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Created August 26, 2014 21:47
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from __future__ import print_function
from collections import Counter
import toolshed as ts
import itertools as it
import click
import sys
import re
import array
from math import log10
from pyper import R as Rpyper
R = Rpyper(use_numpy=False)
R.use_dict = True
@click.argument('vcf', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument('cov', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.option('--min-snps', default=4, help="don't test a block unless it"
" has at least this many variants.")
@click.option('--max-missing', default=10, help="exclude variants with more"
" missing variants than this.")
def hapskat(vcf, cov, formula, min_snps, max_missing):
fmt = "{chrom}\t{start}\t{end}\t{chrom}:{start}-{end}\t\t{f_p_value}\t{p_value}\t{n_tested}\t{haplotypes}\t{rare_haplotypes}"
block_iter = read_blocks(vcf, min_snps, max_missing)
header = next(block_iter)
samples = header[9:]
print(R("null.obj <- hap.skat.null(%s, '%s')" % (formula, cov)),
R('wgts <- NULL')
print("#" + fmt.replace("}", "").replace("{", ""))
for i, block in enumerate(block_iter):
Z, rare_haps = merge_rare(getZ(block, header))
assert [r[0] for r in Z[1:]] == samples, ("bad order")
# remove column and row labels
Zsub = [row[1:] for row in Z[1:]]
#R['wgts'] = wgts
r = R("res = NA; Z = read.bin('/tmp/t.bin'); res = hap.skat(Z, null.obj, y, wgts)").split("\n")
r = [x.strip() for x in r if x.strip() and not x.startswith('try')]
if r:
print("\n".join(r), file=sys.stderr)
res = R['res']
locs = get_locs(block)
if len(locs) != len(set(locs)):
print(len(locs), len(set(locs)), file=sys.stderr)
print(res, file=sys.stderr)
res['chrom'] = locs[0].split(":")[0]
res['start'] = locs[0].split(":")[1]
res['end'] = locs[-1].split(":")[1]
res['haplotypes'] = "|".join(Z[0][i] for i in range(1, len(Z[0])) if
not Z[0][i].startswith("rare"))
res['rare_haplotypes'] = "|".join(rare_haps) or "NA"
print(i + 1, "tests", file=sys.stderr)
def merge_rare(Z):
# Z is row and column headers is of shape n_samples * n_haplotypes.
# use 1/sqrt(2 * n_samples) as cutoff--from SKAT_CommonRare.
rare_cutoff = 1.0 / (2.0 * len(Z)) ** 0.5
col_freqs = [sum(row[i] for row in Z[1:]) / float(len(Z) - 1) for i in range(1, len(Z[0]))]
rare_idxs = [i for i, f in enumerate(col_freqs) if f < rare_cutoff]
# since we know that Z has the most common columns first, we can simplify
# the stuff below to just use the first rare column
# just check that we don't get, e.g. 2,4,5 instaed of 2,3,4,5
if True: #rare_idxs == []:
return Z, []
assert rare_idxs == range(min(rare_idxs), max(rare_idxs) + 1)
Znew = [[Z[0][0]] + [Z[0][i + 1] for i in range(rare_idxs[0])] + ['rare_sum']]
for row in Z[1:]:
# the row label and the common haplotypes.
new_row = [row[0]] + [row[i + 1] for i in range(rare_idxs[0])]
# the merged (summed) rare haplotypes go to a single column
new_row.append(min(2, sum(row[i + 1] for i in rare_idxs)))
# return merged data along with the list of rare haplotypes.
return Znew, [Z[0][i + 1] for i in rare_idxs]
def getZ(block, header):
sample_haps = []
sample_haps.extend((get_phases(block, i) for i in range(9, len(header))))
c = Counter()
for row in sample_haps:
# TODO: handle haplotypes containing 'X' (genotype of NA within hap)
Z = [['sample'] + ["%s" % x[0] for x in c.most_common()]]
for i, row in enumerate(sample_haps):
# e.g. if it has same hap from both parents then
# it will have a score of Z for that haplotype
Z.append([header[9 + i]] + [0.5 * row.count(h) for h in Z[0][1:]])
return Z
def tryint(x):
try: return int(x)
except ValueError: return -1
def get_locs(block):
return ["%s:%i" % (b[0], int(b[1])) for b in block]
def get_phases(block, idx, sep = re.compile("\||/")):
use the 0|1 in the genotype column to look up the ref/alt bases
refalts = [b[3].split(",") + b[4].split(",") + ["X"] for b in block]
genosM = [tryint(sep.split(v[idx].split(":")[0])[0]) for v in block]
genosP = [tryint(sep.split(v[idx].split(":")[0])[-1]) for v in block]
return "_".join([refalts[i][gm] for i, gm in enumerate(genosM)]),\
"_".join([refalts[i][gp] for i, gp in enumerate(genosP)])
def is_phased(toks):
return any("|" in t.split(":")[0] for t in toks[9:])
def n_missing(toks):
return sum(t in (".", "./.") for t in toks[9:])
def read_blocks(vcf, min_block_size, max_missing_samples):
A haplotype block always contain "/", then the following lines in the
same block all contain "|". A line with "/" indicates the start of a
new block. This function takes a VCF and yields blocks
fh, header = ts.reader(vcf, header=False), [None]
while header[0] != "#CHROM":
header = next(fh)
header[0] = "CHROM"
yield header
last_un = None
for phased, block in it.groupby(ts.reader(fh, header=False), is_phased):
if not phased:
last_un = list(block)[-1]
assert last_un
block = [toks for toks in it.chain([last_un], block) if n_missing(toks) <=
# subtract 1 for row name.
if len(block) - 1 < min_block_size: continue
last_un = None
yield block
def send_array(arr, fh=open('/tmp/t.bin', 'w')):
# send shape as int
array.array('l', [len(arr), len(arr[0])]).tofile(fh)
# send the data as double
array.array('d', [i for row in arr for i in row]).tofile(fh)
if __name__ == "__main__":
hap.skat.null = function(formula, covs, ...){
covs = read.delim(covs)
assign("y", covs[[as.character(formula[[2]])]], envir = .GlobalEnv)
m = SKAT_Null_Model(formula, data=covs, out_type="D")
hap.skat = function(Z, null.obj, y, wgts=NULL, ...){
r = try(SKAT(Z, null.obj, weights=wgts, is_dosage=TRUE,
kernel=ifelse(is.null(wgts), "linear", "linear.weighted"), method="liu"))
if(!inherits(r, "try-error")){
res = list(p_value=r$p.value, rho=r$param$rho_est,
} else {
res = list(p_value=NaN, rho=NaN, n_tested=NaN, p_value_resampling=NaN)
if("X1" %in% names(null.obj)){
res$f_p_value = ftest(null.obj$X1, Z, y)
} else {
res$f_p_value = ftest(null.obj$re1$X1, Z, y)
ftest = function(X1, Z, y){
# TODO: convert into formula so we can get f.test
X1 = data.frame(X1)
colnames(Z) = paste0("Z", 1:ncol(Z))
colnames(X1)[1] = "intercept"
xnames = colnames(X1)
X1$yyy = y
m0 = as.formula(sprintf("yyy ~ 0 + %s", paste(xnames, collapse=" + ")))
fit0 = glm(m0, data=X1, family=binomial(link=logit))
mz = as.formula(sprintf("yyy ~ 0 + %s + %s",
paste(xnames, collapse=" + "),
paste(colnames(Z), collapse=" + ")))
X2 = cbind(X1, Z)
fitz = glm(mz, data=X2, family=binomial(link=logit))
r = anova(fit0, fitz, test="Chisq")
return(r[2, "Pr(>Chi)"])
read.bin = function(bin.file){
conn = file(bin.file, 'rb')
mdims = readBin(conn, what=integer(), size=8, n=2)
nrow = mdims[1]
ncol = mdims[2]
dat = readBin(conn, what=numeric(), size=8, n=nrow * ncol)
matrix(dat, nrow=nrow, ncol=ncol, byrow=TRUE)
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