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Last active July 13, 2023 08:37
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Expanded version of loading controller with edge cases covered
showRealView: (realView, loadingView, config) ->
xhrs = App.request "fetched:entities", config.entities
## ...after the entities are successfully fetched, execute this callback
$.when(xhrs...).done =>
## ================================================================ ##
## If the region we are trying to insert is not the loadingView then
## we know the user has navigated to a different page while the loading
## view was still open. In that case, we know to manually close the original
## view so its controller is also closed. We also prevent showing the real
## view (which would snap the user back to the old view unexpectedly)
## ================================================================ ##
switch config.loadingType
when "opacity"
@region.currentView.$el.removeAttr "style" if @region.currentView
when "spinner"
return realView.close() if @region.currentView isnt loadingView
## show the real view unless we've set debug in the loading options
@show realView unless config.debug
$.when(xhrs...).fail =>
## we want to close the realView if we've aborted an XHR request
## this ensures any instantiated views not yet inside of a region are properly closed
## we're allowing aborting because if there are multiple AJAX requests going on we
## run the risk of older requests finishing later (race condition) and then
## updating the view to an older incorrect request's view
realView.close() unless @region.currentView is realView
## also need to handle any error messaging to the client here
## --my implementation for that (project specific) --
## ...after the entities are finished regardless of success or failure
$.when(xhrs...).always =>
## we always want to close the loadingView if it exists
## and close out the loading controller since its no longer needed regardless
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