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Created September 19, 2022 00:03
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Bubble Sort example in Javascript and Go

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort example in Javascript and Go


function BubbleSort(array) {
	var swapCount = 1
	while (swapCount > 0) {
		swapCount = 0
		for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < array.length -1; itemIndex++) {
			if (array[itemIndex] > array[itemIndex+1]) {
                let temp = array[itemIndex+1]
                array[itemIndex+1] = array[itemIndex];
                array[itemIndex] = temp;
				swapCount += 1
    return array


func BubbleSort(array []int) {
	swapCount := 1
	for swapCount > 0 {
		swapCount = 0
		for itemIndex := 0; itemIndex < len(array)-1; itemIndex++ {
			if array[itemIndex] > array[itemIndex+1] {
				array[itemIndex], array[itemIndex+1] = array[itemIndex+1], array[itemIndex]
				swapCount += 1
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