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Last active July 10, 2018 18:35
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slurm submit script for running cryoSPARC on Yale HPC
### Edit these to your needs
ONHOLD=00:15 # Time to wait for cryoSPARC jobs to start (format HH:MM) # Send notification email when node is ready
SLURM_PARTITION=gpu # Which SLURM partition to use
NUM_GPUS=4 # How many GPUs
JOB_MEM=121G # How much memory for the job?
WALLTIME=1-00:00:00 # Walltime request
#### Don't edit below here. Unless you know what you are doing
sbatch <<EOF
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1080ti:${NUM_GPUS}
#SBATCH --gres-flags=enforce-binding
#SBATCH --mem=${JOB_MEM}
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$((NUM_GPUS * 2))
# Find path of cryoSPARC (we expect it to be on your path)
CRYOSPARC_PATH=\$(dirname \$(dirname \$(which cryosparc)))
cryosparc start
# Convert on hold time to seconds
ONHOLD_SEC=\$(( \$(echo $ONHOLD| cut -d ':' -f1) * 3600 + \$(echo $ONHOLD| cut -d ':' -f2) * 60 ))
# Set on hold conut to zero
# Find on hold end time
ONHOLD_TIME=\$(date +\%H:\%M --date="\$ONHOLD_SEC seconds")
# Send notification email
echo "After establishing a tunnel (e.g. ssh -N -L 38000:\$(hostname):38000 $, Please go to http://localhost:38000 on your computer and start your cryoSPARC job before \$ONHOLD_TIME." | mail -s "\$(hostname) is ready for your cryoSPARC job" $EMAIL
# Let the server start and print some info
sleep 15
cryosparc status
cryosparc configure gpu list
echo "\$(date +\%H:\%M:\%S) ON HOLD for $ONHOLD (HH:MM)"
# Start counting on hold time
while [ \$ONHOLD_COUNT -lt \$ONHOLD_SEC ]; do
sleep 1
# end loop if cryoSPARC is started
if pgrep -f "python \${CRYOSPARC_PATH}/cryosparc-compute/" 1>/dev/null; then
echo "\$(date +\%H:\%M:\%S) JOB STARTED"
# Keep slurm allocation until all cryoSPARC jobs are done, checking every 5 minutes
while pgrep -f "python \${CRYOSPARC_PATH}/cryosparc-compute/" 1>/dev/null; do
sleep 5m
echo "\$(date +\%H:\%M:\%S) JOB STILL RUNNING"
# Stop the server
cryosparc stop
echo "\$(date +\%H:\%M:\%S) Job is done, cleaning up:"
find /tmp -user $USER 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied"
find /tmp -user $USER -delete 2>&1 | grep -v "Permission denied"
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