m-d H:i:s')),
sprintf(" `id` = %d", $this->Author->get('id'))
return true;
return false;
* Symphony allows Authors to login via the use of tokens instead of
* a username and password. A token is derived from concatenating the
* Author's username and password and applying the sha1 hash to
* it, from this, a portion of the hash is used as the token. This is a useful
* feature often used when setting up other Authors accounts or if an
* Author forgets their password.
* @param string $token
* The Author token, which is a portion of the hashed string concatenation
* of the Author's username and password
* @return boolean
* True if the Author is logged in, false otherwise
public function loginFromToken($token){
$token = self::Database()->cleanValue($token);
if(strlen(trim($token)) == 0) return false;
if(strlen($token) == 6){
$row = self::Database()->fetchRow(0, sprintf("
SELECT `a`.`id`, `a`.`username`, `a`.`password`
FROM `tbl_authors` AS `a`, `tbl_forgotpass` AS `f`
WHERE `a`.`id` = `f`.`author_id`
AND `f`.`expiry` > '%s'
AND `f`.`token` = '%s'
DateTimeObj::getGMT('c'), $token
self::Database()->delete('tbl_forgotpass', " `token` = '{$token}' ");
$row = self::Database()->fetchRow(0, sprintf(
"SELECT `id`, `username`, `password`
FROM `tbl_authors`
WHERE SUBSTR(%s(CONCAT(`username`, `password`)), 1, 8) = '%s'
AND `auth_token_active` = 'yes'
'SHA1', $token
$this->Author = AuthorManager::fetchByID($row['id']);
$this->Cookie->set('username', $row['username']);
$this->Cookie->set('pass', $row['password']);
self::Database()->update(array('last_seen' => DateTimeObj::getGMT('Y-m-d H:i:s')), 'tbl_authors', " `id` = '$id'");
return true;
return false;
* This function will destroy the currently logged in `$Author`
* session, essentially logging them out.
* @see core.Cookie#expire()
public function logout(){
* This function determines whether an there is a currently logged in
* Author for Symphony by using the `$Cookie`'s username
* and password. If an Author is found, they will be logged in, otherwise
* the `$Cookie` will be destroyed.
* @see core.Cookie#expire()
public function isLoggedIn(){
// Ensures that we're in the real world.. Also reduces three queries from database
// We must return true otherwise exceptions are not shown
if (is_null(self::$_instance)) return true;
if ($this->Author){
return true;
$username = self::Database()->cleanValue($this->Cookie->get('username'));
$password = self::Database()->cleanValue($this->Cookie->get('pass'));
if(strlen(trim($username)) > 0 && strlen(trim($password)) > 0){
$author = AuthorManager::fetch('id', 'ASC', 1, null, sprintf("
`username` = '%s'
", $username
if(!empty($author) && Cryptography::compare($password, current($author)->get('password'), true)) {
$this->Author = current($author);
'last_seen' => DateTimeObj::get('Y-m-d H:i:s')),
sprintf(" `id` = %d", $this->Author->get('id'))
// Only set custom author language in the backend
if(class_exists('Administration')) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the most recent version found in the `/install/migrations` folder.
* Returns a version string to be used in `version_compare()` if an updater
* has been found. Returns `FALSE` otherwise.
* @since Symphony 2.3.1
* @return mixed
public function getMigrationVersion(){
$migrations = scandir(DOCROOT . '/install/migrations');
$migration_file = end($migrations);
include_once(DOCROOT . '/install/lib/class.migration.php');
include_once(DOCROOT . '/install/migrations/' . $migration_file);
$migration_class = 'migration_' . str_replace('.', '', substr($migration_file, 0, -4));
return call_user_func(array($migration_class, 'getVersion'));
return FALSE;
* Checks if an update is available and applicable for the current installation.
* @since Symphony 2.3.1
* @return boolean
public function isUpgradeAvailable(){
$migration_version = $this->getMigrationVersion();
$current_version = Symphony::Configuration()->get('version', 'symphony');
return version_compare($current_version, $migration_version, '<');
return FALSE;
* Checks if the installer/upgrader is available.
* @since Symphony 2.3.1
* @return boolean
public function isInstallerAvailable(){
return file_exists(DOCROOT . '/install/index.php');
* A wrapper for throwing a new Symphony Error page.
* @deprecated @since Symphony 2.3.2
* @see `throwCustomError`
* @param string $heading
* A heading for the error page
* @param string|XMLElement $message
* A description for this error, which can be provided as a string
* or as an XMLElement.
* @param string $template
* A string for the error page template to use, defaults to 'generic'. This
* can be the name of any template file in the `TEMPLATES` directory.
* A template using the naming convention of `tpl.*.php`.
* @param array $additional
* Allows custom information to be passed to the Symphony Error Page
* that the template may want to expose, such as custom Headers etc.
public function customError($heading, $message, $template='generic', array $additional=array()){
$this->throwCustomError($message, $heading, Page::HTTP_STATUS_ERROR, $template, $additional);
* A wrapper for throwing a new Symphony Error page.
* This methods sets the `GenericExceptionHandler::$enabled` value to `true`.
* @see core.SymphonyErrorPage
* @param string|XMLElement $message
* A description for this error, which can be provided as a string
* or as an XMLElement.
* @param string $heading
* A heading for the error page
* @param integer $status
* Properly sets the HTTP status code for the response. Defaults to
* `Page::HTTP_STATUS_ERROR`. Use `Page::HTTP_STATUS_XXX` to set this value.
* @param string $template
* A string for the error page template to use, defaults to 'generic'. This
* can be the name of any template file in the `TEMPLATES` directory.
* A template using the naming convention of `tpl.*.php`.
* @param array $additional
* Allows custom information to be passed to the Symphony Error Page
* that the template may want to expose, such as custom Headers etc.
public function throwCustomError($message, $heading='Symphony Fatal Error', $status=Page::HTTP_STATUS_ERROR, $template='generic', array $additional=array()){
GenericExceptionHandler::$enabled = true;
throw new SymphonyErrorPage($message, $heading, $template, $additional, $status);
* Setter accepts a previous Exception. Useful for determining the context
* of a current exception (ie. detecting recursion).
* @since Symphony 2.3.2
* @param Exception $ex
public function setException(Exception $ex) {
$this->exception = $ex;
* Accessor for `$this->exception`.
* @since Symphony 2.3.2
* @return Exception|null
public function getException() {
return $this->exception;
* Given the `$page_id` and a `$column`, this function will return an
* array of the given `$column` for the Page, including all parents.
* @deprecated This function will be removed in Symphony 2.4. Use
* `PageManager::resolvePage` instead.
* @param mixed $page_id
* The ID of the Page that currently being viewed, or the handle of the
* current Page
* @return array
* An array of the current Page, containing the `$column`
* requested. The current page will be the last item the array, as all
* parent pages are prepended to the start of the array
public function resolvePage($page_id, $column) {
return PageManager::resolvePage($page_id, $column);
* Given the `$page_id`, return the complete title of the
* current page.
* @deprecated This function will be removed in Symphony 2.4. Use
* `PageManager::resolvePageTitle` instead.
* @param mixed $page_id
* The ID of the Page that currently being viewed, or the handle of the
* current Page
* @return string
* The title of the current Page. If the page is a child of another
* it will be prepended by the parent and a colon, ie. Articles: Read
public function resolvePageTitle($page_id) {
return PageManager::resolvePage($page_id, 'title');
* Given the `$page_id`, return the complete path to the
* current page.
* @deprecated This function will be removed in Symphony 2.4. Use
* `PageManager::resolvePagePath` instead.
* @param mixed $page_id
* The ID of the Page that currently being viewed, or the handle of the
* current Page
* @return string
* The complete path to the current Page including any parent
* Pages, ie. /articles/read
public function resolvePagePath($page_id) {
return PageManager::resolvePage($page_id, 'handle');
* Returns the page namespace based on the current URL.
* A few examples:
* /login
* /publish
* /blueprints/datasources
* [...]
* /extension/$extension_name/$page_name
* This method is especially useful in couple with the translation function.
* @see toolkit#__()
* @return string
* The page namespace, without any action string (e.g. "new", "saved") or
* any value that depends upon the single setup (e.g. the section handle in
* /publish/$handle)
public static function getPageNamespace() {
if(self::$namespace !== false) return self::$namespace;
$page = getCurrentPage();
if(!is_null($page)) $page = trim($page, '/');
if(substr($page, 0, 7) == 'publish') {
self::$namespace = '/publish';
else if(empty($page) && isset($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
self::$namespace = '/login';
else if(empty($page)) {
self::$namespace = null;
else {
$bits = explode('/', $page);
if($bits[0] == 'extension') {
self::$namespace = sprintf('/%s/%s/%s', $bits[0], $bits[1], $bits[2]);
else {
self::$namespace = sprintf('/%s/%s', $bits[0], $bits[1]);
return self::$namespace;
* The `SymphonyErrorPageHandler` extends the `GenericExceptionHandler`
* to allow the template for the exception to be provided from the `TEMPLATES`
* directory
Class SymphonyErrorPageHandler extends GenericExceptionHandler {
* The render function will take a `SymphonyErrorPage` exception and
* output a HTML page. This function first checks to see if their is a custom
* template for this exception otherwise it reverts to using the default
* `usererror.generic.php`
* @param Exception $e
* The Exception object
* @return string
* An HTML string
public static function render(Exception $e){
if($e->getTemplate() === false){
if(isset($e->getAdditional()->header)) header($e->getAdditional()->header);
echo '<h1>Symphony Fatal Error</h1><p>'.$e->getMessage().'</p>';
* `SymphonyErrorPage` extends the default `Exception` class. All
* of these exceptions will halt execution immediately and return the
* exception as a HTML page. By default the HTML template is `usererror.generic.php`
* from the `TEMPLATES` directory.
Class SymphonyErrorPage extends Exception{
* A heading for the error page, this will be prepended to
* "Symphony Fatal Error".
* @return string
private $_heading;
* A string for the error page template to use, defaults to 'generic'. This
* can be the name of any template file in the `TEMPLATES` directory.
* A template using the naming convention of `usererror.*.php`.
* @var string
private $_template = 'generic';
* If the message as provided as an `XMLElement`, it will be saved to
* this parameter
* @var XMLElement
private $_messageObject = null;
* An object of an additional information for this error page. Note that
* this is provided as an array and then typecast to an object
* @var StdClass
private $_additional = null;
* A simple container for the response status code.
* Full value is setted usign `$Page->setHttpStatus()`
* in the template.
private $_status = Page::HTTP_STATUS_ERROR;
* Constructor for SymphonyErrorPage sets it's class variables
* @param string|XMLElement $message
* A description for this error, which can be provided as a string
* or as an XMLElement.
* @param string $heading
* A heading for the error page, by default this is "Symphony Fatal Error"
* @param string $template
* A string for the error page template to use, defaults to 'generic'. This
* can be the name of any template file in the `TEMPLATES` directory.
* A template using the naming convention of `tpl.*.php`.
* @param array $additional
* Allows custom information to be passed to the Symphony Error Page
* that the template may want to expose, such as custom Headers etc.
* @param integer $status
* Properly sets the HTTP status code for the response. Defaults to
public function __construct($message, $heading='Symphony Fatal Error', $template='generic', array $additional=array(), $status=Page::HTTP_STATUS_ERROR){
if($message instanceof XMLElement){
$this->_messageObject = $message;
$message = $this->_messageObject->generate();
$this->_heading = $heading;
$this->_template = $template;
$this->_additional = (object)$additional;
$this->_status = $status;
* Accessor for the `$_heading` of the error page
* @return string
public function getHeading(){
return $this->_heading;
* Accessor for `$_messageObject`
* @return XMLElement
public function getMessageObject(){
return $this->_messageObject;
* Accessor for `$_additional`
* @return StdClass
public function getAdditional(){
return $this->_additional;
* Accessor for `$_status`
* @since Symphony 2.3.2
* @return integer
public function getHttpStatusCode() {
return $this->_status;
* Returns the path to the current template by looking at the
* `WORKSPACE/template/` directory, then at the `TEMPLATES`
* directory for the convention `usererror.*.php`. If the template
* is not found, `false` is returned
* @since Symphony 2.3
* @return mixed
* String, which is the path to the template if the template is found,
* false otherwise
public function getTemplate(){
$format = '%s/usererror.%s.php';
if(file_exists($template = sprintf($format, WORKSPACE . '/template', $this->_template)))
return $template;
elseif(file_exists($template = sprintf($format, TEMPLATE, $this->_template)))
return $template;
return false;
* A simple getter to the template name in order to be able
* to identify which type of exception this is.
* @since Symphony 2.3.2
* @return string
public function getTemplateName() {
return $this->_template;
* The `DatabaseExceptionHandler` provides a render function to provide
* customised output for database exceptions. It displays the exception
* message as provided by the Database.
Class DatabaseExceptionHandler extends GenericExceptionHandler {
* The render function will take a `DatabaseException` and output a
* HTML page.
* @param Exception $e
* The Exception object
* @return string
* An HTML string
public static function render(Exception $e) {
$trace = $queries = null;
foreach($e->getTrace() as $t){
$trace .= sprintf(
(isset($t['class']) ? $t['class'] : null),
(isset($t['type']) ? $t['type'] : null),
$debug = Symphony::Database()->debug();
if(!empty($debug)) foreach($debug as $query){
$queries .= sprintf(
'<li><em>[%01.4f]</em><code> %s;</code> </li>',
(isset($query['execution_time']) ? $query['execution_time'] : null),
$html = sprintf(file_get_contents(self::getTemplate('fatalerror.database')),
return str_replace('{SYMPHONY_URL}', SYMPHONY_URL, $html);
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Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for! Not only the mysqli but also the master/slave, just great!

When using mysqli for a fresh install you run into the problem that the installer still references mysql (checks on function mysql_connect). For cloning it would be great if an updated installer class is included in this gist.

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