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Created November 7, 2011 01:02
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Async+Await under the covers
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
private struct <DownloadBingHomePageHTMLAsync>d__3 : <>t__IStateMachine
private int <>1__state;
public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<string> <>t__builder;
public Action <>t__MoveNextDelegate;
public WebClient <webClient>5__4;
public string <html>5__5;
private object <>t__stack;
private object <>t__awaiter;
public void MoveNext()
string result;
int num = this.<>1__state;
TaskAwaiter<string> taskAwaiter;
if (num != 1) //if execution of async method is not finished (State == 1 means that the execution is running)
if (this.<>1__state == -1)
this.<webClient>5__4 = new WebClient();
taskAwaiter = this.<webClient>5__4.DownloadStringTaskAsync("").GetAwaiter(); //start the async operation, and get the TaskAwaiter
if (!taskAwaiter.IsCompleted) //if the async operation is not completed
this.<>1__state = 1; //set the state to "Running"
TaskAwaiter<string>[] array;
(array = new TaskAwaiter<string>[1])[0] = taskAwaiter;
this.<>t__awaiter = array;
Action action;
if ((action = this.<>t__MoveNextDelegate) == null)
Task<string> arg_9A_0 = this.<>t__builder.Task;
action = new Action(this.MoveNext); //define a delegate to the method itself.
array[0].OnCompleted(action); //use that delegate (which points to the method itself) as a method which will be called when the async operation completes
else //if the async is complete
taskAwaiter = ((TaskAwaiter<string>[])this.<>t__awaiter)[0]; //get the TaskAwaiter
this.<>t__awaiter = null;
this.<>1__state = 0; //set the state to "Initial"
string arg_110_0 = taskAwaiter.GetResult(); //get the result of the async operation from the TaskAwaiter
taskAwaiter = default(TaskAwaiter<string>);
string text = arg_110_0; //continue with the execution of the code that was defined after the "await" keyword (in this case, return the html as a String)
this.<html>5__5 = text;
result = this.<html>5__5;
catch (Exception exception)
this.<>1__state = -1;
this.<>1__state = -1; //set the result to "Complete"
void <>t__IStateMachine.<>t__SetMoveNextDelegate(Action param0)
this.<>t__MoveNextDelegate = param0;
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