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Last active August 2, 2018 15:02
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Template file for Sun Grid Engine (SGE) job submissions
#!/bin/bash -l
# template.qsub - Template file for Sun Grid Engine (SGE) job submissions
# Andrés Bretón,
# Template from
# JOB_ID Current job ID
# JOB_NAME Current job name
# NSLOTS The number of slots (threads or processors) requested by a job
# HOSTNAME Name of execution host
# SGE_TASK_ID Array Job task index number
# SGE_TASK_STEPSIZE The step size of the array job specification
# SGE_TASK_FIRST The index number of the first array job task
# SGE_TASK_LAST The index number of the last array job task
# TMPDIR The absolute path to the job's temporary working directory
# Specify hard time limit for the job
# The job will be aborted if it runs longer than this time
# The default time is 12 hours
#$ -l h_rt=24:00:00
# Memory
# Request a node with at least 32 of memory (4 cores x 8GB per core = 32GB total)
#$ -l mem_total=32G # Request a node that has at least 16G of total memory
#$ -l mem_per_core=8G # Request a node with at least 8 GB of memory per core
# Request a parallel environment with four cores
#$ -pe omp 4
# Request MPI jobs
# The SCC has 2 sets of nodes dedicated to run MPI jobs
# One set has 16-core nodes with 128 GB each
# The other set of nodes has 28-core nodes with 256 GB each
#$ -pe mpi_28_tasks_per_node 224 # 8 nodes with 28 core each
# Request GPU jobs
#$ -pe omp 4 # Request 4 CPUs
# Request 1 GPU (the number of GPUs needed should be divided by the number of CPUs requested above)
#$ -l gpus=0.25
# Specify the minimum GPU compute capability
#$ -l gpu_c=3.5
# Request my job to run on Buy-in Compute group hardware my_project has access to
#$ -l buyin
# Set SCC project
#$ -P project_name
# Job name
#$ -N job_name
# Stdout output
#$ -o "${JOB_NAME}/${JOB_NAME}_stdout.qlog"
# Stderr output
#$ -e "${JOB_NAME}/${JOB_NAME}_stderr.qlog"
# Merge the error and output streams into a single file
#$ -j y
# Specify the output file name
#$ -o "${JOB_NAME}/$JOB_NAME.qlog"
# Send an email (by default no email is sent). The possible values are -
# job begins (b), ends (e), is aborted (a), is suspended (s), or never (n) – default
#$ -m beasn
# Email adress to send email
#$ -M user_email
# All current environment variables should be exported to the batch job
#$ -V
# Set the runtime environment variable env to value
#$ -v env=value
# Setup job dependency list
# job_list is a comma separated list of job ids and/or job names which must complete before this job can run
#$ -hold_jid job_list
# Run in current directory
#$ -cwd
# Load modules
module load ${modules[@]}
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Save environment to file
env > "${JOB_NAME}/${JOB_NAME}.env"
# Keep track of information related to the current job
echo "# ================================================================================"
echo "# JOB NAME: $JOB_NAME"
echo "# USER: $USER"
echo "# PWD: $(pwd)"
echo "# HOST: $HOSTNAME"
echo "# JOB ID: $JOB_ID"
echo "# TASK ID: $SGE_TASK_ID"
echo "# START: $(date)"
printf "\n\n# "
module list
echo "# ================================================================================"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
echo "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "# Running :"
echo "# $cmd"
echo "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "# ================================================================================"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "# Running :"
echo "# $cmd"
echo "#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "# ================================================================================"
#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# End job message
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "# ================================================================================"
echo "# End: $(date)"
echo "# User: $USER"
echo "# Cores/Threads: $NSLOTS"
echo "# Temporary Directory: $TMPDIR"
echo "# ================================================================================"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
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