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Created April 26, 2021 20:19
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some hooks wrapping firebase client lib
import React, { useCallback, useContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'
import Firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/firestore'
const FirebaseContext = React.createContext<{ app: }>({ app: {} as unknown as })
export function FirebaseProvider({ children, app }: React.PropsWithChildren<{ app: }>) {
return <FirebaseContext.Provider value={{ app }}>{children}</FirebaseContext.Provider>
export function useFirebase() {
const { app } = useContext(FirebaseContext)
return app
export function useFirestore() {
const { app } = useContext(FirebaseContext)
return useMemo(() => app.firestore(), [app])
export function useStorage() {
const { app } = useContext(FirebaseContext)
return useMemo(() =>, [app])
export function useAuth() {
const { app } = useContext(FirebaseContext)
return useMemo(() => app.auth(), [app])
export function useCollection<T extends {}>(collectionPath: string, queryCallback?: (collection: Firebase.firestore.CollectionReference) => Firebase.firestore.Query | Firebase.firestore.CollectionReference) {
const [{ docs, loading }, setState] = useState<{ loading: boolean, docs: Array<T & { id: string }> }>({ loading: false, docs: [] })
const firestore = useFirestore()
const collection = useMemo(() => firestore.collection(collectionPath), [firestore, collectionPath])
useEffect(() => {
setState({ loading: true, docs: [] })
const snapshot = queryCallback ? queryCallback(collection).get() : collection.get()
snapshot.then(s => {
setState(() => ({ loading: false, docs: => ({ id:, as T })) }))
}, [collection, queryCallback])
const handleAdd = useCallback(async (data: T, disableStateUpdate: boolean = false) => {
const ref = await collection.add(data)
if (!disableStateUpdate) {
setState(d => ({ loading: d.loading, docs: [{ id:, },] }))
return ref
}, [collection])
const handleSet = useCallback(async (docId: string, data: T, options?: { batch?: Firebase.firestore.WriteBatch, merge?: boolean }) => {
options?.batch ? options.batch.set(collection.doc(docId), data, { merge: options?.merge || false }) : await collection.doc(docId).set(data, { merge: options?.merge || false })
if (!options || !options.batch) {
setState(d => {
const index = => === docId)[index] = { id: docId, }
return { loading: d.loading, docs: [] }
}, [collection])
const handleUpdate = useCallback(async (docId: string, data: Partial<T>, options?: { batch?: Firebase.firestore.WriteBatch }) => {
options?.batch ? options.batch.update(collection.doc(docId), data) : await collection.doc(docId).update(data)
if (!options || !options.batch) {
setState(d => {
const index = => === docId)[index] = {[index], }
return { loading: d.loading, docs: [] }
}, [collection])
const handleDelete = useCallback(async (docId: string, options?: { batch?: Firebase.firestore.WriteBatch }) => {
options?.batch ? options.batch.delete(collection.doc(docId)) : await collection.doc(docId).delete()
if (!options || !options.batch) {
setState(d => {
const index = => === docId)
index >= 0 &&, 1)
return { loading: d.loading, docs: [] }
}, [collection])
const setDocs = useCallback((docs: Array<T & { id: string }>) => {
setState(s => ({ ...s, docs: [] }))
}, [])
return [docs, setDocs, { loading, add: handleAdd, set: handleSet, update: handleUpdate, delete: handleDelete }] as [typeof docs, typeof setDocs, { loading: boolean, add: typeof handleAdd, set: typeof handleSet, update: typeof handleUpdate, delete: typeof handleDelete }]
export function useDoc<T extends {}>(collectionPath: string, docId: string) {
const [{ loading, doc }, setState] = useState({ loading: false, doc: null as null | T })
const firestore = useFirestore()
const docRef = useMemo(() => docId !== '' ? firestore.collection(collectionPath).doc(docId) : null, [firestore, collectionPath, docId])
useEffect(() => {
setState({ loading: true, doc: null })
docRef?.get().then(doc => {
setState({ loading: false, doc: { id:, as T } })
}, [docRef])
const handleSet = useCallback(async (data: T, options?: { merge?: boolean }) => {
await docRef?.set(data as any, { merge: options?.merge || false })
setState(s => ({ loading: s.loading, doc: { id: docRef?.id, } }))
}, [docRef])
const handleUpdate = useCallback(async (data: Partial<T>) => {
await docRef?.update(data)
setState(s => ({ loading: s.loading, doc: { ...s.doc, } as T }))
}, [docRef])
return [doc, { loading, set: handleSet, update: handleUpdate }] as [typeof doc, { loading: boolean, set: typeof handleSet, update: typeof handleUpdate }]
export function useFirebaseAuthUser(authStateChangedCallback?: (user: Firebase.User | null) => void) {
const [user, setUser] = useState<Firebase.User | null>(null)
const auth = useAuth()
useEffect(() => {
auth.onAuthStateChanged(user => {
authStateChangedCallback && authStateChangedCallback(user)
}, [auth, authStateChangedCallback])
return user
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