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Created August 19, 2013 08:33
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Save breuderink/6266871 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python skeleton to read BrainVision EEG files.
# License: BSD 3-clause
# Author: Boris Reuderink
import logging, re, os.path, StringIO, itertools
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import numpy as np
# - add encoding of commas (\1)
# - verify units for resolution in UTF8
log = logging.getLogger('__main__')
def read_header(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
# setup config reader
assert f.readline().strip() == \
'Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 1.0'
lines = itertools.takewhile(lambda x: '[Comment]' not in x, f.readlines())
cfg = SafeConfigParser()
# get sampling info
sample_rate = 1e6/cfg.getfloat('Common Infos', 'SamplingInterval')
nchann = cfg.getint('Common Infos', 'NumberOfChannels')'Found sample rate of %.2f Hz, %d channels.' %
(sample_rate, nchann))
# check binary format
assert cfg.get('Common Infos', 'DataOrientation') == 'MULTIPLEXED'
assert cfg.get('Common Infos', 'DataFormat') == 'BINARY'
assert cfg.get('Binary Infos', 'BinaryFormat') == 'INT_16'
# load channel labels
chan_lab = ['UNKNOWN'] * nchann
chan_resolution = np.ones(nchann) * np.nan
for (chan, props) in cfg.items('Channel Infos'):
n = int(re.match(r'ch(\d+)', chan).group(1))
name, refname, resolution, unit = props.split(',')[:4]
chan_lab[n-1] = name
chan_resolution[n-1] = resolution
# locate EEG and marker files
eeg_fname = cfg.get('Common Infos', 'DataFile')
marker_fname = cfg.get('Common Infos', 'MarkerFile')
return dict(sample_rate=sample_rate, chan_lab=chan_lab,
chan_resolution=chan_resolution, eeg_fname=eeg_fname,
def read_eeg(fname, chan_resolution):
chan_resolution = np.atleast_2d(chan_resolution)
nchan = chan_resolution.size
with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
raw =
size = len(raw)/2
ints = np.ndarray((nchan, size/nchan), dtype='<i2', order='F', buffer=raw)
return ints * chan_resolution.T
def read_markers(fname):
with open(fname) as f:
# setup config reader
assert f.readline().strip() == \
'Brain Vision Data Exchange Marker File, Version 1.0'
cfg = SafeConfigParser()
events = []
for (marker, info) in cfg.items('Marker Infos'):
mtype, mdesc, offset, duration, channels = info.split(',')[:5]
if mtype == 'Stimulus':
stim_code = int(re.match(r'S\s+(\d+)', mdesc).group(1))
offset, duration = int(offset), int(duration)
events.append((stim_code, offset, offset+duration))
'Skipping unknown marker %s of type "%s".' % (marker, mtype))
events = np.asarray(events, int).T
events[1:] -= 1 # use zero-based indexing
return events
def read_brainvis_triplet(header_fname, marker_fname=None, eeg_fname=None):
Read BrainVision Recorder header file, locate and read the marker and EEG
file. Returns a header dictionary, a matrix with events and the raw EEG.
containing_dir = os.path.split(header_fname)[0]
header = read_header(header_fname)
if not marker_fname:
# locate marker file
marker_fname = os.path.join(containing_dir, header['marker_fname'])
E = read_markers(marker_fname)
if not eeg_fname:
# locate EEG file
eeg_fname = os.path.join(containing_dir, header['eeg_fname'])
X = read_eeg(eeg_fname, header['chan_resolution'])
return header, E, X
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