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Created November 7, 2017 19:59
Lilliput vs. Pillow-simd
Setup: Intel Haswell, Debian. Both tests ran against the same image libraries (libjpeg-turbo etc).
Both ran on a single thread only. Save qualities were 85 for JPEG and WEBP, compress level 7 for PNG.
Both tests ran many iterations and then averaged results.
Benchmarking code can be found at
Test types:
- Header reading: We don't actually know what's in a blob of image bytes when we get it. Reading the header allows us
to decide if we want to resize the image.
- Resize, 256x256 => 32x32: We have lots of icon-sized assets that we need resized into various smaller formats.
These make up a pretty sizable percentage of our resizes.
- Resize, 1920x1080 => 800x600: This test is a somewhat typical case for some arbitrary remote image that we've
fetched and have to crop and resize down to a size the client can use. This gives us a test case for large images.
- Transcode: A few various test cases that are useful for us. Just image decode/encode only, no resizing.
JPEG 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.037861 ms min: 0.033855 ms max: 13.420820 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.041355 ms min: 0.038862 ms max: 0.269175 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 37.851110 ms min: 35.255909 ms max: 65.973997 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.034195 ms min: 0.031948 ms max: 0.703096 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32: 1083 Bytes, avg: 0.97 ms min: 0.89 ms max: 1.75 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32: 2090 Bytes, avg: 1.39 ms min: 1.31 ms max: 2.42 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32: 1366 Bytes, avg: 2.88 ms min: 2.65 ms max: 4.70 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32: 61644 Bytes, avg: 71.76 ms min: 68.54 ms max: 96.00 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600: 123522 Bytes, avg: 39.03 ms min: 34.09 ms max: 42.21 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600: 856122 Bytes, avg: 278.56 ms min: 272.84 ms max: 298.88 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600: 93564 Bytes, avg: 147.06 ms min: 142.81 ms max: 171.15 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600: 4017933 Bytes, avg: 1819.24 ms min: 1734.70 ms max: 1915.06 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256: 9790 Bytes, avg: 20.67 ms min: 20.12 ms max: 31.40 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256: 38724 Bytes, avg: 7.13 ms min: 6.76 ms max: 9.91 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256: 8511 Bytes, avg: 1.50 ms min: 1.44 ms max: 1.92 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.005083 ms, min: 0.004398 ms, max: 0.663941 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.003636 ms, min: 0.003362 ms, max: 0.134671 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.002145 ms, min: 0.001795 ms, max: 1.949846 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read: 1920x1080, avg: 0.003795 ms, min: 0.003521 ms, max: 0.140039 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32: 1078 Bytes, avg: 0.62 ms, min: 0.58 ms, max: 1.07 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32: 1411 Bytes, avg: 0.92 ms, min: 0.88 ms, max: 1.43 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32: 946 Bytes, avg: 3.19 ms, min: 2.87 ms, max: 4.57 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32: 18310 Bytes, avg: 27.96 ms, min: 27.31 ms, max: 39.77 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600: 117991 Bytes, avg: 37.30 ms, min: 36.06 ms, max: 50.85 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600: 722169 Bytes, avg: 178.61 ms, min: 176.41 ms, max: 203.03 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600: 88172 Bytes, avg: 129.14 ms, min: 124.67 ms, max: 171.35 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600: 2372725 Bytes, avg: 3255.42 ms, min: 3220.95 ms, max: 3301.01 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256: 9790 Bytes, avg: 22.52 ms, min: 21.53 ms, max: 31.95 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256: 40134 Bytes, avg: 6.38 ms, min: 6.20 ms, max: 9.17 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256: 18053 Bytes, avg: 5.57 ms, min: 5.44 ms, max: 7.88 ms
Lilliput seems to be a suitable replacement for pillow simd for our use cases.
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fenollp commented Nov 14, 2017

Kinda weird on GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:

GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600: 4017933 Bytes, avg: 1819.24 ms min: 1734.70 ms max: 1915.06 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600: 2372725 Bytes, avg: 3255.42 ms, min: 3220.95 ms, max: 3301.01 ms

Might be a good idea to watch closely clients uploading large GIFs (who does that anyway?)

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kkopachev commented Feb 27, 2018

Benchmark seems weird a bit.
Was pillow-simd compiled with AVX2 optimizations?
Why in pillow case image is converted to RGB/RGBA mode?
Looks like straight comparison of resizes in pillow/opencv is incorrect, since they produce different results.
Noticed resized jpegs have different output sizes. Since both libs use libjpeg-turbo with the same version and same settings, given same RGB bytes they should output same encoded jpeg. But output jpeg size is different, which means resize produced different results.
I also noticed that transcode in case of JPEG=>PNG produced different results, which is not expected. PNG=>WEBP produced same output (in terms of filesize).

Not sure if it's significant or not, but bench_transcode had 100 iterations in pillow case, but 1000 in go.

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homm commented Oct 15, 2018

First of all, never trust a benchmark which you can't reproduce. You can't reproduce lilliput-bench for the obvious reason: there are no test images. And since this is the benchmark which tests graphics codecs, results heavily depend on exact files modes and even content. So the first, what you need, is create some test data.

Now, with the installation instruction, we can start. This is my results on i5-4430 CPU (the same Haswell architecture as in the original test) and Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, running on bare metal. Pillow-SIMD version 5.2.0.post0 compiled with AVX2 running on Python 2.7.

JPEG 1920x1080 header read:  1920x1080,  avg: 0.036190 ms  min: 0.033855 ms  max: 7.170200 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read:   1920x1080,  avg: 0.040357 ms  min: 0.038862 ms  max: 0.266075 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read:  1920x1080,  avg: 0.678090 ms  min: 0.149965 ms  max: 14.508009 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read:   1920x1080,  avg: 0.029355 ms  min: 0.025988 ms  max: 0.365019 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32:  1132 Bytes,     avg: 0.87 ms    min: 0.81 ms    max: 1.06 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32:   3022 Bytes,     avg: 3.41 ms    min: 3.40 ms    max: 3.54 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32:  678 Bytes,      avg: 2.25 ms    min: 2.24 ms    max: 2.49 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32:   1897 Bytes,     avg: 3.55 ms    min: 3.53 ms    max: 3.91 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600:      112307 Bytes,   avg: 25.98 ms   min: 25.38 ms   max: 26.21 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600:       929497 Bytes,   avg: 331.29 ms  min: 330.92 ms  max: 331.71 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600:      92466 Bytes,    avg: 121.59 ms  min: 121.45 ms  max: 126.35 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:       411470 Bytes,   avg: 85.91 ms   min: 85.58 ms   max: 89.52 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256:    14668 Bytes,    avg: 12.43 ms   min: 12.41 ms   max: 12.65 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256:    109987 Bytes,   avg: 23.17 ms   min: 23.05 ms   max: 23.42 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256:     43766 Bytes,    avg: 3.40 ms    min: 3.37 ms    max: 3.54 ms

Lilliput master (commit 3960219) running on go 1.10.1.

JPEG 1920x1080 header read:  1920x1080,  avg: 0.005600 ms,  min: 0.004915 ms,  max: 0.172405 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read:   1920x1080,  avg: 0.003186 ms,  min: 0.002956 ms,  max: 0.051915 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read:  1920x1080,  avg: 0.001392 ms,  min: 0.001290 ms,  max: 0.017828 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read:   1920x1080,  avg: 0.004994 ms,  min: 0.004805 ms,  max: 0.029046 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32:  1117 Bytes,     avg: 0.67 ms,   min: 0.67 ms,   max: 0.97 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32:   2623 Bytes,     avg: 8.75 ms,   min: 8.72 ms,   max: 8.94 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32:  650 Bytes,      avg: 8.43 ms,   min: 8.42 ms,   max: 9.05 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32:   1954 Bytes,     avg: 5.35 ms,   min: 5.29 ms,   max: 5.77 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600:      104917 Bytes,   avg: 31.27 ms,  min: 31.22 ms,  max: 33.52 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600:       748236 Bytes,   avg: 406.31 ms, min: 405.98 ms, max: 407.65 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600:      82102 Bytes,    avg: 683.10 ms, min: 682.86 ms, max: 689.18 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:       314587 Bytes,   avg: 222.03 ms, min: 221.75 ms, max: 222.30 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256:    14668 Bytes,    avg: 76.34 ms,  min: 76.27 ms,  max: 76.54 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256:    108668 Bytes,   avg: 27.84 ms,  min: 27.79 ms,  max: 28.03 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256:     102390 Bytes,   avg: 35.29 ms,  min: 35.09 ms,  max: 35.41 ms

Some conclusions can already be drawn.

  1. Pillow-SIMD totally lost the "header" test. Indeed, most file parsing in Pillow done in Python itself without any speedups. On the other hand, the absolute numbers are often less than 0.1 ms which is acceptable for most cases.
  2. There is a huge difference between 35 ms, the minimal time for querying the WEBP image in the original results, and 0.15 ms in my results. This is due to the problem in earlier versions of Pillow, when whole WEBP image is loaded during the opening. This was fixed eventually.
  3. This is absolutely meaningless to compare PNG and GIF compression ratio and speed. Both formats are lossless, so if you have identical source images, the more time you spend to compression, the better compression you get. The problem that source images are not identical (I'll explain this below) and default preferences are different.
  4. Something is broken with WEBP compression on Linux in the latest Lilliput. It slow as hell. WEBP is a format with lossy compression (at least in this test) and its speed shouldn't highly depend on compression ratio. This is confirmed by this issue.

The most important test (which reflects the performance of the library itself) is a test which is not demanding on compression ratio (i.e. lossy format), is not broken like WEBP and operates large enough images. So the are only one test meet the requirements, this is the JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600 test. In the original benchmark it faster on Lilliput, in my benchmark it faster on Pillow-SIMD. There is no information which version of Pillow-SIMD was used for the original test or was it compiled with AVX2 support. But from the results, I assume a pre-4.3 version was used without significant optimizations for most general cases (which was already available at the time of the test). But this is only the beginning. In the original test, several more errors were made that distort the results. Let's look at the bencmark code.

Resizing filter

Lilliput uses INTER_AREA interpolation for OpenCV's resize function. Pillow uses a very flexible and high-quality resizing based on convolutions. It allows choosing exact quality for resizing and also affects performance. LANCZOS, which is used in the benchmark, produces very sharp images which looks much better than INTER_AREA interpolation. This affects not only the resize speed itself, but also the speed of following compression and the result size of coded images. BICUBIC filter a bit cheaper and its result is much closer to INTER_AREA, while still slightly better and shaper.

Added alpha-channel to PNG and WEBP images

As @kkopachev mentioned before, there is a very interesting line which converts JPEG images to RGB (while they are already) and adds alpha-channel to other formats. For JPEGs this is only one extra copying, but for other formats, this adds an extra size of compressed images and adds extra time on compression.

Preload codecs

Pillow is written in Python, dynamic scripting language. Each imported python file contributes to the loading time, that is why Pillow loads codecs lazily. The cons are that time is spent during test. You may see that JPEG and WEBP the maximum header read time is 100x higher than average and min.

What we get if we fix all the problems in Pillow-SIMD version:

JPEG 1920x1080 header read:     1920x1080,      avg: 0.068893 ms        min: 0.066996 ms        max: 0.257015 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read:      1920x1080,      avg: 0.049018 ms        min: 0.043869 ms        max: 0.116825 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read:     1920x1080,      avg: 0.559106 ms        min: 0.155926 ms        max: 5.062103 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read:      1920x1080,      avg: 0.035386 ms        min: 0.032902 ms        max: 0.418901 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32:  1109 Bytes,     avg: 0.70 ms    min: 0.69 ms    max: 0.91 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32:   2603 Bytes,     avg: 3.05 ms    min: 3.04 ms    max: 3.15 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32:  652 Bytes,      avg: 1.85 ms    min: 1.84 ms    max: 3.40 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32:   1897 Bytes,     avg: 3.42 ms    min: 3.41 ms    max: 3.58 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600:      107480 Bytes,   avg: 23.43 ms   min: 22.57 ms   max: 23.53 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600:       810489 Bytes,   avg: 243.70 ms  min: 243.24 ms  max: 244.43 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600:      84690 Bytes,    avg: 112.28 ms  min: 112.14 ms  max: 115.48 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:       411470 Bytes,   avg: 84.42 ms   min: 84.26 ms   max: 87.32 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256:    14668 Bytes,    avg: 12.43 ms   min: 12.42 ms   max: 12.62 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256:    109987 Bytes,   avg: 23.18 ms   min: 23.11 ms   max: 23.28 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256:     43766 Bytes,    avg: 3.42 ms    min: 3.39 ms    max: 3.50 ms

Fair result:

  • JPEG 256x256 => 32x32 — speed is equal, mainly because of the slow parsing of images in Python. Size is lower for Pillow-SIMD.
  • PNG and WEBP 256x256 => 32x32 — much faster in Pillow with the same size.
  • GIF 256x256 => 32x32 — faster in Pillow with smaller size.
  • JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600 — faster in Pillow-SIMD (still the fastest software for resizing images on CPU) with the slightly bigger size due to sharper result.
  • PNG and GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600 — time better, size worse. As I said before, the more time you contribute to compression, the smaller output image you get. The difference only in settings.
  • WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600 — slightly bigger file size due to a sharper result and dramatic slowdown for Lilliput.
  • PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256 — dramatic slowdown for WEBP in Lilliput.
  • JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256 — a bit faster, a bit larger due to PNG compression.
  • GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256 — the dramatic slowdown for Lilliput due to unnecessary palette​ to RGB conversion.

So there is no tests except header read when Lilliput truly wins. In turn, I want to say that in Pillow we need to look at the image detection and parsing speed.

In total, I've made five pull requests in lilliput-bench repository:

@brian-armstrong-discord, could you look at them?

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homm commented Oct 17, 2018

Bonus track: I have implemented optimization for which will be available in Pillow-SIMD 5.4.

It used to crop the image first, then resize cropped image to the desired size. Now it calculates crop size as before, but instead of cropping, it passes the rectangle to the resize function which uses it as the source. As a result, you can expect acceleration of about 32% in JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600 test.

JPEG 1920x1080 header read:     1920x1080,      avg: 0.075202 ms        min: 0.072956 ms        max: 0.258923 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read:      1920x1080,      avg: 0.054562 ms        min: 0.049829 ms        max: 0.174999 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read:     1920x1080,      avg: 0.526440 ms        min: 0.169992 ms        max: 5.101919 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read:      1920x1080,      avg: 0.043169 ms        min: 0.037909 ms        max: 0.396013 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32:  1109 Bytes,     avg: 0.68 ms    min: 0.67 ms    max: 0.91 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32:   2603 Bytes,     avg: 3.04 ms    min: 3.03 ms    max: 3.17 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32:  652 Bytes,      avg: 1.81 ms    min: 1.80 ms    max: 2.00 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32:   1897 Bytes,     avg: 3.39 ms    min: 3.38 ms    max: 3.57 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600:      107450 Bytes,   avg: 17.66 ms   min: 17.60 ms   max: 20.16 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600:       810516 Bytes,   avg: 239.70 ms  min: 239.29 ms  max: 241.37 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600:      84676 Bytes,    avg: 108.89 ms  min: 108.72 ms  max: 114.47 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:       411470 Bytes,   avg: 83.33 ms   min: 83.17 ms   max: 85.63 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256:    14668 Bytes,    avg: 12.45 ms   min: 12.43 ms   max: 12.66 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256:    109987 Bytes,   avg: 23.32 ms   min: 23.23 ms   max: 23.62 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256:     43766 Bytes,    avg: 3.42 ms    min: 3.40 ms    max: 3.53 ms

In overall, JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600 test becomes 77% faster on Pillow-SIMD than on Lilliput.

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WardBenjamin commented Nov 17, 2020

@homm For what it's worth, I'm not seeing the same results you are, using:

  • Go 1.15.5 (latest stable)
  • discord/lilliput b93131c
  • Python 3.8.5, Pillow-SIMD==7.0.0.post3 (all native dependencies installed, compiled with AVX2)
    • side note, the latest version of Pillow-SIMD on PyPi is lagging behind, and upstream Pillow is a major version ahead as well
  • homm/lilliput-bench 5afe036
    • this has all of your modifications included

On a virtualized Ubuntu 20.04 system with 6 cores (host CPU: Ryzen 5 2600X):

lscpu output
Architecture:                    x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:                      Little Endian
Address sizes:                   48 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
CPU(s):                          6
On-line CPU(s) list:             0-5
Thread(s) per core:              1
Core(s) per socket:              6
Socket(s):                       1
NUMA node(s):                    1
Vendor ID:                       AuthenticAMD
CPU family:                      23
Model:                           8
Model name:                      AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor
Stepping:                        2
CPU MHz:                         3600.002
BogoMIPS:                        7200.00
Virtualization:                  AMD-V
Hypervisor vendor:               KVM
Virtualization type:             full
L1d cache:                       192 KiB
L1i cache:                       384 KiB
L2 cache:                        3 MiB
L3 cache:                        16 MiB
NUMA node0 CPU(s):               0-5
Vulnerability Itlb multihit:     Not affected
Vulnerability L1tf:              Not affected
Vulnerability Mds:               Not affected
Vulnerability Meltdown:          Not affected
Vulnerability Spec store bypass: Mitigation; Speculative Store Bypass disabled via prctl and seccomp
Vulnerability Spectre v1:        Mitigation; usercopy/swapgs barriers and __user pointer sanitization
Vulnerability Spectre v2:        Mitigation; Full AMD retpoline, STIBP disabled, RSB filling
Vulnerability Srbds:             Not affected
Vulnerability Tsx async abort:   Not affected
Flags:                           fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext
                                  fxsr_opt rdtscp lm constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc cpuid extd_apicid tsc_known_freq pni pclmulqdq ssse3 cx16 s
                                 se4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt aes xsave avx rdrand hypervisor lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm cr8_legacy abm sse4a misaligns
                                 se 3dnowprefetch ssbd vmmcall fsgsbase avx2 rdseed clflushopt arat nrip_save flushbyasid decodeassists
lsb-release output
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Release:	20.04
Codename:	focal
uname output
Linux BEN-VM-UBUNTU 5.4.0-53-generic #59-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 21 09:38:44 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Here are my results with Lilliput:

JPEG 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.004800 ms,	min: 0.003180 ms,	max: 0.323940 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.005300 ms,	min: 0.004790 ms,	max: 0.527940 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.001274 ms,	min: 0.001120 ms,	max: 0.138480 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.003031 ms,	min: 0.002840 ms,	max: 0.126557 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32:	        1117 Bytes,	avg: 0.47 ms,	min: 0.41 ms,	max: 9.69 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32:   	2623 Bytes,	avg: 1.73 ms,	min: 1.63 ms,	max: 11.49 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32:  	650 Bytes,	avg: 1.37 ms,	min: 1.27 ms,	max: 4.27 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32:   	1954 Bytes,	avg: 1.58 ms,	min: 1.47 ms,	max: 3.95 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600:	104917 Bytes,	avg: 20.43 ms,	min: 19.49 ms,	max: 29.70 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600:	748236 Bytes,	avg: 115.92 ms,	min: 109.55 ms,	max: 163.37 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600:	82102 Bytes,	avg: 91.57 ms,	min: 82.92 ms,	max: 129.05 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:	314587 Bytes,	avg: 72.85 ms,	min: 65.94 ms,	max: 94.18 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256:	14668 Bytes,	avg: 9.28 ms,	min: 8.76 ms,	max: 19.37 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256:	108668 Bytes,	avg: 10.08 ms,	min: 9.58 ms,	max: 16.11 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256:	102390 Bytes,	avg: 11.13 ms,	min: 10.64 ms,	max: 25.81 ms

and Pillow-SIMD:

JPEG 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.053079 ms	min: 0.046968 ms	max: 0.318050 ms
PNG 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.039227 ms	min: 0.035048 ms	max: 0.718832 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 1.223647 ms	min: 0.134468 ms	max: 10.828972 ms
GIF 1920x1080 header read:	1920x1080,	avg: 0.026811 ms	min: 0.024319 ms	max: 1.053572 ms
JPEG 256x256 => 32x32:	        1109 Bytes,	avg: 0.51 ms	min: 0.47 ms	max: 5.39 ms
PNG 256x256 => 32x32:	        2603 Bytes,	avg: 2.35 ms	min: 2.27 ms	max: 8.18 ms
WEBP 256x256 => 32x32:	        652 Bytes,	avg: 1.53 ms	min: 1.46 ms	max: 5.44 ms
GIF 256x256 => 32x32:	        1897 Bytes,	avg: 2.52 ms	min: 2.40 ms	max: 9.40 ms
JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600:	107450 Bytes,	avg: 14.77 ms	min: 14.30 ms	max: 17.00 ms
PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600:	810516 Bytes,	avg: 199.02 ms	min: 193.53 ms	max: 210.72 ms
WEBP 1920x1080 => 800x600:	84676 Bytes,	avg: 93.90 ms	min: 88.23 ms	max: 130.73 ms
GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600:	411470 Bytes,	avg: 69.07 ms	min: 65.87 ms	max: 79.41 ms
PNG 256x256 => WEBP 256x256:	14668 Bytes,	avg: 10.38 ms	min: 9.88 ms	max: 15.85 ms
JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256:	109987 Bytes,	avg: 20.04 ms	min: 19.31 ms	max: 42.36 ms
GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256:	43766 Bytes,	avg: 3.06 ms	min: 2.89 ms	max: 4.13 ms

A few of my observations:

  • The results of my WEBP header read in Pillow-SIMD are over 2x yours. Weird.
  • The Pillow-SIMD WEBP header read is also almost 1000x slower than Lilliput. Lilliput also shows a 9x better GIF header read, a 7x better PNG read, and an 11x better JPEG header read. So yes, Pillow-SIMD still totally loses the header test.
  • My Python bench runs better than yours across the board. But, so does my Lilliput bench compared to the original benchmarks. Since 2018, there have been several updates to both libraries, the core Python/Go tooling, etc. I'm also running a faster processor, but in a virtual environment.
  • Lilliput shows better average speed results in every test except for (3/15):
    • JPEG 1920x1080 => 800x600 Lilliput: 20.43ms, Pillow-SIMD: 14.77ms
    • GIF 1920x1080 => 800x600 Lilliput: 72.85ms, Pillow-SIMD: 69.07ms
    • GIF 256x256 => PNG 256x256 Lilliput: 11.13ms, Pillow-SIMD: 3.06ms (this is significant, but not a common real world use case)
  • In JPEG 256x256 => PNG 256x256, Lilliput is about 2x faster. In PNG 1920x1080 => 800x600, Lilliput is over 70% faster. In PNG 256x256 => 32x32, Lilliput is over 35% faster. In GIF 256x256 => 32x32, Lilliput is almost 60% faster.
  • It's still hard to compare PNG and GIF compression ratio and speed, but we see here that Lilliput can produce an 8% smaller PNG, faster. That's a clear loss for Pillow-SIMD. The GIF comparison is less clear, since Lilliput wins on compression ratio and Pillow-SIMD produces a slightly faster computation.

Overall this shows a very compelling advantage to Lilliput, even in a fair competition.

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