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Created April 15, 2018 17:10
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persistScoreTests : Test
persistScoreTests =
describe "when a score is persisted"
[ describe "when the request is successful" <|
state =
Headless.givenCommand (\_ -> HttpPersistScore.executeWith "http://fake-server/scores" ScoreTagger 87)
|> Spy.use [ Http.serve [ storeScoreStub 87, scoreRequestStub [ 81, 87, 98, 123 ] ] ]
[ test "it POSTs the new score to the score service" <|
\() ->
|> Http.expectThat (post "http://fake-server/scores") (
exactly 1 <| hasBody "{\"score\":87}"
, test "it GETs the scores" <|
\() ->
|> Http.expect (get "http://fake-server/scores")
, test "it returns the scores" <|
\() ->
|> Headless.expectMessages (exactly 1 <|
Expect.equal (ScoreTagger [ 81, 87, 98, 123 ])
type TestMsg
= ScoreTagger (List Score)
storeScoreStub : Score -> HttpResponseStub
storeScoreStub score =
Stub.for (post "http://fake-server/scores")
|> withBody ("{\"score\":" ++ toString score ++ "}")
scoreRequestStub : List Score -> HttpResponseStub
scoreRequestStub scores =
Stub.for (get "http://fake-server/scores")
|> withBody (bodyForScores scores)
bodyForScores : List Score -> String
bodyForScores scores =
++ String.join ","
( (\s -> "{\"score\":" ++ toString s ++ "}") scores)
++ "]"
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