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Last active March 17, 2022 15:22
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Function to detect isograms.
(defn isogram?
"An isogram is a word in which no letters occur more than once.
Empty string is considered an isogram in this implementation."
[^String s]
(when (string? s)
(loop [letters (sort (seq s))]
(let [[current next & _] letters]
(nil? next) true
(= current next) false
:else (recur (rest letters))))))))
(every? isogram? [""
" "
(not-any? isogram? [nil
;; TODO solve in another way or two
;; Can isograms have only 1, 2 or more?
#(= (count (set (vals (frequencies %)))) 1 )
#(= (count %) (count (into #{} %))
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