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Brent Anderson brentjanderson

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brentjanderson /
Last active April 16, 2021 22:25
Running graphql-codegen on Redwood

I'm assuming you're using Apollo. This can be changed

  1. Install a few dependencies: yarn add -WD @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo @graphql-codegen/typescript-resolvers npm-run-all ts-node

  2. In my setup, I also threw in npm-run-all and made some edits to my root package.json "scripts": yarn add -WD npm-run-all

     "dev": "npm-run-all --parallel dev:**",

"dev:rw": "rw dev",

brentjanderson / .env.local
Created January 25, 2023 20:06
Knock In-app Notifications with NextAuth/AuthJS
# These values all come from the dashboard
# Replace each line break with `\n` and then wrap the whole thing in JSON. JSON.parse will properly decode all of it.
KNOCK_SIGNING_KEY='{"key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n<The rest of the key goes here>\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"}'
brentjanderson / Procfile
Last active August 23, 2023 07:21
Running RedwoodJS on Heroku
release: yarn rw prisma migrate deploy
web: bin/start-nginx node index.js
brentjanderson /
Created June 14, 2022 15:53
Elixir runtime-controlled supervision tree using feature flags (circuit breaker)

These snippets provide a foundation for starting and stopping supervision trees at runtime using feature flags (e.g. Launch Darkly).

Some things to note when adapting these snippets:

  1. application.ex needs to be adapted into an existing application. The important part is that each child spec provided is compliant, and that there is a feature flag (ld_key) specified.
  2. As written, if a feature flag fails for some reason, it defaults to starting all children. There is room for adaptation here as needed.
  3. This implementation will still require a FeatureFlags module to be available that implements is_on?/2. Adjust as needed to accomodate your own feature flag setup.
brentjanderson /
Created February 20, 2018 17:55
SSH Tunneling with Firefox

Sometimes it is useful to route traffic through a different machine for testing or development. At work, we have a VPN to a remote facility that we haven't bothered to fix for routing, so the only way to access a certain machine over that VPN is via an SSH tunnel to a machine that is reachable over the VPN. Other times, I have used this technique to test internet-facing requests against sites I am developing. It is pretty easy, and if you don't use firefox regularly, you can treat Firefox as your "Proxy" browser and other browsers can use a normal configuration (Although you can also configure an entire system to use the proxy, other articles exists that discuss this potential).

  1. Open a terminal