// |
// VSTagAuthoritySQL.m |
// Vesper |
// |
// Created by Brent Simmons on 2/28/14. |
// Copyright (c) 2014 Q Branch LLC. All rights reserved. |
// |
#import <libkern/OSAtomic.h> |
#import "VSTagAuthoritySQL.h" |
#import "QSDatabaseQueue.h" |
#import "FMDatabase.h" |
@interface VSTagAuthoritySQL () |
@property (nonatomic, readonly) QSDatabaseQueue *databaseQueue; |
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSMutableDictionary *tags; |
@end |
static OSSpinLock tagsLock = OS_SPINLOCK_INIT; |
@implementation VSTagAuthoritySQL |
#pragma mark - Init |
- (instancetype)initWithDatabaseQueue:(QSDatabaseQueue *)databaseQueue { |
self = [super init]; |
if (self == nil) { |
return self; |
} |
_databaseQueue = databaseQueue; |
_tags = [NSMutableDictionary new]; |
[self fetchTags]; |
return self; |
} |
#pragma mark - Database |
static NSString *VSTagNameKey = @"name"; |
static NSString *VSTagClientIDKey = @"clientID"; |
- (void)fetchTags { |
OSSpinLockLock(&tagsLock); |
[self.databaseQueue fetch:^(FMDatabase *database) { |
FMResultSet *rs = [database executeQuery:@"select name, clientID from tags;"]; |
while ([rs next]) { |
/*In real life there would be a +VSTag tagWithResultSet: method. |
This is just to illustrate.*/ |
VSTag *oneTag = [VSTag new]; |
oneTag.name = [rs stringForColumn:VSTagNameKey]; |
oneTag.clientID = [rs stringForColumn:VSTagClientIDKey]; |
self.tags[oneTag.clientID] = oneTag; |
} |
OSSpinLockUnlock(&tagsLock); |
}]; |
} |
- (void)insertTagInDatabase:(VSTag *)tag { |
/*In real life there would be a |
-[VSTag insertInDatabase:(QSDatabaseQueue *)queue] method.*/ |
NSString *name = tag.name; |
NSString *clientID = tag.clientID; |
[self.databaseQueue update:^(FMDatabase *database) { |
[database executeUpdate:@"insert into tags (name, clientID) values (?, ?);", name, clientID]; |
}]; |
} |
#pragma mark - API |
- (VSTag *)existingTagWithName:(NSString *)name { |
NSParameterAssert(name != nil && [name length] > 0); |
NSString *clientID = [VSTag clientIDForTagName:name]; |
OSSpinLockLock(&tagsLock); |
VSTag *tag = self.tags[clientID]; |
OSSpinLockUnlock(&tagsLock); |
return tag; |
} |
- (VSTag *)tagWithName:(NSString *)name { |
NSParameterAssert(name != nil && [name length] > 0); |
NSString *clientID = [VSTag clientIDForTagName:name]; |
OSSpinLockLock(&tagsLock); |
VSTag *tag = self.tags[clientID]; |
if (!tag) { |
tag = [VSTag new]; |
tag.name = name; |
tag.clientID = clientID; |
self.tags[clientID] = tag; |
[self insertTagInDatabase:tag]; |
} |
OSSpinLockUnlock(&tagsLock); |
return tag; |
} |
@end |