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Created June 10, 2017 13:39
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Sorts a directory of mp3 and m4a files to folders by their tags
# Will sort a given direcotry of music (copy)
# Requires mutagen
import os
from mutagen.id3 import ID3
from mutagen.easymp4 import EasyMP4
import shutil
input_folder = input("What is the folder to get files from?")
output_folder = os.getcwd() + "/Output/"
def chechAndCreate(direcotry):
if not os.path.exists(direcotry):
duplicates_file_created = False
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(input_folder, topdown=False):
for name in files:
file = os.path.join(root, name)
primary_tags_available = True
if file.endswith(".mp3"):
audio = ID3(file)
Artist = audio['TPE1'].text[0]
Artist = "".join([i for i in Artist if i not in ['\\', '/', '?', ':', '*', '"', '>', '<', '|']])
Title = audio['TIT2'].text[0]
Title = "".join([i for i in Title if i not in ['\\', '/', '?', ':', '*', '"', '>', '<', '|']])
primary_tags_available = False
elif file.endswith(".m4a"):
audio = EasyMP4(file)
Artist = audio['artist'][0]
Artist = "".join([i for i in Artist if i not in ['\\', '/', '?', ':', '*', '"', '>', '<', '|']])
Title = audio['title'][0]
Title = "".join([i for i in Title if i not in ['\\', '/', '?', ':', '*', '"', '>', '<', '|']])
primary_tags_available = False
if primary_tags_available:
new_file_base = Title + ".m4a"
new_file_directory = output_folder + Artist + "/"
new_file_base = os.path.basename(file)
new_file_directory = output_folder + "[Unsorted]/"
not_allowed_characters = ['\\', '/', '?', ':', '*', '"', '>', '<', '|']
for i in not_allowed_characters:
if i in new_file_base:
new_file_base = new_file_base.replace(i, "")
if not os.path.isfile(new_file_directory + new_file_base):
shutil.copyfile(file, new_file_directory + new_file_base)
print ("Coppied: " + new_file_directory + new_file_base)
duplicates_file_created = True
chechAndCreate(output_folder + "[Duplicates]/")
f = open(output_folder + "[Duplicates]/Note.txt" , 'w')
f.write("These files have appeared in here because they have the same artist and title tags\nThe 'original' file will be able to be found in its proper direcotry while all 'duplicates' (may not be) will be found in this direcotry")
new_file_to_save_to_original = output_folder + "[Duplicates]/" + new_file_base
new_file_to_save_to = new_file_to_save_to_original
loop = 0
while True:
if loop > 0:
new_file_to_save_to = new_file_to_save_to_original[:-4] + "(" + str(loop) + ")" + new_file_to_save_to_original[-4:]
if not os.path.isfile(new_file_to_save_to):
shutil.copyfile(file, new_file_to_save_to)
loop += 1
print ("Coppied: " + new_file_to_save_to)
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