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Last active July 22, 2024 09:44
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Integrating PlantUML with VSCode using Windows 10, WSL2, Dockerised PlantUML Server and "jebbs.plantuml" VSCode Extension

There is no need to install Java or Graphviz on your Windows 10 Desktop. These are contained neatly within a Docker Container.


  • Windows 10
  • WSL2 (Ubuntu) - optional
  • VSCode
  • Docker Desktop


  • Install jebbs.plantuml VSCode extension for PlantUML rendering.

  • Start PlantUML Server within Docker (note, port is mapped to 8888):

docker run -d -p 8888:8080 plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty
  • Update VSCode User Settings to point to PLantUML Server. The port is 8888 as above:
      "plantuml.server": "http://localhost:8888",
      "plantuml.render": "PlantUMLServer",
    • This can be either your global settings.json or within each repo's /.vscode/settings.json.
    • If you're running WSL2, ensure the settings.json file you're editing is within WSL eg /home/brett/.vscode-server/data/Machine/settings.json and not within C:\Users\. Optionally, you may apply to the workspace if appropriate eg /.vscode/settings.json of the repo.


  • Ensure PlantUML is running in Docker container. Run command docker ps and if not running, run the above docker run command.

  • Within VSCode, create a new PlantUML diagram (eg hello-world.plantuml)

  • ALT + D to preview the PlantUML diagram.

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