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Last active February 23, 2018 21:17
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Dump SARS from AI Gym
-0.044 -0.15 0.013 0.28 1 1 -0.047 0.046 0.018 -0.013
-0.047 0.046 0.018 -0.013 1 1 -0.046 0.24 0.018 -0.3
-0.046 0.24 0.018 -0.3 0 1 -0.041 0.046 0.012 -0.0013
-0.041 0.046 0.012 -0.0013 1 1 -0.04 0.24 0.012 -0.29
-0.04 0.24 0.012 -0.29 1 1 -0.035 0.44 0.0063 -0.58
-0.035 0.44 0.0063 -0.58 1 1 -0.026 0.63 -0.0053 -0.87
-0.026 0.63 -0.0053 -0.87 1 1 -0.014 0.83 -0.023 -1.2
-0.014 0.83 -0.023 -1.2 1 1 0.0027 1 -0.046 -1.5
0.0027 1 -0.046 -1.5 1 1 0.023 1.2 -0.075 -1.8
0.023 1.2 -0.075 -1.8 1 1 0.047 1.4 -0.11 -2.1
0.047 1.4 -0.11 -2.1 0 1 0.076 1.2 -0.15 -1.8
0.076 1.2 -0.15 -1.8 0 1 0.1 1 -0.19 -1.6
0.1 1 -0.19 -1.6 1 0 0.12 1.2 -0.22 -1.9
-0.039 -0.18 -0.01 0.31 0 1 -0.043 -0.37 -0.0043 0.6
-0.043 -0.37 -0.0043 0.6 0 1 -0.05 -0.57 0.0076 0.89
-0.05 -0.57 0.0076 0.89 0 1 -0.062 -0.76 0.025 1.2
-0.062 -0.76 0.025 1.2 0 1 -0.077 -0.96 0.049 1.5
-0.077 -0.96 0.049 1.5 1 1 -0.096 -0.76 0.079 1.2
-0.096 -0.76 0.079 1.2 0 1 -0.11 -0.96 0.1 1.5
-0.11 -0.96 0.1 1.5 1 1 -0.13 -0.77 0.13 1.3
-0.13 -0.77 0.13 1.3 1 1 -0.15 -0.57 0.16 1
-0.15 -0.57 0.16 1 0 1 -0.16 -0.77 0.18 1.4
-0.16 -0.77 0.18 1.4 0 1 -0.17 -0.97 0.21 1.7
-0.17 -0.97 0.21 1.7 1 0 -0.19 -0.77 0.24 1.5
-0.044 0.2 -0.045 -0.26 1 1 -0.04 0.39 -0.05 -0.57
-0.04 0.39 -0.05 -0.57 1 1 -0.032 0.59 -0.062 -0.87
-0.032 0.59 -0.062 -0.87 0 1 -0.02 0.4 -0.079 -0.6
-0.02 0.4 -0.079 -0.6 1 1 -0.012 0.59 -0.091 -0.92
-0.012 0.59 -0.091 -0.92 0 1 -0.00056 0.4 -0.11 -0.65
-0.00056 0.4 -0.11 -0.65 1 1 0.0074 0.59 -0.12 -0.98
0.0074 0.59 -0.12 -0.98 0 1 0.019 0.4 -0.14 -0.73
0.019 0.4 -0.14 -0.73 1 1 0.027 0.6 -0.16 -1.1
0.027 0.6 -0.16 -1.1 1 1 0.039 0.79 -0.18 -1.4
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import gym
SARS = namedtuple('SARS', ['state', 'action', 'reward', 'state_next'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# See .
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
trace = []
for i in range(50):
ob = env.reset()
s_old = []
while True:
a = env.action_space.sample()
s, r, done, _ = env.step(a)
s = s.tolist()
if s_old != []:
trace.append(SARS(s_old, a, 0 if done else 1, s))
s_old = s
if done:
D = [t.state + [t.action, t.reward] + t.state_next for t in trace]
np.savetxt('cartpolev1.tsv', D, '%.2g', delimiter='\t')
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