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Last active January 12, 2017 12:16
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c-alpha test in python. copied from AssotesteR. and rpy2 wrapper for all functions in AssotesteR
C-alpha test for rare variants. Copied from AssotesteR
Only reports the permutation p-value, not the asymptotic
This also wraps all of the functions in R's AssotesteR using
rpy2. Any function available in AssotesteR, e.g. CALPHA is
availailable here has r_calpha().
The args are always
casecon: a list of 0's, 1's indicating case/control status
genotype: a numpy array with shape len(casecon), n_snps.
the return value is a dictionary with keys of: stat, perm_p,
asym_p, function.
import numpy as np
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri as nri
from rpy2 import robjects
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from rpy2.robjects.functions import SignatureTranslatedFunction
AssotesteR = importr("AssotesteR")
class rassotest(object):
def __init__(self, func_name):
self.function_name = func_name
self.fn = getattr(AssotesteR, func_name)
def __call__(self, casecon, genotype, **kwargs):
casecon = robjects.IntVector(casecon)
genotype = nri.numpy2ri(genotype)
res = self.fn(robjects.IntVector(casecon), nri.numpy2ri(genotype), **kwargs)
res = dict(res.iteritems())
# convert from rpy2 stuffs to python dict.
skey = [k for k in res if k.endswith('.stat')][0]
perm_p = res['perm.pval'][0]
asym_p = res.get('asym.pval', [None])[0]
return dict(stat=res[skey][0], perm_p=perm_p, asym_p=asym_p,
# wrapper for SKAT.
class PySKAT(object):
covs is a list of covariates. each list in covs should be the same
length as cc
def __init__(self, cc, covs=None):
if hasattr(covs, "__iter__") and not hasattr(covs[0], "__iter__"):
covs = [covs]
elif covs is None:
covs = []
formula = "cc ~ 1 "
cov_string = " + ".join("V%i" % i for i, cov in enumerate(covs))
if covs != []:
formula += " + " + cov_string
fml = robjects.Formula(formula)
fml.environment['cc'] = robjects.IntVector(cc)
for i, cov in enumerate(covs):
assert len(cov) == len(cc)
fml.environment["V%i" % i] = robjects.FloatVector(cov)
fml.environment['cc'] = robjects.IntVector(cc)
self.obj = SKAT.SKAT_Null_Model(fml)
self.formula = formula
def __call__(self, genotype):
_ = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
sk_res = SKAT.SKAT(nri.numpy2ri(genotype.T), self.obj, method="optimal")
sys.stdout = _
py_res = dict(sk_res.iteritems())
skat_pval = py_res['p.value'][0]
params = dict(py_res['param'].iteritems())
rho_est = params['rho_est'][0]
return skat_pval, rho_est
# these 2 lines are unnessecary.
# the below loop imports and wraps all of the R functions
r_calpha = rassotest("CALPHA")
r_cmat = rassotest("CMAT")
# import and wrap all the functions in AssotesteR
for name in dir(AssotesteR):
if isinstance(getattr(AssotesteR, name), SignatureTranslatedFunction):
fname = "r_" + name.lower()
globals()[fname] = rassotest(name)
# python version of calpha
def _calpha(casecon, genotype):
nCase = casecon.sum()
nControl = len(casecon) - nCase
pCase = nCase / float(nControl + nCase)
n = (genotype > 0).sum(0)
g = (genotype[casecon == 1,] > 0).sum(0)
Talpha = ((g - n * pCase)**2 - (n * pCase * (1 - pCase))).sum()
return Talpha
def calpha(casecon, genotype, n_perm=10000):
casecon = np.asarray(casecon)
calpha_stat = _calpha(casecon, genotype)
perm_stats = []
rand_cc = casecon.copy()
for i in xrange(n_perm):
perm_stats.append(_calpha(rand_cc, genotype))
perm_stats = np.array(perm_stats) ** 2
return calpha_stat, (1 + (perm_stats > (calpha_stat ** 2)).sum()) / float(n_perm + 1)
def _cmat(casecon, g):
nCase = casecon.sum()
nCtrl = len(casecon) - nCase
mCase = g[casecon == 1,:].sum()
mCtrl = g[casecon == 0,:].sum()
iCase = (2 - g[casecon == 1,:]).sum()
iCtrl = (2 - g[casecon == 0,:]).sum()
cm1 = len(casecon) / (2. * nCase * nCtrl * g.shape[1])
cm2 = ((mCase * iCtrl - mCtrl * iCase)**2) / \
float((mCase + mCtrl) * (iCase + iCtrl))
return cm1 * cm2
def cmat(casecon, genotype, n_perm=100, rare_cutoff="auto"):
if rare_cutoff == "auto":
# cutoff from SKAT CommonRare
rare_cutoff = 1 / np.sqrt(2 * len(casecon))
casecon = np.asarray(casecon)
# just do this once since we only shuffle case/control status
mafs = genotype.mean(0) / 2
if any(mafs < rare_cutoff):
genotype = genotype[:, mafs < rare_cutoff]
return (np.nan, np.nan)
cmat_stat = _cmat(casecon, genotype)
perm_stats = []
rand_cc = casecon.copy()
for i in xrange(n_perm):
perm_stats.append(_cmat(rand_cc, genotype))
perm_stats = np.array(perm_stats)
return cmat_stat, (1. + (perm_stats > cmat_stat).sum()) / float(1 + n_perm)
if __name__ == "__main__":
casecon = [0] * 100 + [1] * 100
genotype = np.random.randint(0, 1, (len(casecon), 20))
#genotype += np.random.randint(0, 1, (len(casecon), 20))
genotype[120:130,1:5] = 1
print cmat(casecon, genotype, rare_cutoff=0.05)
print(r_cmat(casecon, genotype, perm=100, maf=1/np.sqrt(2*len(casecon))))
#print(r_cmc(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
#print(r_asum(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
#print(r_bst(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
#print(r_wss(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
#print(r_assuw(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
#print(r_wst(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
print "R calpha:"
print(r_calpha(casecon, genotype, perm=400))
print "numpy calpha:"
print calpha(casecon, genotype)
print "numpy cmat:"
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