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Last active October 2, 2022 20:36
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CDK 1.10.1 - ASG Cloudformation Init example
import autoscaling = require("@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling")
import scriptAssets = require("./CfnInitScriptAsset")
import iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam')
import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core')
* Helpful context into what was built.
* Use these to get logical ID's when constructing your userdata.
export interface CfnInitArtifacts {
cfnAsg: autoscaling.CfnAutoScalingGroup,
cfnLaunchConfig: autoscaling.CfnLaunchConfiguration,
metadata: {}
* Aids in building the awkward Cfn Init Metadata.
* Injects the metadata onto the provided ASG.
* Returns a contect object that contains lower level Cfn resources you'll need to create your userdata.
* ie: CfnLaunchConfig and it's ID for cfn-init, and a CfnAutoscalingGroup and it's ID for cfn-signal.
export class CfnInitMetadataBuilder {
asg: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup
scripts: scriptAssets.CfnInitScriptAsset[]
configSetName: any;
constructor(asg: autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup, configSetName?: string){
this.asg = asg;
this.configSetName = configSetName || 'main'; // TODO: test with 'default' ?
this.scripts = []
public withScript(script: scriptAssets.CfnInitScriptAsset): CfnInitMetadataBuilder{
this.asg.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ['s3:*'],
resources: [
return this
public build(): CfnInitArtifacts{
const cfnLaunchConfig = this.asg.node.findAll().find((item: cdk.IConstruct) => === 'LaunchConfig'
) as autoscaling.CfnLaunchConfiguration
const cfnAustoScalingGroup = this.asg.node.findAll().find((item: cdk.IConstruct) => === 'ASG'
) as autoscaling.CfnAutoScalingGroup
const metadata = this.buildMetadata();
cfnLaunchConfig.addOverride("Metadata", metadata)
return {
cfnAsg: cfnAustoScalingGroup,
cfnLaunchConfig: cfnLaunchConfig,
metadata: metadata,
}as CfnInitArtifacts
// // Types here can be an L1 files or commands object when types are available.
private arrayReducer(obj: { [x: string]: any; }, item: { [x: string]: any; }){
obj[Object.keys(item)[0]] = Object.values(item)[0]
return obj;
private arrayToObject(theArray: { [x: string]: any; }): { [x: string]: any; }{
let theMap: { [x: string]: any; }={}
theArray.forEach((x: { [s: string]: any; } | ArrayLike<unknown>)=> {
theMap[Object.keys(x)[0]] = Object.values(x)[0]
return theMap
* All scripts should be added. Build metadata json object with them.
private buildMetadata(){
const metadata = {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication": {
"rolebased": {
"type": "S3",
"buckets": => script.bucket.bucketName),
"roleName": this.asg.role.roleName
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
"configSets": {
[this.configSetName]: ["configset1"]
"configset1": {
"files": => script.getFileForMetadata())
"commands": this.arrayToObject(
this.scripts.filter(script => script.isExecutable)
.map(script => script.getCommandForMetadata())
return metadata;
import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
import s3Assets = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3-assets')
export interface CfnInitScriptAssetProps extends s3Assets.AssetProps{
friendlyName: string,
destinationFileName: string,
env?: {
[key: string]: string;
* defaulted to /tmp/scripts
* Must start with a slash and end without a slash
* */
destinationPath?: string,
shouldExecute?: boolean,
/** default: 000755 */
mode?: string
export class CfnInitScriptAsset extends s3Assets.Asset{
private destinationPath: string
private destinationFileName: string
private env: {
[key: string]: string;
private friendlyName: string;
private mode: string;
public readonly isExecutable: boolean;
private destinationFullPath: string;
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: CfnInitScriptAssetProps){
super(scope, id, props)
this.destinationPath = props.destinationPath || '/tmp/scripts'
this.destinationFileName = props.destinationFileName
this.env = props.env || {}
this.friendlyName = props.friendlyName
this.mode = props.mode || '000755'
this.destinationFullPath = `${this.destinationPath}/${this.destinationFileName}`
if(props.shouldExecute == false){
this.isExecutable = false
}else{ //if undefined or true
this.isExecutable = true
getCommandForMetadata() {
// TODO: this could be replaced with a pseudo L1 command object if one appears.
const commandInfo = {
command: this.destinationFullPath,
cwd: this.destinationPath,
env: this.env,
if(!this.isExecutable) return null
return {[this.friendlyName]: commandInfo}
getFileForMetadata() {
// TODO: support files that are not to be executed. They'll need different permissions and no 'command' section.
const fileInfo = {
source: this.s3Url,
mode: this.mode,
owner: "root",
group: "root",
return {[this.destinationFullPath]: fileInfo}
const fileWebServer = new initMetadata.CfnInitScriptAsset(this, 'webserverScript', {
friendlyName: 'webserver',
destinationFileName: "",
path: path.join(__dirname, '../scripts/'),
env: {
"SERVICE_VERSION": serviceVersion
const webDisplayLoad = new initMetadata.CfnInitScriptAsset(this, 'showLoad', {
shouldExecute: false,
friendlyName: 'webContentCPUData',
destinationFileName: '',
path: path.join(__dirname, '../scripts/'),
const CONFIG_SET_NAME = 'main'
const builder = new initMetadata.CfnInitMetadataBuilder(asg, CONFIG_SET_NAME)
const metadataContext = builder
const importedUserData = fs.readFileSync('', 'utf-8');
const importedUserDataContentsReplaced = cdk.Fn.sub(importedUserData, {
scriptBucketName: scriptBucket.bucketName,
serviceVersion: serviceVersion,
logBucketName: scriptBucket.bucketName,
s3LogPrefix: s3LogPrefix,
devMode: devMode,
s3ArtifactPath: s3ArtifactPath,
configFileExtension: dnsPrefix,
asgLogicalId: metadataContext.cfnAsg.logicalId, //asg.node.uniqueId ? different? same?
launchConfigId: metadataContext.cfnLaunchConfig.logicalId,
stackName: this.stackName,
awsRegion: cdk.Aws.REGION,
const ASG_NAME = "TestAsg"
const asg = new autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup(this, ASG_NAME, {
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.T3, ec2.InstanceSize.MICRO),
keyName: keypairSsm.stringValue, // cdk ssm.StringParameter, optionally replace with the keypair name as a string
vpc: vpc, //defined outside this gist
machineImage: new ec2.AmazonLinuxImage({
generation: ec2.AmazonLinuxGeneration.AMAZON_LINUX_2,
cooldown: cdk.Duration.seconds(300),
resourceSignalTimeout: cdk.Duration.seconds(300),
updateType: autoscaling.UpdateType.REPLACING_UPDATE,
}as autoscaling.AutoScalingGroupProps)
const asgResources = asg.node.findAll()
const cfnLaunchConfig = asgResources.find((item: IConstruct) => === 'LaunchConfig') as autoscaling.CfnLaunchConfiguration
const cfnAsg = this.node.findAll().find((item: IConstruct) => === 'ASG'
) as autoscaling.CfnAutoScalingGroup
const fileWebServer = new s3Assets.Asset(this, 'webserverScript', {
path: path.join(__dirname, '../scripts/'), //install nginx, etc.
asg.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ['s3:*'],
resources: [
const destScriptsPath = '/tmp/scripts'
const destScriptFullPath = `${destScriptsPath}/`
const commandFriendlyName = 'install_and_run_web'
cfnLaunchConfig.addOverride("Metadata", {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication": {
"rolebased" : {
"type": "S3",
"buckets": [
"roleName": asg.role.roleName
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init" : {
"configSets" : {
"main" : [ "config1" ]
"config1" : {
"files": {
[destScriptFullPath]: {
"source": fileWebServer.s3Url,
"mode": "000755",
"owner": "root",
"group": "root",
"commands" : {
[commandFriendlyName]: {
"command": destScriptFullPath,
"cwd": destScriptsPath,
"env": {
"SERVICE_VERSION" : serviceVersion,
const importedUserData = shawConstructs.readUserData("");
const importedUserDataContentsReplaced = cdk.Fn.sub(importedUserData, {
scriptBucketName: scriptBucket.bucketName,
serviceVersion: serviceVersion,
logBucketName: scriptBucket.bucketName,
s3LogPrefix: s3LogPrefix,
devMode: devMode,
s3ArtifactPath: s3ArtifactPath,
configFileExtension: dnsPrefix,
asgLogicalId: cfnAsg.logicalId,
launchConfigId: cfnLaunchConfig.logicalId,
stackName: this.stackName,
awsRegion: cdk.Aws.REGION,
configSet: 'main',
# Both required for the trap.
set -euo pipefail
set -o errtrace
# if anything fails below, abort abort! Without this, ec2's just time out ..slowly...
trap 'cfn-signal-error $? $LINENO' EXIT
echo "scriptBucketName: ${scriptBucketName}"
echo "serviceVersion: ${serviceVersion}"
echo "logBucketName: ${logBucketName}"
echo "s3LogPrefix: ${s3LogPrefix}"
echo "devMode: ${devMode}"
echo "s3ArtifactPath: ${s3ArtifactPath}"
echo "config file used: ${configFileExtension}"
echo "asgLogicalId: ${asgLogicalId}"
echo "stackName: ${stackName}"
echo "awsRegion: ${awsRegion}"
echo "launchConfigId: ${launchConfigId}"
echo "configSet: ${configSet}"
# Extract local varables from ones injected.
# IMPORTANT: when using these, ensure it uses the ${!VAR) syntax. ie: exclamation mark prevents declaring a template variable. The template will strip it.
# TODO: I think we can make this more generic by setting env variables, as a cdk issue suggests, putting env vars into profile.d, and then cfn-init scripts can each use them.
cfn-signal-error() {
echo "Error code $1 happened at line number $2"
echo "Signaling error code using cfn-signal"
/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 1 --stack ${!STACK_NAME} --resource ${!ASG_LOGICALID} --region ${!AWS_REGION} --reason='failed cfn-init scripts.. more info tbd...'
aws s3 cp /var/log/cfn-* ${!BASE_LOG_UPLOAD_PATH}
exit 1
cfn-signal-success() {
echo "Signaling success code using cfn-signal"
/opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal -e 0 --stack ${!STACK_NAME} --resource ${!ASG_LOGICALID} --region ${!AWS_REGION}
trap - EXIT
set +e
aws s3 cp /var/log/cfn-* ${!BASE_LOG_UPLOAD_PATH}
exit 1
# Begin!
# Use a code block to scope log redirection
set -x
echo "Instance ID: ${!INSTANCEID}"
/opt/aws/bin/cfn-init -v -c ${!CONFIG_SET} --stack ${!STACK_NAME} --resource ${!LAUNCH_CONFIG_ID} --region ${!AWS_REGION}
echo "Exit code from cfn-init was: $?"
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Update v2.
To reduce duplication I have a couple of classes that help out with building cfn init metadata. There are now two construct examples, which makes this gist a little confusing, but essentially two ways of creating cfn-init - one with a builder class and one just directly building the JSON object.

The builder could be extrapolated to support more than just files and commands, to aid in building this.

The ScriptAsset class could be enhanced to use the previous shelved PR that had modelled the cfn init JSON object.

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