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Jitsi Meet with a headless Raspberry Pi

Jitsi Meet with a headless Raspberry Pi

To set up a headless Raspberry Pi to connect to a Jitsi Meet server using SIP and WebRTC, you'll need the following:

  1. SIP Gateway: Set up a SIP gateway for your Jitsi Meet server. Jitsi provides a component called Jigasi for this purpose. Jigasi acts as a gateway between SIP and the Jitsi Videobridge.

  2. SIP Client: Install a command-line SIP client on the Raspberry Pi. Examples include Linphone or PJSUA from the PJSIP project.

  3. Audio and Video Configuration: Configure the SIP client to use the appropriate audio and video devices on the Raspberry Pi. For a headless setup, you'll likely want to disable video output and configure audio input and output to use the appropriate devices.

  4. SIP Account: Create a SIP account on the Jigasi server for the Raspberry Pi to use when connecting to the Jitsi Meet session.

  5. Control Scripts: Write scripts to control the SIP client for actions like joining a meeting, adjusting volume, muting, and disabling outgoing video. These actions will depend on the capabilities of the SIP client you choose.

Here's an example of how you might set this up using PJSUA:

  1. Install PJSUA: Install the PJSIP library, which includes the PJSUA command-line client:

    sudo apt-get install pjsip-tools
  2. Join a Jitsi Meet Session: Use PJSUA to join a session by calling the SIP URI provided by the Jigasi gateway:

  3. Control Commands:

    • Mute/Unmute: You can mute and unmute the microphone using the PJSUA interface.
    • Adjust Volume: PJSUA allows you to adjust the audio playback and capture volume.
    • Disable Outgoing Video: Since this is a headless setup, you can disable video by not configuring a video capture device or by using the --video-count=0 flag.
  4. Automate with Scripts: Create shell scripts to automate the process of joining meetings and controlling the session based on your needs.

Please note that this is a high-level overview, and the exact setup and configuration will depend on your specific requirements and environment. Additionally, working with SIP and WebRTC at this level can be complex, so you may need to dive deeper into the documentation for the tools and protocols involved.

Displaying Incoming Video

To display the incoming video from a Jitsi Meet session on a screen connected via HDMI on a headless Raspberry Pi, you'll need to set up a way to render the video stream. Since you're not using a web browser or JavaScript, this will require a more manual approach. Here's an outline of what you might need to do:

  1. Video Rendering Software: Install software that can render the video stream on the Raspberry Pi. One option is to use GStreamer, a multimedia framework that can handle video streaming and rendering.

  2. Extract Video Stream: Configure your SIP client to separate the incoming video stream. This might involve setting up the client to use a specific video codec and to direct the video stream to a specific port or pipe.

  3. Render Video Stream: Use GStreamer to render the video stream on the screen. You'll need to set up a GStreamer pipeline that takes the video stream as input and outputs it to the screen via HDMI. The exact pipeline will depend on the format of the video stream and the capabilities of your hardware.

Here's an example of how you might set up GStreamer to render a video stream:

gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5000 ! application/x-rtp,media=video ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink

In this example, udpsrc port=5000 is the source element that receives the video stream over UDP on port 5000. The rest of the pipeline decodes the stream (rtph264depay and avdec_h264) and displays it on the screen (videoconvert and autovideosink).

Note: This is a simplified example, and the actual setup might be more complex. You'll need to adjust the pipeline to match the format of the incoming video stream and ensure that it's compatible with your hardware.

  1. Integrate with SIP Client: Integrate the video rendering setup with your SIP client so that the video stream is automatically directed to GStreamer for rendering when a call is received.

  2. Test and Troubleshoot: Test the setup with different video streams and adjust the configuration as needed to ensure smooth playback and compatibility with Jitsi Meet.

This approach requires a good understanding of multimedia streaming and rendering, as well as some custom configuration. If you're looking for a simpler solution, you might want to reconsider using a lightweight web browser or an Electron-based application, despite the memory constraints.

Minimal UI

You can draw a minimal UI over the video by compositing an overlay. One way to achieve this is by using GStreamer's capabilities to overlay graphics or text on the video stream. Here's a general approach:

  1. Prepare Overlay Elements: Create the overlay elements you want to display, such as images or text indicating that the audio is muted or showing call details. You can create these elements using image editing software or generate them dynamically using a script.

  2. Use GStreamer for Overlay: Modify the GStreamer pipeline to include elements that overlay your UI elements on the video stream. You can use the textoverlay element for text or the imageoverlay element for images. For example, to add text overlay:

    gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=5000 ! application/x-rtp,media=video ! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! textoverlay text="Muted" valignment=top halignment=left ! autovideosink

    In this example, textoverlay text="Muted" valignment=top halignment=left adds the text "Muted" to the top left corner of the video.

  3. Dynamic Overlays: To dynamically change the overlay (e.g., show or hide the mute indicator), you can create a small application or script that updates the overlay based on the call state. This might involve interacting with the GStreamer pipeline or updating the overlay elements in real-time.

  4. Integrate with SIP Client: Integrate this setup with your SIP client so that the overlay is updated based on the call state, such as muting or unmuting the audio.

  5. Test and Adjust: Test the overlay with different video streams and adjust the positioning, size, and content of the overlay elements as needed.

This approach allows you to add a minimal UI over the video stream to provide call information or other indicators. Keep in mind that managing dynamic overlays and integrating them with the call state will require some additional programming and coordination between the SIP client and the GStreamer pipeline.

TV Control with CEC

To use Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) with a Raspberry Pi to turn on a TV and change the input to the Pi's HDMI connection, you can use a library called cec-utils. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Install cec-utils: First, you need to install the cec-utils package, which provides tools for controlling devices via HDMI-CEC. You can install it using the following command:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install cec-utils
  2. Scan for CEC Devices: Once installed, you can use the cec-client tool to scan for CEC-capable devices connected to your Raspberry Pi:

    echo 'scan' | cec-client -s -d 1

    This command will list all the CEC devices connected to your HDMI ports. Take note of the logical address of your TV (usually 0).

  3. Turn On the TV: To turn on the TV, you can use the following command, replacing X with the logical address of your TV:

    echo 'on X' | cec-client -s -d 1
  4. Change HDMI Input: To change the HDMI input to the Raspberry Pi, you can use the following command, replacing X with the logical address of your TV and Y with the HDMI port number (usually 1, 2, 3, etc.):

    echo 'tx X4:82:Y0:00' | cec-client -s -d 1

    This command sends a CEC message to switch the TV's input to the specified HDMI port.

  5. Automate with a Script: You can create a script to automate turning on the TV and switching the input when the Raspberry Pi starts up. Create a new file, for example,, and add the following content:

    echo 'on X' | cec-client -s -d 1
    sleep 5
    echo 'tx X4:82:Y0:00' | cec-client -s -d 1

    Replace X and Y with the appropriate values for your setup. Make the script executable:

    chmod +x

    You can then run this script at startup by adding it to your rc.local file or by creating a systemd service.

Note: The effectiveness of CEC commands can vary depending on the TV model and its firmware. Some TVs might not support all CEC features, or they might require additional configuration to enable CEC control.

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