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Last active September 30, 2019 01:53
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Simulated tire, brake temperature, TPMS and engine sensors. Tire and brake data based on g-force readings.
--Note, If 2.10.2 firmware, AccelX and AccelY need to be inverted in the RCP configuration.
tires = 4
tireZones = 4
tirePrefixes = {'TireTmpLF', 'TireTmpRF', 'TireTmpLR', 'TireTmpRR'}
tireValues = {}
tireIds = {}
minTireVal = 0
maxTireVal = 300
brakes = 4
brakeZones = 1
brakePrefixes = {'BrakeTmpLF', 'BrakeTmpRF', 'BrakeTmpLR', 'BrakeTmpRR'}
brakeValues = {}
brakeIds = {}
minBrakeVal = 0
maxBrakeVal = 1000
function setupChannels(prefixes, ids, items, zones, minVal, maxVal, sr)
local ti = 1
for c=1,items do
for t=1,zones do
local name = prefixes[c]
if zones > 1 then
name = name ..t
name = name:sub(1, -3) --trim deimal point
println('setting up "' ..'"')
ids[ti] = addChannel(name, sr, 0, minVal, maxVal, 'F')
function updateTires()
--left side is 1, 3
--right side is 2, 4
accelX = getImu(0) --braking
if accelX < 0 then accelX = -accelX else accelX = 0 end
accelY = -getImu(1) --cornering
local i=1
for c=1, tires do
local offset = 100
left_cornering = 0
right_cornering = 0
if accelY > 0 then left_cornering = accelY * 250 end
if accelY < 0 then right_cornering = (-accelY) * 250 end
for t=1,tireZones do
offset = offset - 20
value = offset + accelX * 250 + math.random(0,20)
if c % 2 == 0 then value = value + right_cornering else value = value + left_cornering end
tireValues[i] = value
setChannel(tireIds[i], tireValues[i])
function updateBrakes()
--front side is 1, 2
--rear side is 3, 4
local offset = 500
accelX = getImu(0) --braking
if accelX < 0 then accelX = -accelX else accelX = 0 end
local i=1
for c=1, brakes do
for t=1,brakeZones do
value = offset + (accelX * 1000) + math.random(0,60)
if c > 2 then value = value - 200 end --rear brakes don't get as hot
brakeValues[i] = value
setChannel(brakeIds[i], brakeValues[i])
function r()
return math.random(0,2)
function updateSensors()
setChannel(engineTempId, 198 + r())
setChannel(coolantPressId, 27 + r())
setChannel(oilTempId, 250 + r())
setChannel(oilPressId, 47 + r())
setChannel(diffTempId, 230 + r())
setChannel(heartRateId, 100 + r())
setChannel(transTempId, 210 + r())
setChannel(fuelLevelId, 85 + r())
for p=1,4 do
setChannel(pressIds[p], 35 + r())
function onTick()
setupChannels(tirePrefixes, tireIds, tires, tireZones, minTireVal, maxTireVal, 10)
setupChannels(brakePrefixes, brakeIds, brakes, brakeZones, minBrakeVal, maxBrakeVal, 10)
pressIds = {}
setupChannels({'TPressLF', 'TPressRF', 'TPressLR', 'TPressRR'}, pressIds, 4, 1, 0, 50, 1)
engineTempId = addChannel("EngineTemp", 1, 0, 0, 250, 'F')
coolantPressId = addChannel("CoolantPres", 1, 0, 0, 25, 'PSI')
oilTempId = addChannel("OilTemp", 1, 0, 0, 250, 'F')
oilPressId = addChannel("OilPress", 1, 0, 0, 150, 'PSI')
diffTempId = addChannel("DiffTemp", 1, 0, 0, 250, 'F')
heartRateId = addChannel("HeartRate", 1, 0, 0, 200, 'BPM')
transTempId = addChannel("TransTemp", 1, 0, 0, 250, 'F')
fuelLevelId = addChannel("FuelLevel", 1, 0, 0, 100, '%')
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