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brews /
Last active December 12, 2023 18:48
Fills in implied directory blobs for GCS bucket mounted with GCSfuse without using the --implied-dir option.
Fills in implied directory blobs for GCS bucket mounted with GCSfuse without using the --implied-dir option.
If you tell it to look in `mygcsbucket` for prefix `path/to/files/to/read/in/gcsfuse/`. It will
ensure implied dirs nested in gs://mygcsbucket/path/to/files/to/read/in/gcsfuse/ get covered.
It can handle 10 - 100k directories in under 30 minutes if you run it from Cloud Shell.
import logging
from pathlib import Path
brews /
Last active December 1, 2023 21:07
Parse GCP logging to get JSON list of container images used in the past 60 days in a GKE jupyterhub deployment.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Parse GCP logging to print sample JSON list of container images used in the
# past 60 days in a GKE singleuser-server Jupyterhub deployment.
# Be sure to set PROJECT_ID and have jq installed.
set -e
brews /
Last active August 16, 2023 20:24
Trigger a Zenodo DOI for past Github Releases on a public repo.
Trigger a Zenodo DOI for past Github Releases on a public repo.
Modified from @medley56 on 2023-08-16.
import requests
# Fill these in...
brews /
Last active May 3, 2023 23:30
Convert 0 - 360 longitude to -180 - 180 longitude or -180 - 180 to 0 - 360 longitude in Python
def lon360to180(lon):
return (lon + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0
# The inverse going from -180 - 180 to 0 - 360 is
def lon180to360(lon):
return lon % 360.0
brews / cf_convention_example.txt
Created August 25, 2022 23:29
Example metadata in a random CMIP6 simulation data file following CF-conventions.
# Example CF-convention attrs/metadata
{'Conventions': 'CF-1.7 CMIP-6.2',
'activity_id': 'CMIP',
'branch_method': 'standard',
'branch_time_in_child': 0.0,
'branch_time_in_parent': 0.0,
'cmor_version': '3.4.0',
'creation_date': '2019-11-09T02:07:38Z',
'data_specs_version': '01.00.30',
'experiment': 'all-forcing simulation of the recent past',
brews /
Last active April 7, 2022 21:43
Get the size of packages from within active conda/miniconda/anaconda/mamba environment.
grep '"size":' ${CONDA_PREFIX}/conda-meta/*.json | sort -k3rn | sed 's/.*conda-meta\///g' | column -t
brews / papermill-test-workflow.yaml
Last active February 12, 2022 00:38
Simple Jupyter notebook with a "parameter" tagged cell for running with papermill. Includes Argo Workflow running notebook on jupyterhub container image.
kind: Workflow
generateName: papermill-test-
entrypoint: main
- name: main
brews /
Created February 8, 2022 21:25
Rough Argo Workflow to load daily PRISM variables, clip to CA bounding box, and output to single Zarr store.
import xarray as xr
tmin_url = "~/Downloads/tmin-20220208/annual.zarr"
tmax_url = "~/Downloads/tmax-20220208/annual.zarr"
tmean_url = "~/Downloads/tmean-20220208/annual.zarr"
out_url = "gs://fakebucketname/prism-ca-20220208.zarr"
tmin = xr.open_zarr(tmin_url).drop("crs")
tmax = xr.open_zarr(tmax_url).drop("crs")
brews / dask-internal-process-demo.yaml
Last active January 20, 2022 01:58
Example Argo Workflow creating a process-based dask.distributed job with a LocalCluster, internal to the pod's node.
kind: Workflow
generateName: dask-internal-process-demo-
entrypoint: dask
activeDeadlineSeconds: 1800 # Safety first, kids!
- name: dask
brews /
Created January 14, 2022 23:55
Launch downscale CMIP6 (dc6) Argo Workflow end-to-end tasmin runs with various parameter files.
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# 2022-01-14
# B. Malevich <>
# Launch Argo Workflow end-to-end runs with various parameter files.
set -e