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Last active July 21, 2023 17:09
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ParseableFormatStyle Examples
import UIKit
// MARK: - Parsing Decimals
try? Decimal.FormatStyle().notation(.scientific).parseStrategy.parse("1E5") // 100000
try? Decimal.FormatStyle().scale(5).notation(.scientific).parseStrategy.parse("1E5") // 20000
try? Decimal.FormatStyle().scale(-5).notation(.scientific).parseStrategy.parse("1E5") // -20000
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent(locale: Locale(identifier: "fr_FR")).parseStrategy.parse("1E5") // 100000
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent(locale: Locale(identifier: "en_CA")).parseStrategy.parse("1E5") // 100000
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent().parseStrategy.parse("15%") // 0.15
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent().scale(2).parseStrategy.parse("100%") // 50
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent(locale: Locale(identifier: "fr_FR")).parseStrategy.parse("15 %") // 0.15
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent(locale: Locale(identifier: "en_CA")).parseStrategy.parse("15 %") // 0.15
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Currency(code: "GBP")
.parseStrategy.parse("10.00 British pounds") // 10
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Currency(code: "GBP", locale: Locale(identifier: "fr_FR"))
.parseStrategy.parse("10,00 livres sterling") // 10
try? Decimal.FormatStyle.Currency(code: "GBP")
.locale(Locale(identifier: "fr_FR"))
.parseStrategy.parse("10,00 livres sterling") // 10
try? Decimal("1E5", strategy: Decimal.FormatStyle().notation(.scientific).parseStrategy) // 100000
try? Decimal("1E5", format: Decimal.FormatStyle().notation(.scientific)) // 100000
try? Decimal("15%", strategy: Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent().parseStrategy)
try? Decimal("15%", format: Decimal.FormatStyle.Percent())
try? Decimal("10.00 British pounds", strategy: Decimal.FormatStyle.Currency(code: "GBP").parseStrategy) // 10
try? Decimal("10.00 British pounds", format: Decimal.FormatStyle.Currency(code: "GBP")) // 10
// MARK: - Parsing Dates
try? Date.FormatStyle()
.parse("Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM") // Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM
try? Date.FormatStyle()
.parseStrategy.parse("Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM") // Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM
try? Date.ISO8601FormatStyle(timeZone: TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!)
.time(includingFractionalSeconds: true)
.parse("2022-02-22T09:22:22.000") // Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM
try? Date.ISO8601FormatStyle(timeZone: TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!)
.time(includingFractionalSeconds: true)
.parseStrategy.parse("2022-02-22T09:22:22.000") // Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM
try? Date(
"Feb 22, 2022, 2:22:22 AM",
strategy: Date.FormatStyle().day().month().year().hour().minute().second().parseStrategy
) // Feb 22, 2022 at 2:22 AM
try? Date(
strategy: Date.ISO8601FormatStyle(timeZone: TimeZone(secondsFromGMT: 0)!)
.time(includingFractionalSeconds: true)
) // Feb 22, 2022 at 2:22 AM
// MARK: - Parsing Person Names
// namePrefix: Dr givenName: Elizabeth middleName: Jillian familyName: Smith nameSuffix: Esq.
try? PersonNameComponents.FormatStyle()
.parseStrategy.parse("Dr Elizabeth Jillian Smith Esq.")
// namePrefix: Dr givenName: Elizabeth middleName: Jillian familyName: Smith nameSuffix: Esq.
try? PersonNameComponents.FormatStyle(style: .long)
.parseStrategy.parse("Dr Elizabeth Jillian Smith Esq.")
// namePrefix: Dr givenName: Elizabeth middleName: Jillian familyName: Smith nameSuffix: Esq.
try? PersonNameComponents.FormatStyle(style: .long, locale: Locale(identifier: "zh_CN"))
.parseStrategy.parse("Dr Smith Elizabeth Jillian Esq.")
// namePrefix: Dr givenName: Elizabeth middleName: Jillian familyName: Smith nameSuffix: Esq.
try? PersonNameComponents.FormatStyle(style: .long)
.locale(Locale(identifier: "zh_CN"))
.parseStrategy.parse("Dr Smith Elizabeth Jillian Esq.")
// namePrefix: Dr givenName: Elizabeth middleName: Jillian familyName: Smith nameSuffix: Esq.
try? PersonNameComponents(
"Dr Elizabeth Jillian Smith Esq.",
strategy: PersonNameComponents.FormatStyle(style: .long).parseStrategy
import Foundation
// MARK: - URLs (iOS 16/Xcode 14 only)
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
do {
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy(port: .defaultValue(80)).parse("") //
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy(port: .optional).parse("") //
try? URL.FormatStyle.Strategy(port: .required).parse("") // nil
// This returns a valid URL
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy()
// This throws an error
try URL.FormatStyle.Strategy()
} catch {
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