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Created June 16, 2012 23:32
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Save brettfishman/2942832 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Configuring Nori when upgrading Savon from 0.8.6 to 1.0.0
# Calling #to_hash on the Savon response in earlier version of Savon (0.8.6) return namespace keys formatted
# as such: :type, :ns14, :xsi. But in Savon 1.0.0, #to_hash returns namespace keys like :"@xsi:type",
# :"@xmlns:ns14", and :"@xmlns:xsi". This broke some parsing logic we had set up for the hashed Savon response.
# To change the format of these tags (or any tag, for that matter) in the hashed response,
# you can configure Nori like so:
Nori.configure do |config|
config.convert_tags_to do |tag|
converted_tag = tag[0] == "@" ? (tag.split(":")[1] || tag[1..-1]) : tag
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