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Breno Cota brenogcota

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brenogcota /
Created April 24, 2023 16:35
Discard file changes from git PR

Switch to the branch from which you created the pull request:

$ git checkout pull-request-branch

Overwrite the modified file(s) with the file in another branch, let's consider it's master:

git checkout origin/master -- src/package-lock.json
function pr_notify() {
url=$(echo $(gh pr view | sed '10!d' | sed 's/.*://'))
title=$(echo $(gh pr view | sed '1!d' | sed 's/.*://'))
state=$(echo $(gh pr view | sed '2!d' | sed 's/.*://'))
author=$(echo $(gh pr view | sed '3!d' | sed 's/.*://'))
data=$(echo '{
"cards": [
"header": {
"title": "🤖 Code Review",
brenogcota / zsh.rc
Created March 27, 2023 19:44
Create PR with Jira task id
function pr(){
branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)
task=$(echo $branch_name | awk -F/ '{print $NF}')
message=$(echo $(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%B))
gh pr create --title "$message" --body "## $message [$task](https://<your-org>$task)"
brenogcota /
Created September 19, 2022 00:03
Bubble Sort example in Javascript and Go

Bubble Sort

Bubble Sort example in Javascript and Go


function BubbleSort(array) {
	var swapCount = 1
	while (swapCount > 0) {
 swapCount = 0
brenogcota /
Last active September 18, 2022 22:04
Example binary search in Javascript and Go

Binary Search

Example Binary search in Javascript and Go


function BinarySearch(array, number) {
	var minIndex = 0
	var maxIndex = array.length - 1
	while (minIndex <= maxIndex) {
 var midIndex = Math.floor((maxIndex + minIndex) / 2)
brenogcota /
Created July 29, 2022 18:41
Get Current Song Spotify
osascript -e 'tell application "Spotify" to artist of current track & " - " & name of current track'
brenogcota / color-picker.js
Created May 30, 2022 16:45
Chrome default color picker snippet
function copy(value) {
await window.navigator.clipboard.writeText(value)), 3000);
console.log("Color: " + value);
window.colorPicker = () => new EyeDropper().open().then((color)=> copy(color.sRGBHex))
// create color picker snippet
brenogcota /
Last active May 30, 2022 17:18
make dynamic css classes
function cssHandles(...arguments) {
   return arguments.reduce((acc, cur) => {
     if (typeof cur === 'string') return acc + ` ${cur}`;
     if (typeof cur === 'object') {
        return Object.keys(cur).map((key) => {
            if(cur[key]) return acc + ` ${key}`
            return acc
brenogcota /
Last active May 27, 2022 01:43
Show package json infos by terminal
# terminal utils
alias pkg="cat package.json"
alias head-pkg="head package.json"
alias tail-pkg="tail package.json"
alias pkg-scripts="pkg | jq .scripts"
alias hgrep="history | grep "
brenogcota /
Last active March 25, 2022 12:20
run vtex link in sub directories