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Created June 7, 2013 11:40
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(ns hammock-cafe.ui.history
(:require [ :as p]
[ :as log]
[ :as msg]))
(def last-page (atom nil))
(def dispatchers (atom {}))
(defn navigate [token]
(when-let [d (get @dispatchers token)]
(p/put-message d {msg/topic msg/app-model
msg/type :navigate
:name (keyword (str "emitter-" (name token)))})))
(def supported? (and js/history (.-pushState js/history)))
(defn navigated [d token]
(when supported?
(let [current-token (.-state js/history)]
(when (not= current-token token)
(if (nil? @last-page)
(.replaceState js/history token nil nil)
(.pushState js/history token nil nil))))
(reset! last-page token)
(swap! dispatchers assoc token d)))
(if supported?
(set! (.-onpopstate js/window) (fn [e] (navigate (.-state e))))
(log/warn :in :hammock-cafe.ui.history
:message "HTML 5 History is not supported in this browser!"))
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