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Created February 20, 2013 17:16
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Using activerecord without rails issues
class CDR < ActiveRecord::Base
establish_connection "data1"
set_table_name "cdrs"
## The following fails:
agg_data ='account_id,SUM(billable)/60 as minutes,SUM(total_retail) as total_retail').where("datestamp = ?", date.to_s)
## ERROR: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/active_record/base.rb:1998:in `method_missing' SCHEMA (0.8ms) SHOW TABLES
: undefined method `group' for #<Class:0x7f8787b77c60>
## This also fails:
test = CDR.where(account_id='1234')
## ERROR: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/active_record/base.rb:1998:in `method_missing' SCHEMA (1.6ms) SHOW TABLES
: undefined method `where' for #<Class:0x7f6558383eb0> (NoMethodError)
## This works fine:
agg_data = CDR.find(:all,:select => [:account_id,",SUM(billable)/60 as xxzzy,SUM(total_retail) as aabbbc"], :group => 'account_id', :conditions => ['datestamp = ?',date.to_s])
But agg_data only includes the account_id column, xxzzy and aabbbc are missing entirely:
(output of agg_data.inspect)
#<CDR account_id: 11252>
#<CDR account_id: 11218>
#<CDR account_id: 11360>
#<CDR account_id: 11283>
#<CDR account_id: 11105>
#<CDR account_id: 11142>
So obviously it's returning a CDR object that doesn't have attr_attributes included for the sums. What's the right way to create a new object (not a CDR object) that includes the aggregates?
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