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Last active June 30, 2017 21:27
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Save breunigs/4415985 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small improvements to the Ingress Chat at 1. Better distinction between public/faction chat. Prevents accidentally posting to public. 2. Switch to faction chat by default. 3. Ability to hide automated messages (will consume a LOT of CPU though, so beware). 4. Scrolling up in chat issmoother (less “Loading…”) 5. Bits and pieces.
// ==UserScript==
// @name chat improvements
// @description Small improvements to the Ingress Chat at 1. Better distinction between public/faction chat. Prevents accidentally posting to public. 2. Switch to faction chat by default. 3. Ability to hide automated messages (will consume a LOT of CPU though, so beware). 4. Scrolling up in chat issmoother (less “Loading…”) 5. Bits and pieces.
// @namespace
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @include*
// @version 8
// ==/UserScript==
// Public Domain. Please send improvements or suggestions
// to
function doStuffBefore() {
// try to load chat early
if(Re.prototype.$c.toString().indexOf("this.G.scrollTop") > 0) {
Re.prototype.$c = function(a) {
// load early, but only if there isn't already an ongoing loading
this.G.scrollTop <= 1200 && document.getElementById("pl_spinner") === null && a()
// inject as inline script element. So it executes after the ingress
// files have been loaded, but before they are executed.
var script = document.createElement("script");
var code = document.createTextNode(doStuffBefore.toString() + " doStuffBefore();");
// wait until jQuery is loaded
function wait() {
if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') {
window.setTimeout(wait, 100);
unsafeWindow.jQuery(function() {
$ = unsafeWindow.jQuery;
// runs after Ingress' onload function
window.addEventListener("load", function() { doStuffAfter($); }, false);
function doStuffAfter($) {
// don't complete old messages
$("input#message, #passcode").attr("autocomplete", "off");
// rename 'all' tab
// inject styles into page
// hide restrict to map checkbox (who unchecks that anyway?)
+ "#pl_checkbox, #pl_checkbox_text { display: none }"
// hide superfluous [secure] messages in faction chat
+ ".chatFaction .pl_secure { display: none }"
// color faction yellow, so you know if the script is broken and
// you not really in faction chat
+ ".chatFaction #plext_container { background: rgba(64, 64, 37, 0.9) !important; }"
// there are no bot messages in faction chat, so hide the checkbox
+ ".chatFaction #hide_bot_stuff_checkbox { display: none }"
+ ".chatFaction #hide_bot_stuff_lbl { display: none }"
// place that checkbox somewhere less annoying
+ "#plext_viewport_restrict_checkbox_container { background: #272E32; box-shadow: none; right: 182px; padding-right:5px; top:21px }"
// color 'all' chat red
+ ".chatDanger #plext_container { background: rgba(54, 30, 30, 0.9) !important; }"
+ ".chatDanger #message { background: #361E1E !important } "
// hide unwanted plexts
+ ".hidePlext, .hidePlext2 { display:block;overflow:hidden;height:0;visiblity: hidden } </style>");
// listen for chat changes and add proper class to the chat elements
$("#pl_tab_all").click(function() {
$("#message").attr("placeholder", "broadcast to everyone").focus();
$("#pl_tab_fac").click(function() {
$("#message").attr("placeholder", "message faction").focus();
// switch to faction chat by default
// insert msg only checkbox
+ ' <input id="hide_bot_stuff_checkbox" type="checkbox">'
+ ' <label id="hide_bot_stuff_lbl" for="hide_bot_stuff_checkbox">hide bot msgs</label>');
// hides or shows bot messages depending on checkbox state. Also
// hides faction chat messages in 'all' chat
function botMessages() {
// hide faction chat in 'all' chat
$(".chatDanger .pl_secure").parent().parent().addClass("hidePlext2");
var hide = $("#hide_bot_stuff_checkbox").is(":checked");
$(".pl_broad, .pl_narrow").parent().addClass("hidePlext");
// listen for clicks on checkbox and chat loading events
$("#hide_bot_stuff_checkbox").click(function() {
// find top element
elm = document.elementFromPoint(20, $(window).height() - $("#plext_container").height() - 20);
$("#pl_status").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {
// only run when loading notice gets removed
if($(this).children().length != 0) return;
// only run in 'all' chat
if(!$("#comm").hasClass("chatDanger")) return;
var p = document.getElementById("plext_container");
var before = p.scrollHeight - p.scrollTop;
var hide = $("#hide_bot_stuff_checkbox").is(":checked");
// if there are very few chat messages enforce loading more
if($("#plexts").height() < 450) {
var f = $("#plext_container .plext:visible:first");
p.scrollTop = 1;
// fix scrolling position
p.scrollTop = p.scrollHeight - before;
// prevent passcode field from collapsing and expand it right away
$("#passcode").attr("onmouseout", "");
// need timeout for Chrome
setTimeout("showpi(true);", 10);
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